RKP Hunt's Speculative Fiction

Full Version: Chapter 2: Emotional Smut
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“Tristan seems a little odd, kind of like Aven. The guy upstairs though, Noah, he is really nice.” Ayanna was leaning against the café table and picked at her chicken Caesar salad. The little café that they had chosen was one of her favorites. It was peaceful and the outdoor porch had a view of the golf course pond. They were alone on the outdoor patio, because Scott had paid the café to keep others off it. Ayanna hadn't been told of this expenditure.

“Last night, over dinner,” She continued. “I actually had a conversation with someone. He is really intelligent too. Did I mention he is a writer? Apparently, he had a book on the best seller list.”

“Oh? What book?” Scott asked as he ate his pasta.

“Um, oh geeze, he told me the name of it.” She clicked her tongue as she thought. “I think it had the word 'first' in it.” She waved her hand to brush away the thought. “I'll ask him again and let you know.”

“Don't you and Aven feel uncomfortable with two men in the house?”

“On the contrary, I feel more secure. We aren't two women living alone anymore. Aven was a little upset that we couldn't afford to put in a security system though.” She shrugged. “I guess we will save up and install it in the future.”

“I could pay...”

“No, Scott. You know that I don't feel comfortable with you doing things like that.” She turned her head to look out over the golf course, as she leisurely placed a piece of chicken in her mouth.

“I don't understand. You take money from people all the time, why can't you just accept mine when I am offering?”

She returned her attention to him. “Because they are just men, and you are Scott. I haven't been best friends with them since the ninth grade. Borrowing or even giving money to a friend can cause problems down the line. They could need your help some day and you won't be able to give it, and then they will be offended because they gave you money that one time. Money divides friendships.”

“You have several men that you have taken money from and have continued to see them over the years. It doesn't seem to divide you.”

Ayanna sighed in annoyance. “That's because I sleep with them and most of them are married. They give me money to basically shut me up and keep me happy.”

“I want to give you money to keep you safe. I have even offered to pay off the house before you went through with this nonsense and created two rental properties in your own home.” Scott's voice didn't hide his frustration.

The harsh look on Ayanna's face melted and she stood up. She walked around the small table and draped her arms around his neck, hugging him from behind. “I know why you want to do it, Scott. I appreciate that you would, but that's all I really need from you. I love you too much to let something like money get in our way. So, please lets not talk about this anymore.” She tightened her hug slightly.

Scott patted her arm, “If that's what you want.” He felt an ache in his heart when she released him and returned to her chair. “Can you hang around? Maybe we could catch a movie or something?”

“No, I already missed two meals for the tenants. I have to at least cook them dinner, so lets finish up the interviews. I need to head home as soon as possible.”

He nodded his head before attempting to get the attention of their waiter.

“Absolutely not.” Camille sat in front of Noah's laptop that he had set up next to his bed. There wasn't much room to move around as his desk and bed took up most of the space. He used his larger bedroom as an office for his books and his desktop computer.

Noah was sitting on the edge of the bed as she read over his manuscript. “What's wrong with it now?”

“I swear, Noah, every time I come over here your writing gets worse. This is why I have to ride you constantly.” She stood up from the chair and walked around the bed to stand in front of him.

Noah was leaning back on his hands with his feet dangling off the bed.

“It doesn't read like a woman writing it. There aren't enough emotions but more importantly, when you write smut it's not just about the act. You have to add in a ton of emotion.” She ran her hand over her forehead. “Remember, women like to read about men who are basically women on the inside. I told you that before.”

“That doesn't make any sense.” He spoke exasperated.

“Of course it does. Women want to read about how much a man loves his woman and how basically he feels the same way about sex and love as they do. They don't want to read about the truth that men are quite capable of sex without any emotional attachment.”

He licked his lips briefly. “Alright. You are fine with the story, but I need more emotion and my male character needs to be a woman.”

“Only on the inside.... and more emotional smut. It's not the act that counts, but the feelings during the act.” Camille leaned against the dresser behind her before looking around the room. “This place is a short step up from that dirty motel you were staying at.”

“I've only been here two days. I have yet to pass judgment.”

“Lease or monthly?” She asked as she worked her way out of the bedroom and into the living room.

“One year.” He responded.

“You share a kitchen then?” Her eyes fell on the stairs that were on the back wall that led downstairs.

He nodded. “They cook for me... or at least I pay extra for them to.”

His living room furniture was still not built or was scattered around the room. The office and his bedroom were the only two rooms he had put together, and she feared checking the bathroom. “Does she clean for you as well?”

“If I ask her to, she is supposed to.”

Camille looked up at the ceiling. “It's too white in here. Hurts my eyes. You should paint the walls. Give a splash of color here and there.”

Noah snorted. “I think I will leave it as is. At the rate the land lady is going, I think I have reason to break my lease early.”

She placed her hands on her hips and turned to face him. “It's a far cry from that beautiful apartment that you used to live in.”

“I couldn't afford it anymore, not after... that thing.”

They both fell quiet for a moment.

“Fair enough.” She exhaled before heading over to the window and pulling back the curtain. “The neighborhood is so... Victorian, isn't it? Makes me feel like we are a century in the past if it weren't for the cars. It'll be good for your writing if and when you open a window.”

“Is that all Camille? You have criticized my work and my home, aren't you done now?”

She chuckled. “Very well. I can hear a big fat 'get out' when it's bluntly spoken.” She slowly walked in front of him and kissed his cheek. “You need some sun, so don't keep the curtains closed all the time. It's not healthy, and get more sleep.” She told him as she used her thumb to wipe the lipstick from his face that she had put there.

“Ok, now you've criticized me. You're done, I'll see you after at the deadline.”


Noah opened the front door for Camille out as Ayanna was heading into the house. She smiled as she stepped aside to let the attractive woman out onto the porch. When she stepped into the kitchen, Noah shut the door behind her as she sat down her purse on the table.

“Girlfriend?” She asked as she put her car keys into her purse.

“Where were you today?” The question made him sound like he was a possessive boyfriend.

Ayanna looked toward him as he came to stand beside her. “I called here. Interviews for the models ran late and I am even home a little earlier than what Scott wanted. He still needed me, but...” She looked at her watch. “it is already three, so I figured I better come home and get things squared away.”

Nothing about models or a man named Scott made sense to Noah, even though she talked like Aven had conveyed this information to him. He slammed his hand down on the table. “I pay an extra four hundred dollars for you to cook, clean, and buy groceries for me. This is only the second day I have moved in here and I had cereal in the morning and I was forced to make my own lunch.”

“I'm sorry, it couldn't be...”

“The next time this happens, I will deduct my chef costs for the day from my rent. Do we understand each other?”

She slowly nodded her head. “You have to know that I can't be here all the time. There will be days when I will have to miss making you a meal.”

“Then make your sister do it. I don't care who cooks it. You are in breach of our contract when I come down here and have to make my own meals. If this continues, I will find other lodging.” He made his way toward the door to his apartment and slammed it behind him.

Ayanna startled when the door shook random items in the kitchen. The man had been such a gentleman when she first met him, and she wondered what could have possibly happened since then. He really didn't seem the type to get angry over such a simple matter. The more she thought about it the more upset she became.

Making her way into her own living room, she found it to be dark as usual. Aven sat in front of the computer as she chewed on a slim jim that hung from her lips with an open container of tapioca on her desk.

“Can you believe that man?” Ayanna snapped as she tossed her purse onto the couch.

“He's right.”

Ayanna snorted and choked on her own words. “How can you agree with him? Did you not hear how he spoke to me?”

Aven's shoulders lifted briefly and quickly fell. “Make his meals. He'll shut up.”

Crossing her arms, she stared at the back of her sister's head. She was pretty sure that she had seen those pajamas for at least four days now. “When was the last time you showered?”

She took a moment to think, “Monday.”

“Ok, that was five days ago. Go take a shower!”

“Don't take it out on me.” Aven continued to play solitaire on her computer and ignored her sister's command.

“I swear, Aven, I will get the vinegar squirt bottle!”

Aven tossed the slim jim from her mouth onto her desk and headed to the back of their floor near the bedrooms.

“I'll fetch you a clean pair of pajamas!” Ayanna called behind her as she shut the bathroom door once she had entered.


Tristan sat on his beige couch as he stared at the sixteen inch television. Most of his items were donated from friends so none of it really matched. There was a blue recliner between two oak side tables matched up with a cherry coffee table. His old fashioned television was set up on a black television stand that Eric had bought for him for twenty bucks. It was made of plywood and looked very cheap.

In his bedroom, there was no frame for the bed so the box spring laid on the ground and two of his five dresser doors were broken. He hung up most of his clothes anyway, so he decided to only throw things like socks and underwear into it.

This was definitely different than the life he used to live. Fancy hotel suites and a large house with his own security team. Life was definitely different now and he couldn't decide if he was happier then or now. He couldn't really remember who he was back then; not through all the drugs that were once flowing in his blood.

As he sat watching a blurry vision on a tv sitcom, the phone rang and he picked up the wireless receiver. “What?”

“Is that anyway to answer your phone?” Eric spoke from the other end.

“Caller ID said it was you.”

There was a long sigh from the other man. “How are things going?”

“Miss me?”

Eric chuckled. “A little bit, but it's not anything I won't get over. I actually brought a girl home the other night. Do you know how nice that is? My cat also enjoys not being tortured by you. I think we are going to get along just fine.”

“I didn't torture your cat. It just never liked me.” Tris leaned his head against his hand and the receiver as he rested his elbow on the armrest of the couch.

“Uh huh. You didn't answer my question. How is everything going?”

“Girl didn't make lunch or breakfast today. I thought that was in the lease?”

“It is. I'll call and talk to her about it.” Eric made an umph sound that was familiar to Tristan, he always did it when he was sitting down on the couch.

“Don't bother. I think that author already tore her a new one.”

“Ok. So, other than that everything is alright? I mean I specifically put you there because there are two girls. How are you handling that?”

Tristan sighed audibly. “I told you before I am not afraid of girls.”

With a chuckle that told him that Eric didn't believe him, he continued. “Alanna, was that her name?”

“I think it's Ayanna.” He hated the fact that Eric always seemed to get him talking as usually he was a quiet person, but there was something about this friend that could always make him chatty. It was probably because he trusted him and wasn't afraid to speak his mind.

“Yeah, her.” He cleared his throat. “She seems outgoing and friendly. You should try to buddy up with her. The author might be a good idea too, though I haven't met him.”

“I don't need your encouragement to make friends,” He stretched out both his arms over his head and held the phone up to his ear using his shoulder. “besides the other girl seems more my speed. We ate breakfast and lunch together alone today.”

“It was comfortable?”

He grunted a yes.

“Great!” Eric sounded excited. “Friends and girlfriends are normalcy. That's what you need to find for yourself. Once you get one or two things to normal, the rest will follow.”

“I guess.”

“Is she attractive?” He asked and when there was no answer he added, “The girl you ate lunch with?”


“You say that about all of them. Are you sure you don't like guys?”

Tristan rolled his eyes and hung up the phone without giving a response. He tossed the phone to the other side of the couch and continued to watch the sitcom.


Aven dropped her head into her hand when she heard the knock at her door. A glance over at the corner of her computer screen revealed that it was one in the morning. Standing up, she opened the door and hoped to be rid of Noah quickly. She knew it was him because she had heard his footsteps coming down the stairs. Only the stairs from the basement made squeaking noises.

“Answered on the first knock. Took me a while yesterday to get your attention.” Noah smiled, and when she just continued to stare at him he continued. “I wanted to apologize properly for this afternoon. You are an adult and you have every right to make your own nutritional decisions.” There was a pause as he waited for her reply, but still he didn't receive one. “Do you forgive me?”

Aven nodded. She hoped if she just said all was forgiven that he might go away, but the pushy individual proved himself to be obtrusive as he had been the other night.

Holding up a bottle of red wine that he was hiding behind the door frame, he smiled. “Shall we share a glass?”

“I don't drink.”

“Oh, well then, mind if I have a glass?”

“It's your apartment.” She started to close the door, but Noah caught it.

“I meant in your living room with you.”

“No.” Aven spoke bluntly.

Noah smirked, “Come now. It's lonely up there by myself. I won't take up too much of your time, just one glass of wine.”

Aven decided that she just didn't want to fight with him and stepped aside. Noah grabbed two wine glasses from the kitchen table before he stepped inside. Once he had entered, she shut and locked her door before sitting down at her computer chair. The couch was directly behind her and Noah took a seat on it. Their backs were turned toward each other, but Aven found that was the only thing that gave her any comfort.

“You changed your clothes. Have a nice bath?” He asked as he set the glasses down on the table and poured one for himself. He heard her barely grunt a response. Looking over the back of the couch, he noticed she was playing solitaire and next to her computer was a small fridge. Piled on top of the fridge was a large stack of slim jims.

Picking up his glass, he walked over to the fridge next to her and picked up one of the processed meat packages. “Do you eat this?”


“Blah! This is the lowest grade meat you can get. I mean it's practically dog food.”

“It's good dog food.” Aven sighed as she continued to play her game on the computer.

Her response forced a smile out of Noah before he set it down. “What's in the fridge?” When she motioned for him to see for himself, he opened it. The small fridge was packed full of ready made tapioca.

Sitting down crossed legged on the floor next to her chair, he looked up at her. “You don't eat anything other than this stuff?”

She barely shook her head to answer him.

“Hey, would you mind if I wrote all this stuff down? I mean you are a really interesting person from a writer's perspective and I would love to have a character like you for my next book.”

“Whatever.” She answered without really thinking her answer through.

Noah set the wine glass down on her desk and then pulled out a small notebook from the back pocket of his slacks. “Excellent. I'll just write down all the little things you do and the answers you give me. It won't be very intrusive.” He told her as he began to write in the notebook.

She looked down at the man sitting on the floor. “What?” From her vantage point she could see he had already written down quite a bit.

“Just mini interviews and what not so that I can get to know you. It'll be on your time, so don't worry. I have a deadline coming up for another book though. We won't really begin until then.” Standing up, he headed for the door and didn't allow her to give a response.

When he left, she stared at the glass of wine still on her desk and wondered what exactly had just happened.


Opening and closing the cabinets and drawers of the kitchen, Aven looked everywhere for a funnel. The open bottle of wine and the full wine glass had been driving her crazy for the last hour. She had hoped that Noah would come get them, but he never reappeared. The thought of knocking on his door had crossed her mind, but she figured he would only try to invite her up.

She knew they had a funnel as she had seen her sister using it before, but since she had stopped cooking three years ago the kitchen organization was a mess. Aven no longer cooked because it only reminded her of her mother and Curtis. Her mother had always been an awful cook, so when they discovered that Aven was actually quite good at it she became the residential chef. The two would always tell her how wonderful her cooking was, and she could never get their words out of her mind. The kitchen was the most hated part of the house for her and the one room she wished they had renovated.

She heard the crack of the basement door and turned her attention to it. Tristan seemed to seep through into the kitchen and looked at her with a full glass of wine and a bottle in front of her. “Noah left his wine out.” She told him. For some reason she felt the need to explain, she didn't want her roommates to think she was an alcoholic too. “I need a funnel.”

“I'd drink it, but I don't drink anymore.” Tristan told her as he walked over to the counter and began to search for the funnel along beside her. He found it on the back of the top shelf of the cabinet that Aven couldn't see.

Placing it in front of her face as she looked into the bottom cupboard, she looked up at him and barely smiled a thank you. She began to dump the wine from the glass back into it's bottle before she put the cork back in. “Does this go in the fridge?”

“No, it's red.” Tristan informed her as he looked through the refrigerator himself. “Do we have any snacks?” He was realizing that this was the first conversation he had actually had with this girl. It seemed comfortable too, because they were only really sharing brief tidbits of information.

“Slim jim?” She placed one in front of his face like he had done to her with the funnel. It was like she had been carrying the long stick of meat around with her.

Tristan took it from her and shut the refrigerator door. “Thanks.” He waved it at her before turning toward his door to head back down, but he stopped abruptly. “Do... do you like movies?” He asked her without turning back to face her.

“I guess.”

“My television is small. Would you like to watch one with me?”

She knew he was asking to use her larger television in her living room. In truth, she wanted to say no, but all she had to look forward to tonight was more solitaire. “Sure.”

He quickly ran down the stairs to his apartment and returned with a stack of DVDs. Holding them out for her to look at the titles, he spoke. “You pick.”


Nodding his head, he looked over the titles and pulled one out before placing the rest on the kitchen table. They made their way into the living room and Aven put the movie on. Sitting down on the couch on opposite sides the movie began. Tristan thought this would be the point that it would become uncomfortable, but inside he soon was lost in the movie and forgot that Aven was even there.


The unmistakable pressure of an urine pile up forced Ayanna to open her eyes. She had been ignoring the warning for some time now and knew she had to get up to relieve herself. Heading out of her bedroom she heard the faint sounds of the television but didn't really process it. Only when she was sitting on the toilet did she really start to wonder if the television in the living room was on. Aven never watched anything in there, so she wondered what was going on.

Once she finished in the bathroom, she made her way down the hall. Since the couch was positioned in a way that anyone on the right side of the couch could see a person come down the hall, she noticed Tristan. He looked at her briefly and Ayanna looked toward the computer chair behind him. It was empty so she stepped further into the room to find Aven on the other side of the couch. It had been so long that she had seen her sister use the couch that it looked foreign to her.

Aven made eye contact with her briefly, before returning her attention to the television.

“Water. I am getting...”

“Shh!” Both Tristan and Aven shushed her in unison.

Slightly weirded out by the experience, Ayanna made her way into the kitchen where she was immediately greeted by the strange Dr. Jekyll or rather she hoped that side of him was there. She'd had enough of Mister Hyde for the day. He was attempting to open a bottle of wine and didn't notice when she entered the room.

Walking over to the sink, she pulled a glass from the cupboard and turned on the tap. The squeaking noises got Noah's attention and he turned toward her.

“Oh, good...” He looked out the kitchen window at the darkness outside. “midnight.”

Ayanna half smirked before drinking from her glass of water.

“I'm glad I caught you. I am sorry about the way I spoke to you earlier.” He continued to struggle with the cork on his wine bottle. “I could have treated you with more respect than I did.”

“No, it was my fault. It's in our contract that I cook for you and I didn't. I was thinking that if this ever comes up again, then I will make your food and put it in the fridge. That way all you have to do is heat it up in the microwave. Would that be alright?”

Noah nodded his head. “Sounds great, but I just wanted to say that when it comes close to a deadline I get irritable. I can't promise something like that won't happen in the future, but I will try to keep it to a minimum.”

Ayanna smiled cheerfully before continuing to drink her water as she watched Noah struggle with the cork. “Problems?”

“I think your sister did this. I was talking to her in your apartment earlier, and I left my glass in there. When I came down to collect it, I saw the bottle and wine glass here.” He motioned with his eyes toward the counter. “She didn't just put the cork in, but pushed it all the way back down. The cork screw is just damaging the cork, so the only way I can get the bottle open is if I push the cork all the way down and into the wine.” He sighed. “I would have to drink an entire bottle however if I did that.”

She laughed. “That's my sister for you. Just push it down, I'll drink half of it with you.”

“Really?” Noah looked up and watched her nod. “I'll hold you to that. Do you have a little strainer or something? We don't want any little cork pieces floating around in our glasses.”

“Yeah, I have something. Let me get it.”

After he strained out their glasses, they sat down at the table. “You have a deadline coming up then?”

“Next week.” He informed her after he took a drink of his wine. “Would you mind if I asked you some questions?”


“I find your sister to be a great character for a book, but she's a little difficult. Actually, it's just one question about her.”

Ayanna looked hesitant. “She is a rather private person, but if it's not something that would bother her I could answer, yes.”

“The food. What is going on with her three food groups there?”

She chuckled to herself. “Oh my gosh. Let me see.” She sipped on her wine. “When Curtis and mother first died, she said she could only stomach that nasty bland cereal. She only ate that for about three months. I told her she needed protein and vitamins, so she added the slim jims as her meat source and the tapioca came later for more calcium and dairy... even though she already has milk in her cereal.” Ayanna shook her head gently. “It's hard to explain insanity really. I mean she truly believes she can't stomach other food.”


She shrugged her shoulders. “I think eating prepared food reminds her too much of the meals she ate with mother and Curtis. Her cooking was a huge ordeal for them. That's also why she eats with her head down like that, so she doesn't see the homemade food.”

“How do you survive living like this?”

Again, she shrugged. “Eventually, insanity seems sane.”


It had been a month since the men had moved into their apartments. Ayanna had found that Aven and Tristan had a movie night together at least once or twice a week. She often made jokes about love being in the air, but Aven wouldn't have any of her teasing and would shut down for a couple hours.

Noah, too, was a helping hand when it came to Aven. He often followed her around asking her questions and attempting to get her to engage in conversation. Even though his company seemed most unwelcome, Ayanna liked knowing that her sister was no longer alone no matter how much she demanded she wanted to be.

The two men's presence felt like they had filled the void of their home slightly. Three years ago two members of the household vanished over night, and in one day two new members had arrived. No matter how much Aven wanted to, she couldn't escape the fact that they had roommates and she would have to interact with them. She still didn't talk as much as she used to, but she had seen her sister have short conversations with the men at times. It was more than she had ever gotten out of her in the last few years. Part of her was pleased and the other was jealous, but it was a pleasant jealousy.

“Can you dip the bread in the egg for me?” Ayanna asked her sister who was sitting at the kitchen table doing nothing.

Aven looked up from the table at her sister who was making French toast. “No.”

She had expected that answer, but she wanted to test her sister from time to time to see if there was any progress. The fact that Aven was in the kitchen with her and not in front of the computer as she cooked was good enough for her at this point. “Do you remember when mom and you made raisin French toast and had that cream cheese filling? I hope you'll make that again someday.”

“Knock it off, Ayanna.” There was actually some emotion in her voice, but that wasn't surprising. Aven hated speaking about Curtis and her mother.

“I didn't do anything. I just said I wanted to eat your French toast.”

“Stop it.”

Ayanna sighed in defeat. “Fine. You win. I'll stop talking about you having any responsibility over this house. Just let me take care of it all and you sulk in the corner about deaths that happened three years ago.”

Nothing was said from the other side of the room, but she could feel heated eyes upon her back.

“Wallowing in your own self pity while every one else around you has to cater to your psychotic episodes.”

“Damn it, Ayanna! Why can't you just leave me alone? You forced roommates on me! Fuck, you forced yourself on me by moving in here to begin with!”

Ayanna turned to face her and found her standing up with one hand on the table. “Excuse me? I forced you? I can barely have a life anymore because I am constantly taking care of you! And because we don't have enough money, I now have to cater to tenants which you won't lift one finger to help me prepare their meals or clean their rooms!”

“No one asked you to do any of this!” Aven barked as Noah appeared in the kitchen.

“You'd be homeless right now if I hadn't come to your rescue and made all these plans!” Ayanna shouted back and Tristan appeared immediately after.

Aven seemed to notice her audience and quickly made her way into her own section of the house, slamming the door behind her.

“Is everything alright?” Noah asked.

Ayanna offered him a large smile. “I haven't argued with my sister like that since... gosh before my mother died.”

“Not the response I expected.”

“Don't you see? That was emotion and she actually spoke to me! She actually expressed herself to me!” She looked giddy. “Have a seat breakfast is almost ready.”


Aven knew that she was the only one in the house when the doorbell rang. Noah had something about visiting a friend, Ayanna had gone to meet Scott, and Tristan had mumbled something about guitar strings before disappearing. As much as she hated the thought of leaving her chair, she slithered out of it and made her way into the kitchen just in time to hear it ring again.

Opening the door a man with a black ponytail in a black business suit with white shirt smiled at her. “Hello. Is Tristan home?”

“No. You would have known that if you called ahead.” She began to shut the door.

Eric was used to Tristan treating him in the same manner, and didn't even realize he had blocked a complete stranger from shutting her door until his foot was already in the way. “Do you know where he went?”

“He said something about guitar strings.” She glared down at his foot briefly.

“You must be Aven.”

Her eyes returned to his face when she heard her name and she seemed to wait for an explanation.

“I'm Eric. Tristan's agent. If he is only making a quick errand, would you mind if I came in and waited for him downstairs?”

Aven stepped aside and allowed him to enter. “You can wait in here.” She informed him and motioned to the kitchen, before heading toward her own living room.

“Would you mind if I got myself something to drink?” He asked knowing that like Tristan this girl probably needed to be reminded of hospitality.

She sighed audibly and turned back to face him. “Coffee, soda, milk, orange juice, or water?”

“A cup of coffee sounds nice.” He sat down at the table and watched the woman pour him a cup of coffee. Her hair was a mess and she wore bright pink pajamas that looked very big on her. “How old are you, Aven?” He asked when she placed the coffee cup in front of him.

“Twenty eight.”

“A year older than Tristan then. What about your sister?”

“Twenty six.” She answered with a look that he thought was boredom. At least, she seemed hospitable enough that she wasn't making a jet for the door like she had before. A small reminder was all she needed unlike Tristan who needed to be poked and prodded the entire time.

“Your sister and your names are unique. Family names?”


“Oh? Your parents just liked unique names then?”

“Aven is a flower. Azelea is a flower. Ayanna means flower.” The tone in her voice told him that she thought he should have known that already.

“Azelea, there is a third sister?”

The front door began to open and Ayanna stepped in, destroying both of the kitchen occupants hopes for Tristan. Aven rushed for the living room door and shut it behind here, leaving Eric to be Ayanna's problem.

Eric stood up and helped the woman with the two grocery bags she was carrying. She was already near the counter, so he didn't really need to bother.

“Long time, no see.” She smiled as he set the bags down. “Waiting for Tristan?”

He nodded his head and sat back down at the table to drink his coffee. “Your sister is a lot like him. No wonder he is doing so well here.”

“Yeah, they are almost best buds. Have movie nights together.”

“Really?” Eric spoke with surprise in his voice and smiled when she gave him a nod in reply. “That's fantastic. I mean it's not ideal that they share the similar social problems, but it's a start.”


Ayanna began making dinner after Tristan returned home and the two men went downstairs. She had invited Eric to stay for the meal but he had declined. As she was snapping the green beans, the door behind her creaked open and Noah entered into the kitchen.

“What are you doing here? I thought you left.”

He shook his head, “No, I have been here the whole time. I am leaving in a few minutes though.”

She could smell his cologne in the air. “Big date?” She asked and when he looked at her with eyes that asked why she thought that, she grinned. “The cologne. You've never worn it before.” She quickly added, “Not that I am paying attention or anything.”

“Ah. No. If I don't wear it though, she'll think I am letting my hygiene go and bitch about it. Just an old friend.” He was wearing a nice suit and fixed the sleeve as he looked over the woman in front of him. She was wearing a black dress and heels. “A date tonight for you then?”

“No, I just had lunch with a friend. He is the only one that keeps me grounded and sane.” She told him as she continued on with her task. “So, no girlfriend then?”

“I... I haven't really been interested in dating for a couple years now.”

Ayanna could hear something in his voice that told her to stop prying into the topic. “I don't really keep a steady boyfriend myself. Really the only guy that I do keep in my life is Scott.”

“Your friend?”

“Yes.” She placed another green bean in the large plastic bowl. “I assume you won't be here for dinner then?”

“No. I'll be eating out with my friend.” He looked over the items she had on display. “What are you making?”

“Green beans and something with ground turkey. I haven't really decided yet. Maybe meatballs or meatloaf. I don't really know.” She sighed as she looked over at the meat. “I yanked it out this morning and didn't really give much thought to it.”

“Well, I'm sorry to be missing it.” He began to head toward her living room door. “Is Aven in?”

“Yeah, she's at her computer probably. Hey...” She turned around to catch him with his hand on the door. “when do you think you'll be back tonight?”

“I'll probably stay over at her house. It's a long drive, but she has some ideas she wants to discuss with me.”

“Oh, a writer friend?”

He gave a gentle nod. “Why do you ask?”

Ayanna licked her bottom lip as she thought of how to put this. “Oh, well, I was going to ask you if you wanted to share a bottle of wine again tonight. It was fun talking to you.”

“Let's do that tomorrow night then.”

“Really?” She clasped her hands together. “I'm not imposing on you by asking that?”

“Well, let me be honest, I will ask a couple questions about your sister as payment.” He winked. “After all not everyone can just have a glass of wine with me.”

She giggled. “If it's for your book then I have no problem with it.”

“Very well, if you take no issue with it, we have ourselves a date.” Opening the door to her living room, he smiled at her. “I'll say my goodbyes on my way out then.”

“Okie dokie!” She twirled around excited that she may have found someone to actually talk to in this house. She was beginning to doubt that anyone in this house would become a friend to her, but knowing she could have some wine with one of them from time to time gave her some hope.

She knew that Aven and Tristan were out, especially how close they seem to have become, despite it being eerily quiet when they had their get-togethers. Noah had really been her only option and she had feared asking him to another bottle of wine. Now, she knew that it really had been his deadline that caused him to become so unstable, however.

Aven didn't hear the person enter the room behind her as she clanked away at the computer. She was trying to fill in a report to the main office about difficulties with their system lately. Everyone had been having trouble and they needed first hand information on what was causing the system crashes lately.

“You work IT, right?” Noah's voice spoke from behind her.

“Don't read over someone's shoulder.” Aven spoke calmly even though her heart was racing from fright.

He noticed that she didn't answer his question. “What do you do exactly?”

“I'm a human FAQ. What do you want?” She turned in her chair to face him as he leaned his bottom against the couch behind him.

“Did you go to school to be able to do this?”

“I have an associates in Computer Networking Technology.” She realized this was another one of his annoying question sessions. “I have to send in a report. I don't have time for this right now.”

Noah was beginning to notice that Aven talked to him slightly more than she did everyone else. He knew it had much to do with his ability to pester and manipulate people, but he found it somewhat enjoyable to know that she was now using more than three or four words with him. “I have to drive a couple hours out to see a friend tonight, do you want to come? It would keep me company on the long ride.”

“No.” Not only did she not want to go because she hated leaving the house and she had work, she knew keeping him company would just be answering his useless questions for two hours.

He smirked as he had expected that answer. “How about we go up to my apartment and I do a short interview. Fifteen minutes at most.”

“I have to start work in five minutes.” She turned her chair around and tried to concentrate on her report.

“Alright. How about we make use of those five minutes then?”

“No.” She spoke inaudibly, but Noah could guess what she said.

Standing up straight, he put his hand on the back of her chair and spun her around. When she was facing him again, he knelt down and looked up at her with a grin. “Lets not be antagonistic. Not only am I looking to get a great idea out of you, but I really do want us to be friends.”


That one word was incredibly insulting to him and every time she spoke it, he had to suppress the beast within. Not only did he dislike being told no, but she didn't even try to smooth it over with an explanation. “I'm being pushy, aren't I?”

She just stared down at him and didn't respond.

“What would have been more natural is becoming friends first, then I could have just learned all the facts about you that way. However, I got too excited when I came up with a great idea and took a route that makes you vexatious.” He stood up and gave a nod. If pushing her to do something had reached its limit, then perhaps he could go in for the kill with the wounded puppy act. “You know, I just haven't been able to find a muse in such a long time. I am forced to ghost write novels for other authors, and I just want to be able to...” He watched her stand up and head into the kitchen, briefly he thought she was heading up into his own apartment. Instead, Aven took a turn to the left and headed down into the basement without even knocking first.

Noah looked over at the girl's sister. “They have a relationship where she can just enter into his apartment unannounced?”

“Seems to be.” Ayanna mumbled as she continued to make the meal.