RKP Hunt's Speculative Fiction

Full Version: Chapter 18: Everyone's Enemy
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Morning came too quickly and Scott prepared breakfast for him and his guest; who was sitting at the breakfast bar waiting patiently. They hadn't said anything to each other since they awoke and the only communication they had was awkward glances. Scott didn't even bother to ask her what she wanted to eat, but instead made a simple breakfast of eggs, bacon, and toast.

He set her plate down in front of her, before he began to finish up his own eggs. Whenever he made bacon and eggs, he always cooked her eggs in the left over bacon grease the way she liked it. He would then wiped out the pan and make his own. When he finished, he took the stool next to her and began to eat his meal.

Ayanna tried not to look like she was rushing to finish her meal, but she wanted to eat quickly and shower so she could escape the apartment for the day. Even though she was going to work with him, she knew she could find work separate from him.

“I am going out tonight. So you will have the apartment to yourself.” Scott told her when he could no longer take the silence.


His heart sank slightly when she didn't question him about where he would be going. Though he didn't know if he wanted to tell her, especially after what happened the night before. “I have a date.”


“My friend, Joseph, has a cousin that he wants me to meet.” He cleared his throat when Ayanna had no response and went back to eating. “He thinks that I'll like her.”

She dropped her fork onto her plate which caused a loud clanking sound, before she stood up and walked into the bathroom for a shower. Quickly undressing, she got under the hot water and allowed the tears that were forming in her eyes to be washed away, unnoticed.

She didn't know what she was really upset over. Was it because of Tristan or Aven or Scott? It felt like she was bombarded by every relationship this past week. Hell, it even felt like she was attacking herself now.

What was she doing? That was the question that kept coming to mind. Did she really have something for Scott now? Was it always there? Or was this just another one of her attempts to use her body to forget her heart? Was she even mad at her sister or Tristan? It felt like she should be upset, but the truth was she wasn't that hurt. It angered her to know that her sister would callously sleep with someone she knew was her boyfriend, and she tried to talk herself into a rage, but the emotions weren't there.

She felt dead on the inside. That wasn't new to her, however. She was always using others to fill that void of silence that forced her to be with herself. She didn't like that person and didn't want to spend any time with her. She was a miserable excuse for a human being, she decided. She forced Tristan to be with her. She tried to force Noah to be with her sister. She forced Scott to take care of her despite knowing about his feelings, and then just last night she tried to force him to take the empty position in her life.

Stepping out of the shower, she put her hair up in a towel and wrapped another around her body. She hadn't brought her change of clothes and would have to walk to her room. When she exited the bathroom, Scott was standing in the hall with wet hair and only a pair of pants on. It appeared that he had gone into the master bathroom to shower.

“I'm sorry, that was an inappropriate thing to talk about right at that moment.” The way he spoke seemed genuine. “If you want, I can stay here with you tonight. You probably don't want to be alone.”

“I'll be fine. Go on your date and have a good time, Scott.” She took a step to head for her room.

Scott shook his head and put his arm on the wall to stop her from walking past him. “I can just put it off.”

“Forget about what I said and did last night. You were probably right. I am just confused right now.”

“Ok.” He slowly nodded as he let her pass. He could feel his heart ache at her words, but knew this would be difficult.


Aven made waffles for breakfast along with some bacon. Noah actually came downstairs and sat at the table with them. Aven didn't know if she was thankful that he was there or not. She was glad to have a buffer between her and Tristan, but after what he did last night she still wanted to punch him.

The only noise as they ate was the clanking of their silverware against their plates. Tristan hadn't spoken a word the moment he arrived, and Noah had barely mumbled a morning greeting. Aven's only question was how well done they wanted their bacon, and her answer was two sets of shrugged shoulders.

“I apologize for last night.” Noah broke the silence once everyone was half way through their meal.

Aven simply nodded to acknowledge his apology, she really didn't want to talk about this in front of Tristan.

“I don't know what I was doing. I had been drinking.” He didn't know how that would make things better but he wanted to explain somehow. “Was he alright?”

“He's fine.” Aven said coolly.

The silence returned as did the uneasy tension that filled the room. This time it was Tristan's turn to break it.

“I am moving out.” His announcement caused both people at the table to turn their heads to him. “I am going to find my own place and take care of my career on my own. I talked with Cathleen and she thinks she can get me a part in a new movie that she is doing soon.”

“Oh.” It was the only thing that Aven could think to say.

“I won't be needing you as my assistant anymore.” He told her firmly as he set down his fork and knife on his plate.

She gave a brief nod. “I didn't expect that you would.”

“Are you certain about this?” Noah asked. He felt strangely saddened by the announcement, as if he was a losing a friend he never knew he had.

“Yes. I think that it's time that I grew up and joined the real world. I have been thinking about it a great deal lately. After everything that has happened here, I think it would be best for everyone if I moved out.”

“When will you be moving out?” Aven asked as she continued to eat and seem like she wasn't bothered with the news.

“As soon as I find a place I can afford. I know that if I don't give a months notice that I forfeit my deposit, but I think it will be for the best. With me gone, Ayanna can move back into the house.”

She looked up from her plate. “It's not really you that she is upset with.”

“I am more surprised that you are doing this for others.” Noah interrupted before Tristan could respond to Aven's comment. “What happened to you between last night and now?”

“Nothing. I just gave it a lot of thought after our... talk yesterday, and I know that it's in my best interests not to live here anymore. I feel like I am everyone's enemy.”

Aven shook her head. “You aren't the enemy, Tristan. It's Ayanna and I who did horrible things to you, not the other way around. We are at fault.”

He tried to offer her a smile of sympathy. “That may be. I have learned a lot from you three, and I am glad that I moved in here, but I think my welcome is over.”

“If you insist.” Aven frowned. “Let me know when you find your place. I won't withhold your deposit since you are doing this for us.”

Noah's eye turned down to his plate. It felt like change was coming and that made him uncomfortable, who else among the small band they had created was going to cause a wave and where would that leave him?

After breakfast, Aven got dressed and prepared herself for her lunch date with Jeremy. She knew that she had several hours before she had to leave, but she couldn't help but to get ready. It wasn't necessarily that she was excited to see him, but that she wanted to get out of this house. If she was doing something then maybe both of her roommates would leave her alone.

By ten in the morning, she had nothing left to do after three hours of trying on outfits and messing with her hair and make-up. She knew it would take half an hour to get to the restaurant and she wanted to be ten minutes early as well. That meant she couldn't leave for another hour and twenty minutes unless she wanted to do some light shopping at the nearby stores, but she feared she would get held up.

“Can we talk?” Noah was standing at her bedroom door.

“This is not your section of the house. Why would you just walk in like that?” Aven snapped and hurried to the door to herd him away from her bedroom and into the living room.

“I knocked and used the intercom, but you weren't answering me besides if it's such a big deal then you should lock the door.” He was perturbed by her obvious attempt to get away from him, but then remembered that he hadn't come here to fight with her.

Standing in the living room near the kitchen door, Noah leaned against the wall and for the first time noticed that she was dressed in a beige dress.

“Are you going out?” He looked her over briefly and noticed that she wasn't wearing any shoes yet.

Aven crossed her arms over her chest and glared up at the men before her. “I am meeting Jeremy for lunch.”

“You just saw him yesterday.” Noah knew that this was going off topic from what he had wanted to discuss but his mouth just couldn't stop talking about it.

“So? I see you everyday, why can't I see him just as much?” She scratched her nose as she spoke. “Anyway, what did you want to talk to me about?”

“I wanted to clear up my actions from last night.” He stood up straight from his leaning position and clasped his hands together in front of him.

Aven pressed her lips together as she thought over the morning's events. “Didn't you do that at breakfast? You said you were drunk.”

“I explained why I may have done it, but I didn't convey the emotion behind my actions.”

“What emotions?” Her voice carried some concern over what he might say. She didn't know what emotions she wanted him to have.

“I don't want you to think that I am jealous of you and Jeremy. I have no interest in you romantically, so you are free to do as you please.”

“I never thought otherwise.” She cleared her throat. At least, she had gotten a clear answer from him and now she knew exactly where she stood, not that Noah had ever created a blurry line for her. In truth, she had suspected that he was jealous that she was going to kiss another man, and it had excited her slightly. Noah didn't show her any thing close to feelings during the time they were together, so she didn't know why she would expect it now.

“Yes, but my actions could be seen as jealousy and I wanted you to be assured that they were not.” He gave a firm nod as he tried to convince both her and himself.

“Good, it would have been a burden if there was anything there. I have already moved past you, so don't worry I won't misunderstand.”

“Great then. I am glad that we cleared the air then.” He turned to the kitchen door and opened it. “No misunderstandings are best for this situation.”



She couldn't get away from him no matter how hard she tried. Ayanna wanted to check on the girls and see about running errands for them, but Scott insisted that he needed her help at the office. She tried to go out for coffee, but he told her that he had already sent someone. No matter what she attempted to do, he had already blocked her exit. It almost felt like he was doing it on purpose, but she couldn't imagine why.

“Aren't you done with the hiring phase?” Ayanna asked as she sat down in front of Scott's desk and began to play with the pen in her hand.

He shrugged his shoulders, “It never hurts to add one or two more girls to the site. I am always looking over applications.”

She pressed her lips together. “I feel like I am just sitting around doing nothing, maybe I should just go home... er, back to your apartment.”

Scott looked up from the computer screen with a slight frown on his lips. “I need you to look over some of these girls for me. Also, I want you to find out how many hours the girls have clocked each.”

“Doesn't your assistant do that for you?”

“She is out today, so I am going to have to lean on you for the day.” He returned his eyes to the computer screen. “Don't worry it's all things that you have done before.”

“Why does it just feel like busy work? I think that my place at your company has become obsolete, Scott.” Ayanna stood up from her chair. “Maybe I should start looking for another job. I feel like I come in here, do random things, and then you pay me with sympathy cash.”

He brought his brows together as he stood up from his own chair. “That's not true. Your insight when hiring has never guided me wrong. It's the reason my sites are doing so well, because you give...” He stopped when she waved her hand in front of him.

“That's enough. I may have helped a little in the beginning, but I am starting to see that this was just a pity job on your part. I needed money so you made me think that I was working.” Ayanna lowered her head causing some of her hair to fall into her eyes. “Last night, I made a deal with myself. I wouldn't lean on people anymore and I would go out and learn to live on my own as much as possible. I really only came here today to see if this job was a real one, and from what I have seen I know now that it's not.”

“Ayanna, I...”

“No, Scott.” She could already tell he was about to make an excuse. “Even if I have to work fast food or show my tits on camera like these girls, I am going to earn money all on my own. Not through your sympathy and not by sleeping with other men. It's time that I grew up and honestly, Scott, I think I have out grown you. So, please just put up with me for a little while longer while I find a job and an apartment of my own, after that we won't see each other anymore.”

She turned to leave, but Scott was quick to move around his desk and block her escape. “I don't want us to end our friendship.”

“Neither do I, but I think that it's for the best. All I have ever done is rely on you, and I don't trust myself to stop doing it in the future. You'll keep me in this state, through no fault of your own and I can't allow that. I'm done being the Ayanna that I once was. I need to change in order to find happiness.” She lowered her eyes briefly before looking back up at him. “It's not goodbye forever right now, we still have time but I want you to be aware of my decision.”

“If that will make you happy.” He tried his best not to sound devastated about her choice.

Ayanna smiled and gave a nod. “I am going to pick up applications and check the internet for job listings. I probably won't see you before you leave for your date, so good luck. I hope she is the girl for you.”

Scott stepped aside and allowed her to exit the room. There was a pain in his chest that constricted his heart and lungs, but he knew he couldn't give into them. He was at work and he needed to move past Ayanna as much as she needed to be away from him.


Noah sat in front of his computer in the bedroom. His eyes stared at the screen and the words he had been writing, but nothing was coming to him now. All he could think of was what Aven was doing with Jeremy in those moments. Certainly, they had to be meeting for lunch by now but he wondered what they would do after that.

His mind returned to the kiss he had almost witnessed the night before and he could feel his gut tighten. Trying to shake the thought away, he tapped his fingers against the keyboard keys but didn't actually press any of them. There was something not right with him and it had began when Aven left for Florida.

He had feelings for her. He had told her a hundred times that he didn't have anything for her, and in the beginning it was true, but eventually he just ignored them. It was too late now. He knew what he felt, yet had pulled her aside anyway to confirm with her that he felt nothing for her. Maybe if she believed it wholeheartedly then he would as well.

It hadn't worked.

Instead, he found himself thinking about her more. She didn't look bothered at all that he said there was no feeling in what he had done, and that had hurt him more. It wasn't like he wanted to admit his feelings to her, after all he had just realized them himself due to his bizarre behavior. He didn't want her, but he didn't want anyone else to have her either. He knew it was childish and selfish, and he refused to act on it anymore.

It was no use lying to himself. He knew there was something wrong when it was just him and Ayanna. It was his opportunity to turn her toward him, but he just didn't feel anything. The more she talked, the more he recoiled. She was nothing like how he had made her to be in his mind. Everything he liked about her seemed to be something he had briefly noticed then in his writer's brain had built upon. The Ayanna he thought he could love was just a product of his imagination.

It was Aven that had been the real person sitting in front of him. He was just so caught up in ensuring she kept distance and watching Ayanna that he failed to take notice of her. It would be too cruel to tell her how he felt. He had already pushed her away enough and to play with her emotions again, especially when he was still so unsure he couldn't allow himself to do that.

“Noah?” Tristan's voice came over the intercom.

Leaving the bedroom, he walked into the living room where the intercom was. He pressed the red button. “Yes?”

“I am in the kitchen, may I speak to you?”

Noah walked down the stairs and opened the door to find Tristan standing in front of it. “Is something the matter?”

He shook his head. “I just wanted to say something. I said some pretty harsh things over the past few days and I have done some rotten things as well.”

“Admitting fault doesn't seem like you.”

Tristan didn't seem to find any humor in his words. “I don't know what it is, but since Aven rejected me I've taken a good long look at myself. I think the best thing she could have done for me was exactly what she did. I think I need to change myself as well. She showed me that being stagnant would only hurt me in the long run.”

“And you seemingly came to this conclusion over night?”

He nodded. “Believe it or not. I really sat down with myself and thought it over after our argument. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I am sorry that our time together was so antagonistic and I hope that my remaining days here will be more peaceful with you. I'm no longer jealous of you and Aven, so let's be friends.” He held out his hand.

Noah shook it briefly. “Are you sure friends is the appropriate word?”

Tristan smirked. “I've probably talked to you more in these past few months then I ever did any other person I called friend, so yes, I think it's the most appropriate word.” He turned to leave but turned back around. “Oh, and as your friend, I think you should stop hurting yourself and Aven. Just admit that you have feelings for her and tell her. She was really broken up over you.”


“Well, I am leaving now.” Scott adjusted his tie and peered into the living room from the hallway that led to the front door.

Looking over the back of the couch with the black puppy in her lap, Ayanna smiled. “You look very nice. Good luck.”

Somehow, her happiness about his date made him angry especially after the stunt she tried to pull the night before. She had told him earlier that she wouldn't see him before his date, so he had been pleasantly surprised that she was home when he arrived. He had slightly hoped that she would beg him not to go, but that didn't seem to be the case. “Alright, then I will be back late.”

“Or hopefully tomorrow.” She winked at him.

“Yeah, probably not on the first date.” Turning to the door, he took a deep breath, looked over his shoulder once and then left.

Ayanna was left on the couch with her dog. “He's gone on hundreds of dates before and I never cared, so why I am I jealous now?” She asked Nyx. “Is it because he told me how he felt about me and this is his first date?”

She had a full glass of red wine on the coffee table, but couldn't reach it unless she moved Nyx off her lap. She positioned her on purpose so she wouldn't drink it too fast.

“I miss my own bed.” She sighed as she watched the movie she had on the television screen, but the sound was muted. “Don't you, Nyx? Wouldn't you rather be home?”

The puppy didn't respond and just continued to lay on her lap as she stroked her.

“Do you think Aven misses me?” She sucked on her bottom lip. “I miss her. I'm not even mad anymore. I just don't know how to face her. I've never tried to attack her like that before and maybe I don't have any right to live there now.”

She moved the dog slightly, so she could lean forward and grab her wine. Taking a large swig, she put the glass back down and sat back as she shifted the dog again.

“I can't believe it's a Friday night and I am sitting in someone else's empty apartment talking to a dog.” She mumbled. Standing up, she went to grab her purse by the front door and pulled out her cell phone.

She couldn't decide who she wanted to call. Her heart wanted to call home and find out how everything was going there, since no one seemed to be calling her. She feared talking to both Tristan and Aven, but she thought calling Noah would be just as awkward.

Looking through her phone numbers, she noticed that these were people she drank and danced with, or people she slept with. None of them were really her friends. After a couple more gulps of wine, she made her decision on who she would call.

Putting the phone up to her ear, she waited for the voice. “Hey, Noah. It's Ayanna.”

He seemed surprise that she was calling him. “Ayanna. How are you?”

She smiled sadly, “Fine, and you?” She didn't really care about his brief answer and just wanted to get right to the point. “May I ask you something and you promise not to tell Tristan or Aven about it?”


She sighed. “Are they alright?”

Noah paused on the other end as he didn't seem to expect that question. “Tristan announced at breakfast that he is moving out and he seems to be coming out of his shell a bit more lately. Aven left for a lunch date with Jeremy and hasn't come back not even for dinner, so I assume she is doing well.”

“Do they miss me?”

“What happened is rather a taboo subject and Aven doesn't seem to want to discuss it, but she has been going out a great deal lately. I would say that she doesn't like being here because it reminds her that you aren't here.” He wasn't about to mention anything about Tristan because they both knew that answer. “I miss you as well. My mornings aren't nearly as cheerful.”

Ayanna giggled. “Thanks.”

“Will you be coming home soon?”

“I don't know.”


Jeremy blew off the rest of his day of work to walk around the shopping malls and have dinner with Aven. They laughed and chatted for most of the day and even bought some items for themselves. After it was all over, they went to his house for their meal which he promised to prepare himself.

Once the meal had ended they moved to the living room for a glass of wine, but the mood soon became heavy. Aven could tell after the wine had been poured that there was something on his mind that he wanted to discuss.

“You seem lost in thought.” Aven wanted to tread lightly onto this subject as she feared what this conversation might entail.

Taking a drink of his wine, he set the glass down on the table. “I have been giving this some thought, and I know it's a bit early for us, but we have known each other for quite some time. I just feel like we don't get to spend enough time together to really move this relationship forward.”

Aven hoped he wasn't going to ask her to move in with him.

“I have some vacation time, and I know you've never been out of the country. I was thinking we could go overseas, anywhere that you have wanted to see. I'll pay completely.”

It wasn't as bad as she had anticipated and her heart felt relief. “I wish I could, but Ayanna can't pay all the bills on her own. I have to get to work and...”

“I'll handle the cost of living for Ayanna for the month.” He tried to sound more reassuring then pompous or pushy.

She quickly shook her head while she waved one hand in front of her face as the other hand put down her glass of wine onto the coffee table. “I couldn't...”

“You can, because I know you aren't in a financial position to do something like this and I am the one asking you to go. Besides, it'll take a couple months to get everything cleared up at work and we will be able to get to know each other a little more, plus we have to plan the trip.” He took another drink of his wine. “I really want it to be just the two of us for a while. No Tristan or Noah or Ayanna. Just me and you. So, please do this for me.”

Aven pressed her lips together and she took a moment to think. “Give me more time to make a decision.”

He nodded. “That sounds fair.” Jeremy didn't look thrilled with her answer, but he knew that this was a big decision and he couldn't force it.

“Dinner was good.” She was quick to change the topic in hopes that the mood would change with it.

“I may not be a gourmet cook, but I get by. I've had to living on my own. It got to the point that I would look at a Chinese food container and my stomach would churn.” He chuckled.

“Did you take lessons?” She reached for her glass of wine.

Jeremy gave a nod. “Overseas. Though it was mostly in India, so if you like curry then I am your man.” He winked.

Aven laughed lightly. “I don't think I have ever tried Indian food before. Will you make me some the next time I come over for dinner?”

“Certainly, though it can be an acquired taste for those that grew up on American cuisine.” He shrugged his shoulders, “I'll just have to make sure there is a spare frozen pizza just in case.”

“Pizza doesn't make your stomach churn?”

“Pizza boxes, those buckets that the chicken comes in, and almost all of those white Styrofoam containers that they pass off for doggy bags these days.”


Scott stared at the beautiful woman sitting across from him. Her lightly curled silky hair cascaded over her shoulders and when the light hit the brunette locks just right there was a hint of red. The eyes that stared back at him were a mix of blue and green, and her smile seemed genuine. It was a nice smile not too much teeth or too much gum, which was where Scott always found his attraction laid.

“Joseph tells me that you have a BA.” He put his menu down as they sat in the back of the restaurant far away from several other guests.

Felice looked up from her menu and smiled. “I bet he didn't remember what it was in.”

He smirked and nodded. Scott liked the way she spoke. It sounded intelligent and kind, but at the same time had some will to it.

“Art theory with a minor in business. I help put together galleries and hope to run my own in the future. I hear you are a small business owner.”

“I hope Joseph told you in what field.” This was always the worst part for him. Some women didn't care what he did, but other women found him to be a slime ball while others thought it was their opportunity to put someone in the scummy porn industry in their place.

She smiled again. “I suppose someone has to exploit the depressed little girls with daddy issues.”

“Ouch.” Here it was. The moment of truth about the woman. He just hoped she didn't throw water in his face or scream too loud.

She delicately waved her hand in front of her lips. “I'm sorry.” She giggled. “I was just teasing you, but you should have seen your face. You looked like I was sort of evil monster who eats anyone involved in the porn industry.”

“I was expecting the speech. I get it a lot whenever I meet women.” Scott's heart settled when he realized that she wasn't going to preach at or debate him.

Felice nodded her head. “Yes, I would imagine so. If I had a problem with it, I wouldn't have come out here tonight... well, unless I was really the aforementioned porn guru eating monster, I suppose.”

He smiled as he watched her put down her menu. “I thought being seated back here would give us our privacy from the other guests, but I think it has the same affect on our waiter.”

She looked behind her and as a bus boy walked passed, she spoke to him. “Excuse me, could you tell our waiter that we are ready?”

He gave a brief nodded before disappearing into the kitchen with his dishes. Neither of them knew if that particular kid would get the job done, but they felt satisfied enough to turn back around and continue their conversation.

“I have a hard time believing that you are in any way related to Joseph.” Scott told her as she took a drink of her water.

“A great deal of people say that. Is it the looks or the fact that I am not calling everyone bitches and using whatever form of street slang that he believes he is talking in?”

He shook his head as he smirked at her question. “It's the looks, but I guess the lack of slang and cursing does pull up some red flags.”

“My father got all the looks and brains apparently. My uncle is a good man, don't get me wrong, but how many times can you get your fingers chopped off in a car engine before you learn to turn it off first?”

“Should there even be a first time?”

Felice giggled. “Joseph told me you went to college as well for a business degree.” She didn't wait for more than a moments acknowledgment before she continued. “He also told me a great deal about your high school friend and how she is now living with you.”

“Joseph has a very big mouth, doesn't he?” He reached for his glass of water and took a drink in an attempt to hold off the conversation.

“Yes, he does.”

“May I take your order?” The waiter asked as he appeared by their table.

“Saved.” He mumbled to himself but knew he would explain things to her later.


Aven put her purse down on her bed and smiled to herself as she thought over her day. She had expected to only go out for one meal, but ended up spending two with him. Though her time spent with Jeremy was enjoyable and she could see herself having real feelings for him; they hadn't arrived yet. The thought of kissing him didn't make her heart race like it had with Curtis and Noah, but she knew that it would eventually.

That was why she was giving serious thought to his proposal to go on vacation together. Maybe she really did need time away from everything and everyone in order to get to know him better. They had been friends before but she always remembered him being with Curtis and never alone with her. Thinking back maybe that was something that Jeremy did on purpose.

The phone ringing in her bedroom startled her out of her thoughts and she walked over to her nightstand to answer. Looking at the caller ID the name was blocked.


A cheery voice spoke on the other end, “Aven, it's Cathleen.”

Aven fell into silence. Who was Cathleen and how did she recognize her voice on the phone? After a moment, the name clicked into place as she remembered Tristan talking about her and their time together in Florida.

“From the movie shooting? I was the leading actress. Did you really forget me?” She teased.

Aven chuckled. “No, I didn't forget you. Actually, Tristan mentioned you this morning. I'm sorry but there is a lot on my mind.”

“He mentioned me? Oh, because of the movie deal, right?” There was a smile in her voice. “Anyway, I wanted to call and talk to you, mostly about Tristan. Is he alright?”

Sitting down on her bed, Aven sighed heavily, she didn't know why but she decided to tell Cathleen everything. Once the story ended, the actress was silent on the other end for several seconds. “Cathleen?”

“Wow.” She took another moment. “I had no idea that he felt that way about you, and there was I screwing around with you and using you for information about him. I'm sorry.”

“I don't care for him in that way, so there is no need to be sorry. You didn't hurt me.” Aven swallowed. “I did a terrible thing, and I don't know how to fix it.”

“I was a mistress once. A movie producer convinced me to sleep with him in order to get a part, of course he never gave me a part and I pretty much just stayed a kept woman for a couple years.” She exhaled. “Worst part was my close friend was his wife. When she found out, it destroyed our friendship and to this day I wish it hadn't happened. I hated myself for what I did, but a couple years later, we ran into each other. She told me that even though she would never be my friend again that she was sort of glad that she found out the truth about her husband. Of course, it would have been better if he hadn't been that type to begin with, but she was glad that I eventually told her.”

“Well, I hope my sister doesn't decide not to see me anymore.” Aven laid back on the bed, her hair spread out across her comforter. “Thanks for telling me that though.”

Her voice contained sympathy. “I am sure you're sister will be glad she found out. It sounds to me like Tristan didn't really care for her and she was just grasping for him desperately. Something needed to be done to end things.”

Aven smiled and then decided to change the subject. “So, Tristan is calling and actually talking to you?”

Cathleen laughed, “My jaw fell to the floor when he identified who was on the other line. Never did I believe he would call me and he actually said more than a few words. It was quite shocking. He said that some terrible things happened and made him take a look at himself. So, I was being really nosy when I called just now, but I wanted to make sure it was nothing bad that would hurt the movie if I got him a part.”


How she managed to go from making dinner to sitting in Noah's bedroom, Aven decided she'd never know. He kept trying to start a conversation with her and she kept ignoring him, but the moment he mentioned his manuscript she was suddenly interested. Of course, he caught on to that and asked her up to read it and Aven had refused, but now here she was.

Sitting in front of the computer, she read over the first few chapters. The book wasn't finished yet, but Noah said he had all his notes written already. He seemed rather excited about this book and it included everyone that lived in the house as well as much of what happened to them, though with Noah's writing flair to make it more fictional than reality.

“I just don't know how it's going to end.” He told her as he sat on the bed behind her. It was a hint to her that things between them hadn't ended so of course he didn't know. Aven didn't seem to pick up on it.

“Well, you could end it tragically with them all realizing that they shouldn't have muddied their relationships or happily that they become friends again.” She told him before she continued to read.

He watched her as her lips moved occasionally while she read over his words. In his mind, he continued to ask himself what he was doing with this girl and why he kept asking for her attention. Continuing to do this would only hurt her more in the end, and Tristan's announcement that he was moving out had gotten Noah thinking about doing the same.

A light smile appeared on Aven's lips, “This chapter reads a lot like the one in 'First Nothing' when Douglas wakes up and can't figure out why that girl is in his bed. He keeps saying that he hates her and there was no way that he could have slept with her.”

Noah's heart began to beat so wildly that he was certain that it might just explode. “You read my book?”

She nodded and turned her chair to look at him. “Yeah, while I was in Florida. It wasn't in the store that one time that we went and I got Tristan's book instead to read while they ordered it. I got it the next week, but I had already started the other book and wanted to...”

Aven's words were cut off as Noah kissed her firmly on the lips. Her face was enclosed in his hands and she was too shocked to react. When he pulled away, he was smiling. “You really read my book? Did you like it? No, no, don't tell me. Writers shouldn't ask that of people.”

She continued to stare at him dumbfounded and her look seemed to make Noah come back to his senses.

“Uh, I apologize, I don't know what I was thinking. I shouldn't have done that.” His words lingered in the air, “Do you want to slap me?”

Aven said nothing and simply turned back around to continue reading the manuscript. When she finished she finally spoke. “I like what you are doing with the characters. You can see each person in them, but they aren't carbon copies of us. Also, you seem to have your voice back in this book which is what made your first book so good. The other stuff of yours has a darkness in the writer's voice that just destroys the story you are trying to tell.”

Noah looked slightly shamed and simply nodded at her remarks.

“Once you polish this up and pick an ending, I think it will be publishable.” Aven stood up from the chair. “Well, I am going to head back downstairs. I'll see you tomorrow.”

He watched her leave and exhaled his relief only for Aven to stick her head around the corner.

“Oh, and Noah?”

His eyes turned up to her and there was a light smile on her lips.

“Try to make it a happy ending, alright? I understand if the characters won't let you and it doesn't make sense, but...” She didn't finished her sentence and just allowed him to do so on his own as she disappeared behind the wall once more.