RKP Hunt's Speculative Fiction

Full Version: (CH2) Chapter 9: Black Coffee
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Julian entered the little coffee shop in the mall and saw Adonia wave at him from the back of the small line of tables. He gave a short wave as he moved towards her.

His heart beat rather rapidly as he became somewhat excited over the idea that she had called him. She had actually needed him to talk to, and he thought that maybe even after only one double date that he might be able to win her over.

She looked beautiful as always. Her hair always perfectly curled in the front and her make-up immaculately done. She looked like an angel who could cure anyone of their ailments with a single smile. Her laughter could remove all the pain in one's body. At least, he remembered feeling like that about her, but now he couldn't feel that tightness in his chest.

She smiled as she handed him a paper cup with a plastic lid. "I ordered you a latte, I hope that is alright. You don't seem like the guy who cares for sweet drinks too much."

"It's fine. I am usually a black coffee drinker."

Adonia chuckled, "I'll remember that for the future then."

Was she flirting with him? Was she suggesting that they would get together alone in the future? Something like that would be a date, right?

Julian nodded and took a sip from the plastic lid. "So, you said you needed my help?"

"Advice, yes." She opened her mouth to speak but slowly opened it. "I don't know how to say anything to you without making it seem like I am trying to cause trouble."

"Cause trouble for me?" He pointed to his own chest. "I highly doubt you could cause more trouble for me than I get into all by myself."

She chuckled, "I suppose not." She took a deep breath and stared down at her coffee cup for a couple seconds. She didn't know where to start the story or if she should just blurt it out.

"Adonia, it's alright, what happened?" Julian told her when he couldn't sit in the silence a moment longer.

"Has Riane told you that Blake had plans to move her into his apartment? He wants to pretend to be her fiancee until college is over." She held her breath as she regretted telling him immediately as she was afraid that Julian might become furious.

Instead, he smirked and nodded. "Yeah, it happened a couple months ago. Riane told him she wasn't interested, why?"

She swallowed, "Yes, he talked to Riane about it then, but he brought it up to me just over the weekend. He is still considering it."

"I see." His heart dropped in his chest and he tried to swallow to moisten his throat that had gone dry. When that didn't work he took a big drink of his coffee. "She hadn't told me that. I mean did she know?"

"I told her when I met with her last. I am sorry if I am causing any trouble between you two." She abandoned the warm cup of mocha and folded her hands on her lap. "You see, Riane told me that her answer was no, and I assume that means it is still no."

"I would assume so." He felt somewhat relieved to realize that.

"However, there is the issue of Blake."

"Blake? He's never seemed problematic to me." Julian took another drink from his cup and set it down gently.

"I confronted him. I told him that I thought he was in love with Riane all along, and that he just used girlfriends for the sex and what not. I think that Riane had always been his girlfriend. Do you know what he said?" Adonia tried to fight any tears welling up in her eyes.

"No." He barely mouthed the words as customers entered into the coffee chop and went over to the cash register to place their order.

"Nothing." She replied.

Julian didn't understand what she was trying to get at with that response. "Nothing?"

She nodded her head, "He didn't deny it, Julian. The woman he supposedly loves is accusing him of loving another woman, and he couldn't even bring himself to say that she was wrong. Could you imagine if Riane accused you of loving someone else, what would your response immediately be?"

"Of course not." The answer slipped out of his mouth before his brain processed what he was actually saying. His chest tightened as he thought of Riane. "I would do whatever was necessary to prove to her that I only loved her."

Adonia was taken aback by his answer. She expected him to hesitate. In fact, she had wanted him to seem reluctant, but he couldn't say the words fast enough. "Yeah." She cleared her throat. "That is the appropriate response."

"Well," His voice cracked for a moment, and he cleared his throat before continuing. "it seems to me that Blake is acting alone in this endeavor. Riane has said she declined and therefore we must trust her. She hasn't lied to me yet... except about being a guy, but that was a lie by omission really. I mean, I was the one that assumed that she was one... a guy that is."

Adonia could see that he was flustered, and part of her heart grew jealous though she couldn't understand why in that moment. "Uh, yes, we should trust her."

Julian was trying to think of a way out of this situation. He wanted to pick up Riane and talk to her about this as soon as possible. He needed to know that her answer was still the same as it had been before. She agreed to stay because part of their deal was that he would get Adonia in the end of the break up. Well, he had to remind her that if she just moved out with him that he wouldn't be getting his part of the bargain.

Granted that meant that Adonia would be single and he would be able to go after her. He had been trained how to deal with her more appropriately, but... he didn't want Riane to leave. He wanted his friend to stay... in his home... with him.

"Have you broken up with him?"

"No, he wants to end things then I am going to make him. He won't get to say that Riane ran me off like the others." Adonia sniffled and grabbed a napkin off the table before wiping her nose. "It's just that. It's not Riane that I am worried about, Julian. I am worried that I am right about Blake that he does have feelings for her, and that I was just a stand in all along. Do you know how cruel that is? To make a woman think that you love her when it was only about sex all along?"

Ivy came to mind as she spoke, and he gave a slight nod. "I do. Before Riane came along, I did that more than a couple times."

"You and Blake will be sorry one day. If the two of you ever have a daughter, and you watch someone play with her heart like that. You'll be sorry." A couple tears streamed down her cheeks but she was quick to wipe them away.

"I already am." He admitted with haste. "If I didn't act that way, maybe I would be more trustworthy. Maybe Riane would see me." He didn't mean to admit the last part, but his mouth had been taken over by his heart instead of his careful manipulations.

Adonia was quiet for a moment as she stared at him. "Riane doesn't see you? Like she doesn't love you or trust you?" For a moment there was joy in her heart that made him somewhat sickened by herself.

He shook his head, "It's a long road that she and I are walking, but I think I'll take a page out of your book and just cling until I am told to go away."

She forced a smile, "Good, than we are in this together? We cling to those we love, and call each other for support when needed?"

Julian gave a genuine grin, "Partners?" He offered out his hand to her, and she was quick to shake it.

"Partners." She responded him with tears in her eyes and a smile on her lips.


"Please, let's talk." Joe sent the text as she stood in Dalen's kitchen. She tossed the phone down on the island and sighed as she leaned her elbows onto the surface and placed her head in her hands. She had to spread her legs in order to lower herself to the appropriate height.

"Bombarding her with text messages is probably not the best way to go. Why not try actually going to see her?" Dalen asked as he mixed together the aoili in a large metal bowl.

They had to go out to get ingredients and by the time they returned it was nearing five in the evening, so they decided to have dinner together instead of what was meant to be an early dinner.

When they arrived at the grocery store, Dalen didn't like the pre-cooked roast beef so he decided to buy a roast for himself. He then realized he didn't have anything to slice it thin enough, so they had to make another trip to buy a meat slicer.

"You don't understand. She and I have talked everyday since we were born, even when she went on vacations and I was left behind she would call and we would talk for a couple hours a day." Joe's voice was uneven and she tried to prevent herself from crying.

"It hasn't been that long since it happened. Give her a minute and she'll come around, but still go talk to her in person. It's harder to ignore a person in front of you." He tasted the aoili. "Delicious. That girl might be after my own heart."

"Hey." Joe snapped.

"I am teasing." He smiled, "Hey, I told my sister about you."

Any humor on Joe's face was wiped away. "Why did you do that? I thought you didn't want to talk to your family about our relationship until we knew we are serious."

Dalen continued to smile, "She says you sound really nice. I told her that you were becoming a nurse, and she thinks my mom and dad wouldn't mind that so much."

"What? What are you saying?"

His own humor left his face, but it quickly returned when he formulated a reply. "You know if the time comes that we ever want to make it public to them. I mean the one day CEO of Hurstmart with a nurse girlfriend would look good, right?"

"Would look good?" Joe's eyebrows closed in on one another, and she looked disgusted. "You sound like Riane's dad when he was trying to get her to pick an arranged marriage." She began to mock Simon's voice. "You would make the family very proud if you were to be married to this dickhead from Fart Co and Associates."

Dalen took a deep breath, "We don't even know if this is long term, yet. So, let's change the topic. What kind of cheese do you want on your french dip?"

"What is with you people and your mad desire to marry to the perfect person not for yourself, but for the image of your family and your company? Is that all I am is someone your parents might approve of, even if I am nothing more than sewer garbage at least I'll be a diamond one day?" She hissed the words and slammed her hand on the counter.

"No, my parents are respectful of their adult child's decisions. However, I thought that perhaps you might think they wouldn't be. I thought knowing that they would love to meet my nurse girlfriend would ease any tension you might have about going public with them." He turned to the stove to check on the electronic meat thermometer and opened the oven to eye it briefly.

The woman behind him continued to frown and crossed her arms. "Whatever."

"I have had girlfriends in the past that felt intimidated because they weren't from some rich family, and knew in the bottom of their hearts they would never be accepted. They ended up ending the relationship with me because of that fear." He told her as he shut the oven door and turned back around to face her.

"So, you have a thing for dating women out of your financial league?" She posed the question with a higher pitched voice than usual. "Kind of like your way of being able to control them, then? Is that it?"

Dalen frowned as he had heard this argument before. "No, I choose girls that I like and want to date. Their financial situations are something that has happened to them, it is not what created them. It's not who they are. And, if I am being honest, I do like women who are not from the upper class because they can be difficult to please at times. Riane being an exception, of course."

He walked over to the fridge and pulled out the mayonnaise and then a couple cloves of garlic from the bulb sitting on the island.

"Mayonnaise, garlic, pepper, and parsley. Such an easy recipe just in case the aoili doesn't work out." He explained as he desperately tried to change the subject. "I made the mayonnaise fresh yesterday, so this should be delicious either way." He smiled as he grabbed a bamboo chopping block and his chef's knife.

"You never want to have serious conversations, do you? Everything needs to be light and fun, and you are always trying to head off the darkness before it arrives. The problem is the darkness is always first. People are fucked up and have problems they have to deal with, and you can't just discredit their feelings and tell them to be happy instead."

Dalen looked up from the chopping block, "It's better to light a single candle than to curse the darkness."

"Platitudes." She sighed.

He stared at her for a couple moment before exhaling. "Joe, I care for you deeply, but if this is the mood you want to be in, then please go home. I am sorry for whatever caused you to become distressed."
"You told your sister about me like I was a pet, and then told me that your parents would approve of your choice of pet." She dropped her arms to her side.

"I told one of my closest friends about my girlfriend. She thought you sounded amazing and simply said that our parents would like you too from the sounds of it. However, right now I would not like any of them to meet you. You are not being rational or kind. It's simply cruelty and anger for the sake of it." He put his knife down on the chopping block. "Come back tomorrow, when you have calmed down. I'll have plenty of food left over."

Joe stared at him in disbelief. She had never had someone ask her to leave their home before, especially not a boyfriend. "Are you serious?"

"Yes. Please go."

Without another word, she walked out of the kitchen and grabbed her coat and gloves off the couch. She put them on slowly in hopes that he would step out of the kitchen and tell her that he changed his mind, but he didn't.

Walking to the door, she opened and closed it with hope that he would still call her back, but he didn't. Getting into her car was the same, but he did not recall her.

A painful feeling of rejection washed over her, as she turned on the car and drove away. She wanted to text him and tell them that they were finished, but the thought of doing it hurt her heart. She wanted to call him and apologize then ask to come back, but her pride over being kicked out wouldn't allow that to happen.


Instead, she drove home to the Swithin estate and up to the guest house. She stepped out of the car and looked up at Riane's window. It was dark.

The guest house was dark as well, and she didn't want to go instead of be alone again. She didn't know why she had acted out towards Dalen, but she knew she was wrong in many ways. Her feelings for what he said were valid, but the way she had spoken to him had been incorrect.

Walking into the guest house, she didn't turn on the lights and sat down on the couch without taking her coat off.

The more she thought about it, the angrier she became over being kicked out. She decided in those moments that she had been broken up with, and it would be entirely up to Dalen to make amends with her. It was the only way her pride would allow her to see him again.

Riane didn't arrive home until after nine in the evening. She had walked from the bus stop, and though it had been cold and a bit frightening when she arrived at her destination she felt slightly freed in those moments alone. No one watching her or protecting her.

She knew she could have called for a driver, a taxi, or even gotten Julian to come get her, but she had wanted to spend a little more time with Emma. Her new friend had ridden on the bus half way with her.

Stepping into the house, she took off her snow gear and put it in the closet, before Nanette appeared at the bottom of the stairs. She was wearing a yellow sleeping gown with a black bathrobe. "Are you alright? It is terribly late to be getting home."

"Yes, sorry. I was doing homework with a new friend, and we lost track of time." She walked down the hallway to stand in front of Nanette.

"Please, call if you are not going to make it for dinner." She folded her arms and her brows came together.

"Ah, yes. I am sorry. It won't happen again." Riane knew she was wrong as soon as Nanette said it, and in truth she hadn't thought to call at all that evening.

Nanette demeanor changed as her face softened and her arms dropped to her side. "Are you hungry? I can warm up some leftovers or cut you up some fruit."

"No, Emma and I ordered Chinese food. She doesn't get to eat out a lot, so I decided to treat her." Riane knew what it felt like to be trapped, even though they were both held in different ways. Her by her father's control, and Emma by her fiances.

The older woman smiled, "Very well. I will have to meet this Emma sometime. You should get ready for bed. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." She said as she watched Nanette ascend the staircase with her close behind. She had to admit she was rather tired after her fun day.

Heading down the hall, she opened the door to her dark bedroom. The cold air hit her like a wave in the warm hallway, and she realized that a window must have been opened. Though she had not opened one that day.

Turning on the light, she saw the opened window from across the room, and moved quickly to shut it. Her bedroom would be freezing for a while until the heater had enough time to warm it up. Slamming the window shut, she knew that someone had to be in her room. Since this felt like a practical joke, her first thought was Zack as he still hadn't seem to warm up to her.

"Hey." A voice spoke from behind her.

Riane startled as she spun around to find Julian laying on her bed fully dressed. "What are you doing in here? Did you open this window?"

"It gets warm in here." He told her as he sat up and yawned. "I must have fallen asleep waiting for you." He stretched out his arms.

"You shouldn't be in my room without permission." She snapped.

Suddenly, Julian looked like he came awake and stood from the bed. "Why didn't you call me to come get you? I told you to call me."

She shrugged her shoulders, before she pulled off her brown sweater. "I wanted to take the bus. Emma rode with me halfway."

"The nearest bus stop from here is a couple miles away. You walked that?" He asked as he noticed her red cheeks, nose, and ears.

"Yeah." Riane told him with a smile on her lips and pride in her heart.

"Do you know how dangerous that is? Next time at least let me meet you at the bus stop." He left the room with haste.

Riane thought he was angry and had stormed out. "Thanks for the cold room, jerk." She mumbled to herself before finding her orange pajamas hanging in the closet on one hanger.

She tossed them onto the bed and removed her shirt before quickly putting the top on. It was too cold to linger. She quickly did the same with her bottoms. Walking over to her vanity she sat down to remove the make-up from her face.

At that moment, Julian returned with an electric blanket. "This should keep you warm until the room heats up." He spread it across the bed and began looking for an outlet.

"Oh, thank you." She said as she wiped the cotton pad across her face and thought nothing of his sudden act of kindness.

When he plugged it in and turned it on, he sat back down on the bed. "Adonia called me today and I met her for coffee."

"Oh, really. Like a date?" Riane asked with a bit of excitement in her voice that made Julian annoyed.

"You made it sound like Blake's idea to move you into his apartment was months ago, but Adonia said it is something he is still considering." He wasn't about to tell her that Adonia thought Blake might be in love with her. She needed more time... or perhaps he did. There was no plan in what he was doing just yet, so time was needed to formulate one.

"It didn't seem like something I should be telling others, since I wasn't involved this time and it was Adonia's private issue." She explained. "However, since she called you and asked you out, maybe she is starting to trust you."

"Or maybe she was trying to start shit between us." He could feel the blanket slowly heating up under him.

Riane threw the pad away and turned to face him. "Progress is progress. She never would have called to meet up with you before, and this is after just one double date. Imagine what we can accomplish with two."

"There will be no second date." He spoke firmly.

Riane chuckled, "Yeah, right."

"I don't like Adonia anymore, and I have no desire to continue lying to them or to myself." The words surprised him even as he spoke them, but he understood himself now more today than ever before.

"You are talking crazy." She stood up and walked over to the bed. "Now, get up. I want to go to sleep."

Julian continued to sit on the bed and stared up at her. "I am serious, Riane. I am not going on anymore double dates. I am not helping with the illusion anymore."

"This was your idea."

"I know. I started it and now I am finishing it." He stood up so he could be directly in front of her. "We aren't doing this, understand?"

"What's going on? What happened? Did Adonia say something?" She looked slightly concerned for him which made his heart hurt.

"She didn't say anything. I made this decision all on my own." He watched her sit down on the bed.

"Nice and warm." She smiled up at him before continuing the conversation at hand. "Anyway, just get some sleep. You'll feel better in the morning."

Deciding it was best not to continue this conversation, he walked over to the door. "Goodnight. We can talk more tomorrow."

"Alright, turn the light off as you leave." Riane pulled back the blankets and hurried to climb inside her warm bed.

Julian opened the door and placed his hands on the switch, before turning around and looking at the woman who was completely covered except for her head. She looked like a child who had just been tucked in.

"What?" She asked softly.

"I like you, Riane. I want you." He told her before turning off the light and heading down the hall.


Joe sat in the library in between classes. The smell of old books surrounded her and the faint sounds of people using the computer keyboards could be heard. There was a row of desks that had blinder walls up that she enjoyed sitting in. They allowed her a private work space even in public, and kept most people at bay.

With her laptop in front of her, she worked on an English paper. The nursing program required work to get into before she could actually be admitted, so for now it was a lot of regular classes no different from Riane's.

After a moment, turning on her laptop that sat on the desk and ignoring those that walked passed her, she found the paper and stared at the black and white of her screen. She didn't feel like actually working on this paper. There was no words coming to her mind.

She had an hour so she figured she would give herself a distraction for a moment. She picked up her phone and decided to send Riane a text message.

"You get to school alright?" She knew that Riane wouldn't respond to her, but she sent at least one a day. She did not believe that her actions were worthy of losing her friend.

She stared at her phone for several moments, before turning the screen over to Dalen's text message list. He had sent her a message that morning like he always did.

"Good morning! I can't wait to see you tonight." It was the usual from him and normally she would respond. They spent their free moments during the day sending a random text message to one another or sharing a story of something that happened.

Not this morning. This morning she did not respond. Which prompted a response around ten, "Hey, everything ok?"

It was not. She was still angry and sore after what happened. She didn't understand why he didn't see how insulting it was to get told that she would be approved. He hadn't said it that way, but that was exactly what he had meant.

As if Dalen could tell she was looking at the screen, she got another message. "Lunch time. I am going to get the salmon. Bet they don't sell that at your cafeteria. Probably get good sandwiches or pizza not pretentious crap, right? HAHA!"

A slight smile appeared on her lips and she thought she respond to him, but instead set her phone down. She refused to give in she thought to herself as tears started to swell in her eyes.

"You look sad." A male voice spoke as he approached her.

Dark eyes stared down at her. His hair a midnight black and a gentle smile on his lips. He looked like a vampire was her first thought. "I am fine." She told him and quickly wiped away the beginnings of her tears.

He leaned against the blinder. "A pretty girl sitting in a library and crying quietly. Either you just had someone pass away or this is about a guy."

Joe cleared her throat and looked up at the man with confidence. "And you must be the type of guy that likes to prey on women who look emotionally vulnerable."

He stood up straight, "Hey, I am just a human checking on another human who looks distressed. If you were drowning should I not try to save you?"

"Yes, you are a grand humanitarian. Go hunt elsewhere." She turned her eyes back to the laptop screen and folded her arms across her chest.

"It'll be hard to type like that." He said continuing to linger. "I'm Neil Cotton, not to be confused with..."

"I don't care." She interrupted.

"Oh, come on, I always do the Peter Cottontail joke when I introduce myself. It is like seriously my best ice breaker."

She snorted, "Why would anyone confuse Neil with Peter?" She pulled down the screen on her laptop and put it in her bag. "It's obvious I won't get any work done here." She mumbled as she stood up and tossed the bag handle over her shoulder.

"Want to get some coffee? My treat." He smiled at her as she stepped out of the desk's private area.

"What? No." She was trying to keep her voice low since she was in a library, but this guy was talking as if they were in a normal space.

Turning away from him, she headed down through the bookcases and towards the stairs that would lead her down to the first story. As she started to descend, he appeared beside her and continued to walk with her, so she stopped midway.

"You realize how creepy this is? You are following me. When shit like this happens to women they get scared and call for the police." She growled.

Neil shrugged his shoulders, "I am just leaving the library at the same time as you. Also, I didn't get your name."

She glared at him for a long moment, "Leave me alone."

He tossed his hands up in the air as she began to head down the stairs, when she was at the bottom he spoke. "You really don't remember me, Jolene?"

Joe stopped and turned to look up the stairs, "What?"

"Neil Cotton from Edison Elementary School. You were the one that started calling me Peter Cottontail." He slowly started to walk down the stairs. "You used to chase me around at recess, and tell me about your rich friend. You always wanted her to come to school, but she was being home schooled. We were best friends, and whenever I said that you said your other friend was your best friend not me, then usually punch me in the shoulder."

Joe stood with her mouth slightly ajar, "Oh, yes, I remember that now."

He made it to the end of the stairs and smiled as she told him she remembered him. "Whew, good, because for a minute there I thought I might have gotten the wrong person. Then that would have been really creepy of me."

She chuckled for a moment, "Yeah, you should probably just start with the part about being old friends. That was very stalkerish."

"You think that is stalkerish? I've been seeing you here for the last two weeks and been unsure if you were who I thought you were. I've been hoping to catch a glimpse of a paper with your name on it or something." He brought his brows together, "Wow, that sounded a lot more funny and less awkward and weird in my head."

Joe chuckled, "You've changed a lot. Whatever happened to you? I remember first day of middle school, you said you would find me, and you never did."

"Yeah, we moved away before middle school and I moved back here because I missed it. Also, for a community college this place has a really good computer program. Nursing for you, right?"

"Yeah, how did you?"

He shrugged, "In another ill conceived attempt to figure out who you were, I may have overheard a conversation or two. I don't know if I have made this abundantly clear or not, but I am an incredibly awkward person."

"I think that painting has been completed." She continued to smile.

"So, do you have time for coffee? The school's coffee shop isn't the best, but they can make a mean latte." He motioned towards the door.

"Alright, I guess it would be nice to catch up." She began to walk beside him towards the large double glass doors.

"So, Jolene or Joe? I remember you hated one and wanted to be called the other, but I pretty sure I always called you Jolene. Probably because it bothered you." He smirked as he opened the door for her to step out.

"You mean you called me it because you got your crush to pay attention to you." She stepped out into the open court of the community college.

Neil laughed, "Yeah, I thought I was pretty obvious. Good news though, I no longer pull hair or spit, unless I am asked politely or commanded, whatever she is into."


"Hello, Emma." Julian said as he walked up to Riane's classroom door. He had been doing it all day right along side Emma and for the classes that Emma had to miss. "Ready for lunch?"

Emma had witnessed this man being completely rude and disrespectful to her and everyone else just the day before, and she couldn't place why he had a sudden change of personality. "Yes, I made a turkey club sandwich with avocado. I hope that avocado didn't brown too much."

"Didn't you have turkey yesterday?" He asked with what appeared to be genuine curiosity.

She nodded her head, "It was on sale so I bought a couple pounds to last me two weeks." As she spoke she could see that he didn't clearly understand why she would do such a thing. "It is cheaper to buy in bulk."

"I know. I just can't believe that after two weeks you wouldn't vomit at the sight of turkey. I can't even eat leftovers." He shivered before looking at the door that lead to Riane's classroom. "Wonder what is taking so long."

"This professor runs long and he never wants to let people leave until he finishes, which makes his next classes from there on out late as well. Hopefully, he'll be reset due to lunch, because I have him at the end of the day." She sighed and played with the loose hairs that fell from her winter cap.

"I have him too, but I only show up for exams." Julian explained.

"I know, you are in my class. It's always a lot of loud whispers whenever you come to the classroom, because they don't know how you can be passing and not hear the lectures." Emma pressed her lips together, "Also, you take the tests in like less than ten minutes."

He nodded, "Yeah, I have a 4.0, so don't worry about me passing my classes. The professors know I don't need them, and just let me get my homework at the beginning of the week and I turn it all in on Fridays."

"Oh." She was about to add more when the door opened and the group of students poured out from the classroom. Most had a look of annoyance as he had taken away some of their lunch time.

"Hey, Emma." Riane said when she popped out of the room, but her excitement and smile was short lived. "Damn it, Julian. What are you doing?"

"Escorting my fiancee to lunch, and her lovely friend." He offered out his elbows to both girls and Emma took it to be polite, but Riane glared at him. He quickly grabbed her hand and turned to Emma. "It looks like she is the rude one today."

Emma couldn't help but smirk as the two walked together with Riane being dragged behind them.

When they arrived at the cafeteria, Emma found Seth and Dalen who had already gotten their lunches and left Julian and Riane to go through themselves.

Julian stood in line behind her and kept holding her hand even when she tried to pull away. "If you want your hand back, I'll be glad to walk with my arm around your shoulder."

That was a threat if Riane had ever heard one. She had seen Adonia and didn't know if Blake was nearby, so she didn't want to cause a scene with him.

Julian had woken her up that morning with a cup of her favorite tea, he had gathered her things for her, opened every door he could, and had even carried her backpack to her first class for her. He had been friendly and pleasant every time she had seen him. It only made her remember the stunning confession he had made, one which she wanted to forget.

When they had paid and gone through the line, he had tried to take her tray to carry it for her, but she refused as they made their way to the table to sit down.

"Hey, are you talking to Joe?" Dalen asked.

Riane shook her head, "No, but I probably should. I am not even mad at her anymore, well I am but... I don't know."

"I've been texting her all day and she hasn't answered me once. I mean we got into a bit of a tiff last night, but I don't think it warranted the silent treatment." He said as he stared at his phone.

Seth had been smiling at Emma since she had sat down, and had made a couple jokes to make her smile and feel comfortable. However, Riane could see his iris slowly turn into little hearts with each giggle she offered him.

Looking down at her bowl of chili, she found Julian's hand place a candy bar next to her bowl and immediately looked towards him.

"Sweets for my sweet." Julian said loudly in front of the entire group.

Dalen couldn't close his mouth and Seth looked confused with his brows together.

Riane decided the best course was to ignore him and took a bite of her chili. "Yuck, really bland."

"I'll get some salt packets." Julian announced before heading back into the food distribution area.

"What the hell is going on with him?" Dalen asked when he was out of earshot. "Are you two officially together? Did you sleep with him? Also, if you slept with him and made him that nice, it has to be life altering and I offer myself up."

Riane felt the embarrassment, but didn't want to show it so she simply pressed her lips together. "Shut up, Dalen. Nothing is going on. He's just confused."

"Confused about what?" Seth's eyebrow was raised and he still looked stunned. "I mean he looks pretty confident in what he is doing."

Emma giggled, "I think he likes her now. He's been waiting at all of her classes all day, and he gets there before me. It's like he just waits outside the classroom like a little puppy waiting for it's master to come back out."

The guys laughed, but Riane remained deadpan. "That's enough. I don't want to talk about this anymore."

"Alright." Emma could see that her new friend was serious and she turned to Seth. "You look very nice today."

"Thank you. I had a date last night and it felt nice to be dressed up so I wanted to keep it going." He explained but regretted telling her that he went on a date.

"I got you a bunch, since I didn't know how much you wanted." Julian announced as he returned to the table with a handful of salt packets.

"Damn, Julian, she could fill the whole bowl with that much salt." Dalen reached across the table to take one, but Julian quickly smacked his hand away.

"Ask her before you take anything off her tray. Are you a barbarian?"

Riane grabbed one and handed it over to Dalen, "What is with you?" She mumbled to Julian, but he didn't seem interested in answering.

"How was your date?" Emma asked when the two love birds had settled down to eat their meal.

Seth shrugged, "I always thought she was nice before but I think it was because I wasn't really serious about dating her. Now that I want to get serious, I realize she is kind of overbearing and rude, but I don't know how to end it."

"Can't you just say you want to see other people?"

Riane leaned in towards her friend, "Arranged marriage alert."

"Another one?" Emma looked between her and Seth. "Is it really that common and only I don't know about it."

Seth hated that she told Emma that but continued to add to the conversation. He would have a discussion with Riane later. "More common than most people think. It's often good for the company."

"That's kind of sad." Emma frowned.

"Is it too hot? Do you want me to blow on it for you?" Julian asked as he reached over to her bowl.

"No! Stop it!" Riane barked as she smacked his hand away.

Emma watched them briefly before looking over at Seth and pointing at them before rolling her eyes. He smirked at her reaction and then returned to their meals.

Ivy stood outside the university as she waited for classes to end. She still wore her faux fur white jacket complete with black gloves, yellow scarf, and pink hat that went over her long hair and covered her ears. She rubbed her hands together and blew on them into order to warm them up. Lifting each foot individually and stomping it down to rub her thighs together and keep her legs warm.

She wished she had a car to wait in as cars coming to retrieve the brats from inside pulled up. Every driver that stepped out of his car glared at her, but she already knew she didn't belong and couldn't be bothered by their annoyed looks.

After a couple more moments, she started to jump up and down as students began to pour out through the gate. She prayed that this was the exit that the girl would use as she continued to ignore the glares of the students.

She remembered Julian telling her about this school. It acted more like a high school than it did an actually university and she had no idea how such a thing could stay open. She supposed high donations from the alumni would do it, but it was such a strange concept. It seemed to her that it would result in the students not knowing how to live in the real world, though she supposed she had never gone to college and she didn't know how to live in the real world either.

She had scars on her arm both self inflicted and from needles that proved that point for her. There were others left behind from deals gone wrong and lovers gone mad. She had left that life behind for six months, but had messed up one night out of loneliness. She promised herself she wouldn't do it again, but she knew herself well enough. All it would take was one bad day, and everything would turn to shit for her.

Hope was a hard thing to come by. Right now, she hoped that Riane would hear her out and not scream at her. She just needed one thing to go right.

She thought of all the things that could go wrong. Riane could treat her like shit. She could just be a rich bitch who thought she was beneath her and not worth her notice. If she did that Ivy didn't know if she could control herself.

The more she thought about making things worse for herself the more she wanted to run back to the bus station and never think about coming back here again.

In her heart she knew running away would not be the answer, as she would end up coming back here again then running away once more. It would become a vicious cycle until Julian or one of his friends noticed her. He would probably think she was stalking him.

Just as she was about to make the decision to leave, she saw her. The fiancee was with another woman and the two were chatting and laughing. Other students passed around them and Ivy felt like a dirty creature among unicorns as she moved through the crowd.

"Um, excuse me?" Ivy said quietly and didn't believe she would actually be heard, but the fiancee's friend had seen her approach from behind and motioned towards her.

When the fiancee turned around a look of recognition and a bit of fright came over her. She didn't say anything and seemed to be looking for an exit.

"Riane, right? I think that is what he called you." Ivy watched the woman continue to look at her wearily, and she knew she had every reason to do so.

"Right." Riane said firmly.

"I'm Ivy." She spoke hesitantly.

"I know. What are you doing here? If you are waiting for Julian, I don't know where he is, but he'll be out here soon enough." Riane explain and it was true.

Riane had left her class early and met up with Emma at a different location so she could get away from him for one part of her day.

"Oh, um, no. I actually came here to see you." Ivy could see that her words didn't ease any discomfort in the woman before her.

"Is everything alright, Riane?" Emma asked as she looked between the two of them.

"Yes." Ivy told her, "And you are?"


"Nice to meet you. Um, see I used to, I guess, date Julian, and when he started to ignore my calls and texts I got pissed." She told Emma, but then turned her attention to Riane. "I got way too drunk that day, and when I was told where he was, I lost my mind."

"I know. I was there." Riane spoke softly.

The students that passed around them seemed to be unaware of the conflict in Riane's soul. She wanted to run away, but she didn't want to give this woman the pleasure of seeing her afraid.

"Yes, I suppose you were. Anyway, I wanted to come to apologize. I shouldn't have done that, and its not who I really am. You see that day I got really drunk, but I also did something else that I am not proud of. I had been sober for six months, well not from alcohol, but never mind not important." She took a deep breath. "So, like I said, I am very sorry for how I treated you. You nor Julian deserved that and I just wanted you to know that."

"Oh, ok. Well, thank you." Riane responded nervously.

"Sorry to have bothered you. Have a good day." She turned around and began to walk towards the bus stop.

It wasn't exactly how she wanted the apology to go down, but at least she had done it. Riane didn't yell at her like she had been afraid she would, and it sparked some confidence in her heart that everything would start looking up.

She smiled to herself as she walked down the sidewalk next to the lane of expensive cars here to pick up their owners. Her arms wrapped around her, she felt some pride in actually accomplishing something she was afraid of doing.

"Ivy!" A voice called from behind her and she turned around to see Riane and Emma running towards her.


Riane stopped in front of her a little out of breath and covered in a thick jacket that looked a lot warmer than her own. "Sorry, I was a bit thrown by seeing you here, and I don't think I react appropriately to your apology."

"No, it was alright." She smiled for the woman whose clothing probably cost as much as her rent did.

"All is forgiven."

Those words meant more to her than she thought they would, and Ivy smiled. "Thank you. I really needed someone to forgive me."

Riane didn't know how to respond, but looked towards Emma briefly and hoped she would agree. "You know, Emma and I just met yesterday. We became pretty fast friends, and we are going to get coffee to get to know each other better. Do you want to come?"

"Oh, no, thank you." She didn't want to tell her that her budget didn't allow for five dollar cups of coffee.

"I am treating, are you sure?" Riane had a pleasant smile on her face that felt welcoming.

"Can I get a muffin too?" She regretted asking that the moment she did, but she hadn't eaten at all that day and it was the first thing that came to mind.

"Of course!" Riane chirped.

Emma clasped her hands together, "I am going to get a chocolate one with caramel topping. It is so good."

Ivy began walking next to Riane with Emma on her other side. Emma couldn't stop talking about her muffin the entire way there, and Ivy couldn't believe that this was really happening.


Adonia sat in a red booth as she waited for Blake to arrive. He had been the one to invite her to the chain restaurant after classes had ended, but he was obviously running late. She had been there long enough to be seated, order a water, and get an appetizer of mozzarella sticks since she knew he loved them. They were growing cold so she decided to begin eating them.

"Would you like to order?" The waitress came back for the fourth time. She had a gentleness in her voice as if she felt sorry for that Adonia had been stood up.

"No, I am still waiting for my date." She told her with a smile and the woman left the table to tend to another.

She couldn't believe that this was happening. He had asked her out and she was the one waiting for him. She regretted even getting a table and knew she should have just waited on the provided benches. Even though it wasn't busy in the restaurant, she felt bad for taking up one of the tables that could have gone to a customer that ordered more than water and an appetizer.

"Sorry." Blake appeared with a bouquet of flowers. "I couldn't find flowers anywhere. You would think we are in the middle of winter of something."

She smiled briefly at his joke as she took the flowers from him and watched him sit down across from her. "Are you trying to butter me up?"

"I am trying to apologize. Let's not fight anymore." He picked up a mozzarella stick and dipped it in the marinara sauce. "Little cold. I didn't realize that I was running so late."

He also didn't realize that she had told him countless times that she loathed receiving flowers. She hated watching something slowly die, and preferred a live plant or anything else. "Is there still something to argue over?"

The restaurant was rather quiet and there was only two other tables in the vicinity that had people in them. Adonia felt comfortable having this conversation here, or if need be another argument though she knew not to make a scene.

"No, I get it. My asking that of you was wrong, and as much as I would like to help Riane out of her predicament, I can't." He picked up his menu, "I am thinking steak, what about you?"

"I told Julian your plan." She blurted it out. "He knows what you were up to and he knows that you asked Riane. Although to be fair she was the one that told him, not me."

He set the menu down and looked at her gently from across the table. "I really wish you wouldn't have done that, but I suppose what is done is done."

"He wasn't even that mad. In fact, the only time he looked perturbed was when he found out that months later you were still talking about it." She knew she was starting another argument, but she needed real answers from him.

"Are you ready to order?" The waitress asked as she stepped up to the table and offered them both a huge smile.

"Yes, I'll..." Blake began to speak as he picked up his menu once more.

"No, I am still looking." Adonia snapped at Blake more than the waitress, but the woman scurried away as she was fully aware that they were arguing.

Blake sighed, and put the menu back down. "I told you that I have put it to rest, and I have apologized for it. You were right and I was wrong. Do you want me to apologize to Julian too? I will if that is what you want."

"No, I don't want you to apologize to Julian. Are you not listening to me?" Adonia crossed her arms over her chest.

"I am, but I am not certain what you are trying to say." He tossed up his hands briefly, "Anything I say seems to be the wrong thing."

"I am telling you that Julian is confident in his relationship with her, and that I don't think this is some ruse relationship. I really believe they are being genuine." She placed her hands on the table. "I think that you should spend a little more time with them, and stop worrying yourself over saving your friend from something she is happy to be in."

"She is not happy. I know Riane like I know myself, and I know when she is just trying to appease me in order to get back into my good graces. This is just another thing her father..." He cut himself off. "It doesn't matter. I told you this matter is dead. I have no intention of helping my friend just like you wanted."

"What? What does that even mean? You won't help your friends if I say so?" She snorted, "That is ridiculous."

Blake frowned deeply, "You are misusing my words and you know it. I meant her in this situation, not all my friends in all situations."

Adonia fell quiet for a moment, as she tried to calm herself before speaking again. When she looked around the room she could see the other two tables had turned their attention to her. It also seemed like the waitress was trying to steer clear of her booth, at least for the moment.

"I am sorry that I even brought it up to you. I knew it was wrong of me to ask, but I did it anyway, and I won't mention it again. So, please, can we put this to rest and have a nice meal together. Remember we used to have such nice dates. Let's do that." He had put his hands together as if he were begging her.

"On one condition." She sat up straight.

"What is that?" He didn't particularly like this idea, but decided if it meant putting everything behind him then he would play along.

"I am going to ask you one question, and you can't lie to me." She knew that in this next moment everything would become very clear to her.

"Agreed." Blake replied though he was starting to become perplexed by her calm demeanor. It was like about to ask you a question to which they already have the answer.

"Are you in love with Riane?" Her eyes widened when she asked and her brows came together slowly as the moments ticked by.

Blake sat in shock over the question and he could tell that his silence was not comforting. He searched himself knowing that this should be an easy question to answer, but he couldn't simply say no. His mouth, his mind wouldn't allow it.

Finally, an answer formed. "I don't know."

Adonia's tension slide away. "That means yes, Blake."

He opened his mouth, but no words could escape. He couldn't understand what was happening in those moments.

"Now that you know this, tell me we are over. Break up with me properly instead of making me walk away from you." She tried her best not to allow her bottom lip to quiver or her eyes to swell with tears.

Blake looked at her, "I don't want to break up with you." He reached out to grab her hands, but Adonia slipped them off the table and onto her lap.

"It is the right thing to do. It is more kind than this cruelty you have put me and every other girl through." She wanted him to say it quickly so she could run out to her car and drive away. Holding in her emotions like this took all of her concentration.

"Adonia, I'm sorry, please let's not do this right now. I meant no, alright. I am not in love with Riane, I swear." He knew he was lying now as much as she did.

"Say the words, Blake. I mean it. Otherwise, I will tell Riane the truth about your feelings." She clenched her hands together.

"Threats, really?"

"If that is the only way to get this over with then yes." She swallowed and looked into his eyes as he stared back into her own.

"Adonia, I think we should break up."

With those worse, she stood from the booth, grabbed her purse, and quickly exited the restaurant without another word spoken.


The coffee shop was near the school and was complete with reddish brown walls white lining. Pictures of coffee beans hung on them with the scent of java in the air. The sounds of the baristas taking orders and making coffee filled the room just as much as the sounds of the customers chatting amongst themselves. Small round tables sat around the room with four stools to sit upon surrounded each one. A chalkboard hung over the back of the counter with hand written signs for their menu along with the wifi password.

Ivy had felt immediately out of place when she walked in and all the well off looking folks stared at her clothing and hair, or at least she thought that had happened.

Sitting down after ordering just a black coffee with cream and bran muffin, she looked at the two women sitting with her.

Riane dressed rather punkish with her short hair styled upward, but her clothing was obviously expensive though she couldn't explain exactly why she thought that. Maybe it was because they were new while Ivy purchased everything she owned from the second hand store.

Emma was obviously not as well off or at least she didn't dress to look that way. It was jeans and a t-shirt with faux fur lined boots and a nice warm jacket.

"What do you do?" Riane asked after they sat down, and Ivy felt self conscious about telling the two women.

"Um, I work at a bar during the day and a club at night... I mean, I'm a bartender." She explained nervously. "Not a good place to work when you have addiction issues, I know. It's just that not many places hirer people with my background and the way I dress. I mean tattooes are hard to find a job with, but I can cover all of mine up." She didn't know what she was saying. This felt like a job interview.

"I've never been to a club before." Emma kept the conversation moving forward as she was obviously aware of Ivy's nerves.

"Neither have I." Riane added. "I'm getting my degree in business administration, even though I wanted to do music."

"What do you play?" Ivy instantly lit up at the information.

"Piano mostly, but I can pick up pretty much anything and teach myself. It's a talent I've always had." Riane looked happy to be talking about it. Even if she had access to the music room, it just didn't feel the same to play alone.

"I play the bass guitar." Ivy informed her. "I love playing music. I always wanted to be in a band, but... well, that dream died a long time ago."

Emma sat back in her chair, "Wow, two musicians. Meanwhile, if I tried to sing a child to sleep, they would do it out of self defense."

The three girls chuckled.

"Where do you live?" Emma asked the new girl.

"Oh, downtown. Across the street from Peek's Bar, which is where I work as well. Those assortments of studio apartments." She felt uneasy with answering the question, as she figured these girls probably lived in mansions.

"Oh, Green Meadows, right?" Emma watched her nod her head, "I live down the street in the Oak Drive Apartments."

"Oh, yeah? Those are a lot nicer than what I have. Mine doesn't even have a sink in the kitchen. You have to use the bathroom sink." Ivy grew more confident when she realized she wasn't nessercary sitting with all rich people. "Why do you live there?"

"I'm from out of town, and it was the only place my parents could afford. I have to pay for everything else, actually this is where I work after classes." Emma used her finger to motion around the room. "I wanted to show it to Riane."

"Did you two really just meet yesterday?"

They both nodded.

"I'm on scholarship and those rich snobs don't like us being here, so they like to run us out. Riane stopped them from harassing me yesterday, and I guess I kind of clung on to a new friend." Emma realized how needy she must have been the day before.

"Nonsense, it's good to have a new friend." Riane waved her hand as if she was clearing the discomfort from the air, then looked at Ivy. "Or two."

Ivy smiled gently, "Thanks for forgiving me. I have really felt bad about it. I tried to talk to Julian, but he wants nothing to do with me... as is to be expected. I did cause a rather terrible scene."

"And spit in my face." Riane added.

She looked horrified, "I did? Oh, no, I am so sorry. I can't believe you would even talk to me after I did something like that."

Riane laughed, "It's over. Let's not worry about it anymore."

Ivy's alarm on her flip phone began to go off, and she pulled the phone from her front jean's pocket to turn it off. "Um, I am sorry, but I have to get to work now. We have to do a big clean up tonight before we open." She stood from her stood. "It was very nice meeting you all. Thank you for the coffee and the muffin."

"My pleasure." Riane said with a smile.

"Please tell Julian that I won't bother him again, and that I really am very sorry about what happened." She snatched her cup and muffin off the table. "Bye."

"Wait. Let's exchange numbers. Maybe we can hang out again sometime?" Riane held up her phone and Emma was quick to pull out hers.

"Yes, it would be nice to know someone that lived nearby." Emma chimed in.

Ivy didn't know what to say to these two women. She didn't know if they were being genuine or if this was all a cruel joke on their part, but she decided to agree. What harm could it do to have the potential for real friends, who don't spend their time getting drunk and doing drugs. "Sure."

They quickly exchanged numbers and Ivy waved goodbye one more time before exiting the coffee shop.

She walked down the block with a muffin in one hand and a coffee in the other. She felt rather good about the conversation she had with Riane and Emma. She still didn't completely believe that she wasn't some side show to them or know if this wasn't a huge prank on their part. Were they just being nice to her to mess with her later?

Though she didn't want to believe it, part of her mind wouldn't let her let it go, and she knew there was only way to get the answer. However getting the answer meant opening herself up to getting hurt, and that was far and away the most scariest thing. Rejection was not something she could handle very much more of.

Her phone vibrated and she stopped to put her coffee on a ledge of a window in order to look at who had texted her. It was Riane who simply said, "This is Riane, this is Ivy, right?"

Ivy replied, "Yes, you have the right number."

"Great! Emma just tried to text and ended up with a guy who wasn't friendly. She was off by one number. Talk to you soon!"

"Ok." She responded before putting the phone back into her front pocket and picked her coffee back up. She tried to chug it as fast as she could before tossing it in the nearby garbage can.

It was unbelievable that her plans for the day would end up like this. She reminded herself over and over again that if it is too good to be true, then it probably was. She would have to remember that if these two ever made good on their promise to "befriend" her."


Dalen had driven over to the Swithin home and made his way to the guest house. He decided if Joe didn't want to answer his calls that perhaps she would answer her door. He knew he needed to talk to her before this got out of hand.

The guest house behind the main house was a rather normal sized home with about four bedrooms and two bathrooms. It was far enough from the main house that it offered privacy and close to the swimming pool.

Dalen and his friends had used it for parties once in a while with Nanette's permission, and they were often yelled at about the state in which they left it.

Trees hide the guest house from the main house's view, but once passed the bunch one could see the large home painted white with black trim.

Walking up to the red door, he knocked loudly and since he saw Joe's car out front, he knew she was home.

It took a moment, but the door slowly opened and Joe blocked his view from the inside. She frowned at him, but kept her hand on the door ready to slam it shut.

"I've been messaging you all day. Are you alright?" He asked with concern even though he could see very well that she was fine and annoyed.

Joe was slow to answer as if she was trying her best not to lose herself in the topic. "I am fine. I thought I was making myself very clear."

He raised an eyebrow as he shifted his weight from one foot to the other. "Clear? What is clear about the silent treatment? I can't fix something that you don't tell me is broken. Let me come inside, and we can clear all of this up for good." He went to step forward, but Joe remained firmly in his way and gave no signs that she would back down.

"I have a guest over. This is not the time." Joe went to shut the door, but Dalen put his hand on it as his face began to look like that of a kicked puppy.

"I really don't understand what is going on here, Joe. We were fine just the other day, and suddenly we get into a little tiff and this is how you handle it?" He wanted to say more but whenever he opened his mouth only silence was left.

"Maybe I should go and leave you two alone." A male voice came from inside the house and immediately Joe looked flustered.

She stepped back away from the door to give Dalen a view of her guest. Dark hair and eyes, a very handsome man that could definitely be seen as a threat.

Dalen didn't want to jump to conclusions, and decided to introduce himself. "Sorry, I didn't know we were being overheard. I am Dalen Hurst." He offered out his hand.

"Neil Cotton." The other man walked forward from the couch and shook his hand. "Joe and I are old schoolmates. We ran into each other at the library today." He felt the need to explain himself to the man that Joe had told him about a couple times during their visit.

"Please stay. Dalen will be leaving now." Joe told her friend.

Before she could shut the door again, Dalen took the opportunity to walk through the doorway and take his hat off. "Joe, could I just talk to you for a moment? I am very confused about what went wrong."

"What went wrong? You threw me out of your house. You made me feel unwanted and like I wasn't worth talking to anymore, because it was an inconvenience to you." She was trying her best not to raise her voice in front of Neil.

"I really should be going." Neil grabbed his coat off the back of the white couch and began to put it on. "I have classes in the morning, and all that."

"Dalen, this is making my guest uncomfortable. Please leave." Joe had put her hand up towards Neil in hopes of stopping him from leaving.

Instead of walking outside, Dalen looked to Neil. "This will only take a moment, could you give us a moment alone?"

Neil gave a quick nod before heading into the closed off kitchen. He felt like he was being held hostage in this situation.

"Can you please tell me why you are so angry?" Dalen asked when the door shut behind her guest.

"You kicked me out of your house because I was expressing feelings that you didn't want to hear." She crossed her arms as Dalen shut the door behind him to prevent the house from getting any colder.

"I didn't kick you out. I asked you to leave, and it was because you were getting really upset not because of what you were saying. I was trying to prevent us from getting into a fight and breaking up, not start a chain reaction that would lead to it."

"Yeah, and how is that working out for you?"

He shoved his hat into his pocket. "You have to believe me. I had no intention of hurting your feelings this bad. I apologize."

Joe could barely believe the anger that bubbled up once she had laid eyes on him. When she saw him through the peep hole, she firmly believe that they would make up. That it would all be over and he would spend the evening getting to know Neil. She had no idea why she was blocking herself from her own happiness. She didn't understand any of the words that were spilling from her mouth. It was as if she was possessed.

"I think we should see other people." The words blurted out and instead of saying she didn't mean it, she stood by them.

Dalen stared at her for a couple moments in shock, before he seemed to calm himself. "You know, you aren't the first girl I dated that was outside my financial circle. Two things always seem to happen. One: They become very obvious in their gold digging ways. Two: They become apprehensive and don't feel like they are good enough. The first ones I always break up with, but the seconds ones they always break up with me."

"Yes, everything is about you, Dalen." Joe snorted.

He nodded his head, "You are good enough, Joe. You don't need to make up reasons to break up with me. Instead, just tell me what is bothering you so much and let me help fix it. Let me show you it is nothing to worry yourself over."

"Dalen, it is time for you to go. We are over." She reached for the doorknob and flung the door open.

"Very well. I'll give Riane anything of yours that I come across at my house." He took his hat from his pocket and pulled it over his head. "I am sorry for whatever it is worth that it came to this. I didn't want us to end."

Joe watched him step outside and she could hear her heart telling her to ask him to come back. She wanted to say that she was acting irrationally and hastily, but her body wouldn't allow it. She watched the door shut and erase his presence from sight.

"He's gone!" She shouted and walked over to the couch to sit down.

Neil stepped out of the kitchen and came to stand in front of her. "I am sorry, but I overheard everything. Short of banging pots and pans together, I don't think I could have drown the conversation out."

"It's fine." She sighed. "I apologize for making you stay. I just didn't want it to be a long drawn out thing, and I knew he wouldn't do that if there was an audience."

He moved to sit down on the couch next to her. "It's alright. I figured you didn't want to be alone with him. It was fine that I went into the kitchen though?"

"Yeah." She said with a halfhearted smile. "Thanks for not just running away the moment it got awkward."

Neil smirked, "I have broken up with girls that made things a lot more awkward than that. Trust me."


Riane had hung out with Emma once again that evening since it was her day off. She had called Nanette to let her know she wouldn't be having dinner there that night. By the time, she returned home it was late and she thought she might get in trouble since she lost track of time.

However, there was no one to greet her and she made her way up the stairs thinking that Nanette would catch her and scold her. There was no such scene as the master bedroom's door was shut and no light shined from under it. Everyone seemed to be asleep.

This was the first time that she had ever come home so late, and even when she had been a few minutes before someone was always there to yell at her.

Opening her bedroom door, she stepped in and shut the door behind her before turning on the light. When she turned around, she startled and jumped back into the door.

"Julian." She didn't want to shout his name or scream, because it would wake up the house. The sight of him sleeping in her bed had been unexpected.

He had pulled down the blankets and made himself right at home. There was no sign of him attempting to wake after she had spoken his name.

Tossing her jacket on the back of her computer chair and removing her gloves and hat, she walked over to the bed and shoved his shoulder. "Julian, wake up." She whispered. "This is my bed, get out."

He continued to sleep and part of her wondered if she should ask Nanette for help or if she needed to sleep in his room for the night.

"Julian, wake up." She repeated and this time she used her hand to squeeze his nose shut. His mouth opened gasping for air and he sat up glaring at her for a moment until he realized what was going on.

Julian smiled briefly, before his eyes fell on her alarm clock. "It's eleven. You stayed out until eleven... on a school night, are you crazy? Do you know how dangerous that is? Didn't I tell you to call me so I could come get you?"

She sighed as she stared at the man in her bed. "Why are you sleeping in my room?"

"Because you would have to wake me up when you got back, and I would get to see you." He said the words in nearly the voice of a child speaking to his parent.

"It's inappropriate." She growled under her breath.

"Not really, I asked my mom if she didn't want us sleeping together, and she said it was fine as long as we used protection." He pushed the blanket off of himself and placed his socked feet on the ground.

"You did what? Julian what the hell are you rattling on about?" She crossed her arms and tried to fight the feeling of her cheeks heating up.

"Cold." He said as he looked down at his feet. "It's warmer under the blankets. Want to snuggle?"

Riane stared at the man as if he had completely lost his mind as her hands dropped to her side. "Stop playing around, Julian."


"What?" She spoke it a little too loud and a little to angrily. "What?" She whispered as if it made up for her mistake when no one responded to her yell.

"Jules. I like when girls call me Jules." He smiled.

Her only reply was to sigh.

"Do you want to know why, Riane? Ask me why." The smirk on his face lingered as much as her frown did.

Reluctantly, she asked. "Why?"

"Then I can tell them I going to give them jewels, but surprise it's not polished rocks, it's me!" He tossed his hands up in the air playfully and pointed at himself with his thumbs.

She couldn't help but chuckle at the comment, however she quickly regained her composure. "I met with Ivy today." She couldn't handle this conversation anymore and wanted to quickly change the subject.

"Uh, stay away from that one, she is insane." Julian seemed to be a little bit sweeter after just waking up than he had been all day.

"I am planning on befriending her."

He shrugged, "You're choice, but watch out she'll stab you in the back the moment she gets the chance."

She inhaled, "We should do a double date with Adonia and Blake soon."

The humor on Julian's face that had been there even through the news about Ivy was quickly washed away. "I told you I am not doing that anymore."

"Julian, you don't really like me. I am not your type, we both know that." She sat down in the computer chair instead of on the bed with him.

He slowly frowned at her words, "Do not presume to tell me how I feel. I struggled with this for months now, and I know exactly what I feel now."

"Struggled with what?"

"Confusion over why I cared so much about what you were doing. Jealousy when you were out and about with my brother. Anger when I..." He didn't want to tell her that Adonia thought Blake might be in love with her, because he knew that he would certainly lose that fight. "Anger that you care for Blake the way I want you to care for me."

Riane scoffed at his words although she felt a confusing increase in her heart rate. She decided that it was because no one had ever spoken about her like that before.

"I like you. I know it now. I am not going to suddenly stop, but I am going to work really hard to make you like me back." He stood up and looked down at her. "I promise that one day you will like me, Riane."

"I already like you, just not in a romantic way. Also, I hate that you changed who you are. Stop being sweet and nice... and most importantly stop being considerate. Go back to the cussing, rude, jerk friend that I want in my life." She begged with her hands folded in front of her.

Julian slowly shook his head, "No."

"Why not?" She whined.

"That Julian is just your friend. That is who I am to Seth and Dalen, not to you. Not anymore." He suddenly smiled, "I bet you didn't think I would be a big romantic, did you? You thought I was just the kind of guy who slept with a girl and then ran away. I've had girlfriends before, real ones. Ones that broke up with me amicably. I can call one, she can tell you that we still chat from time to time. I give her advice on guys."

Staring at the man in front of her, she had no idea who he was. She could barely believe the words that came from his mouth.

Julian could see that line of thought was getting him no where, so he switched to another one. "I used to bully you, so I know it would be difficult to think of me like I want you to. However, we became fast friends and you quickly forgave me for my transgressions. So, for that, thank you. I know what I am asking now will take longer, but the good news is I have all the time in the world."

"Julian, we will never be anything more than friends. I like Blake. You like Adonia. Did you get discouraged by something? What happened?" She just couldn't fathom where this came from all of a sudden. "We just went on a date with Blake and Adonia. I don't understand what could have changed so fast."

"Nothing changed, I just got honest with myself." he spoke the words so blatantly that they were hard not to believe.

Riane could feel the rage boiling in her heart, "Get out!" She didn't care if she woke up anyone anymore, she wanted him out.

Julian didn't seem bothered by her anger and smiled, "Alright. Goodnight, honey!" He practically sang before heading out the door leaving her very bothered by their conversation.

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