RKP Hunt's Speculative Fiction

Full Version: (CH2) Chapter 8: Mecca of Anxiety
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This was the last week of classes before winter break took hold. They would receive three weeks off from school and most people were planning a get away. Even Dalen had been mentioning a trip together, but Riane didn't know if she was ready to travel. However, she didn't want her friends to run off and leave her all alone.

That morning, Julian had looked a little down and had barely spoken during breakfast. When Bryce tried to irritate him, he just ignored him.

Riane took their car to school and left Joe standing in front of the house without a word spoken to her. She felt somewhat bad for the way she handled it, but decided that Joe deserved the cold shoulder for now. Bryce had gone over to explain that she would be riding with them that morning. She had to sit in the front seat with the driver as the three boys took up the backseat.

Zack's driver had decided to retire after his surgery and their parents thought that one driver was working out well enough. Zack hadn't really spoken much to Riane since that day in the music room. Occasionally, she would see him peeking in through the double doors, but when he realized she noticed he would run away. She decided that she would let him come to her when he was ready.

He was acting quietly as he didn't seem to like the idea of Riane in the car, and Riane felt like she had inserted herself somewhere she didn't belong. That left only Bryce trying to liven up the car's atmosphere. It didn't work.

When the car finally pulled up to Zack's school, he jumped out as quickly as possible. He ran into the high school that was fully heated unlike CHU where one had to walk between buildings and sometimes classes in the cold.

"Come sit in the back, Riane." Bryce asked and she did as she was told.

Julian had been sitting in the middle and remained there as she sat down beside him. She gave him a slight smile and he returned it then went immediately back to his contemplation.

"Going to be windy today. I hope you both brought scarves." Bryce yanked on his scarf that was around his neck. "Going to need it for your face."

Riane was heading a dark brown headband that went over her ears but kept them warm. She didn't like wearing the normal hats as she thought they made her look homeless. Joe had agreed with that notion.

Julian and his brothers were wearing the hats though each with their own color. Bryce had black, Julian had red, and Zack had dark blue.

"It's in my backpack." She explained. "I don't like wearing them too much. It makes me feel like someone is trying to choke me."

Bryce chuckled. "Yeah, I dislike anything covering my mouth, but its that or having your lips freeze off."

She looked down at her gloved hands and then back up to Bryce, "You could just walk around with your hand over your mouth." She demonstrated.

"Walk around like that and everyone will think you are completely surprised or about to throw up." He laughed.

Riane lowered her own hands and laughed as well.

"Will you two stop?" Julian snapped. "I am between you two. I don't want to be the meat in your flirt sandwich."

Bryce rubbed the top of his brother's head, "First of all, it wasn't flirting. Second of all," He turned his attention to Riane, "I think he is jealous."

He smacked his brother's hand away. "I am not." He snapped before noticing that the university was in sight. "Thank god!"

They pulled up and Julian nearly shoved Riane out of the car before heading towards the gym. Bryce got out and shut the door behind him.

"Man, he is in full ass mode today." He said to her as other students passed by them on their way to classes.

She nodded.

"Do you know what is wrong?"

She shook her head and shrugged, "Maybe it's PMS."

Bryce smirked, "See you after classes."

Riane looked around for Dalen or Seth, but they didn't seem to be around. She wondered if they were mad that she had snubbed Joe that morning. A deep heaviness came over her heart when she realized she might have to walk through the crowd by herself.

As she approached the gate, her breathing shortened and her heart beat rapidly in her chest. "You can do this." She mumbled as her mantra once she stepped through.

It didn't matter the panic attack began as soon as she approached the main court that was just a mecca of anxiety. She tried as she had done before to think of other routes to get to her class, but there were none that wouldn't make her late. She wasn't going to pass out. She refused.

"Get the little bitch!" A voice called out in the crowd and three men chased after a thin blonde girl whose backpack and large jacket slowed her down considerably.

They threw snowballs at her until she slipped and fell in a snow bank. The three men came to stand over her as they picked up more snow.

"What you say, bitch?" One asked her.

"I said I am not leaving this school!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. "I don't care what you do to me!"

They all tossed the snow balls at her, until one reached down to grab her arm. "You are leaving! Right now!"

"Get away from her!" Riane screamed even though she had no breath of her own.

The students that ignored the commotion turned to look towards her, and the three men stared. The one that held the girl's arm let go which crashed her back into the snow, as Riane marched over to them.

"You should be ashamed of yourselves! Three men treating one girl this way! Get out of here!" She barked.

"That's the charity case!" He argued.

"Get away from her!" She simply screamed again.

They stared at her for a moment, before moving away.

"We aren't done." One threatened.

"Yes, you are!" Riane retorted, before turning back to the girl. "Are you alright?" She asked holding out her hand.

The blonde slapped it away. "Fuck off!"

"I am really sorry about that. Just a couple months ago, I was being picked on because they thought I was a boy." She told the blonde as she managed to stand up on her own.

"I don't know what that means." She snapped curtly.

"Riane Nairne. I am a freshman." She held out her hand to her.

The girl looked at it for a moment, before reaching out to shake her hand. "Emma McClure, same."

"Nice to meet you."

Emma looked at the other woman for a moment, "Same to you. Uh, thanks for helping me out. I knew this school didn't like it's charity cases, but this is too far. But, I didn't work my ass off in high school to get this scholarship only to be chased out by trust fund thugs!"

Riane giggled at the woman's anger. "That's the spirit."

Emma slowly smiled at her. "Thanks."

"Where is your class?"

She pointed in the same direction that Riane needed to go, which was somewhat of a relief. "Oh good. So, a favor for a favor?"

"Um, ok."


Bryce was on his way to meet his friends before classes started. Neither of them had taken the earliest class as they had taken extra classes as freshmen and sophomores so they could have some free time in the last two years of college. It had been worth it to get the morning off to do extra classwork or just hang out with his friends. Then they got an extended lunch time so they could easily go off campus for lunch.

The cellphone in his back pocket vibrated and he knew right away who it was from. Catherine always sent him a text in the morning when she knew he had arrived at school. Due to the time difference she had already been in classes for a couple hours.

"Good morning! He proposed!" Read the text.

"Congrats." He replied with a frown on his face though he sent a smiley face to her, then shoved the phone back into his pocket.

Stepping into the student lounge, he found his friends at their usual table. The room was mostly tables and chairs with a couple of couches. There were vending machines for food and drink with a couple sparsely placed garbage cans.

The room was mostly empty of other students as not many had done the extra classes and then still showed up in time for first classes.

"You look pissed." Chad said as Bryce sat down beside him in his usual chair.

Bryce sighed, "Catherine just texted me that she got engaged."

All three men shook their heads.

"Why do you still talk to your ex? It's unnatural." Brian sat with his elbows on the table and a soda can in his hands. He was a natural athlete. Tall and well built with brown hair and eyes. He seemed to change girlfriends as often as he did his underwear.

"I agree." Luke echoed. He had thick black rim glasses, blonde hair, and his natural charm was also no stranger to ex-girlfriends, but he had a different approach than Brian. Where Brian used his good looks, Luke used his brain, charisma, and honesty. It seemed to work rather well for him.

"We were close and I want to remain that way." Bryce told them the excuse that he had been telling himself for years.

"I saw you shopping with your brother's girl." Chad decided to change the subject for his best friend. He knew this was a sore subject and had no idea why Bryce would bring it up.

"Why didn't you say hi?"

"You looked cozy and I didn't want to disturb you. Are you trying to steal her away?" He was only teasing and the rest of the group knew it. They all cackled at the thought of Bryce ever acting in such a manner.

"I might." Bryce replied back playfully.

It was as ridiculous to think of Bryce acting immorally as it was Chad. He and Kalei had been together since high school. They were what Bryce had wanted for him and Catherine.

Chad always dressed well and his black hair was always brushed perfectly into shape and always clean cut. He and Bryce could not have been more alike in their thinking, which was probably why they had been friends since elementary school.

"How's that going between them?" Chad inquired.

"Boring!" Brian announced before getting up and heading over to the vending machines, and Luke was right behind him.

"He seems to be getting attached and not just in a friendly way. I don't think he knows what is going on other than he wants all her time to himself." Bryce told him with laughter in his voice. "It's fun to tease him."

Chad smirked, "Uh, yeah, it's always been fun to get that little asshole riled up. The hissy fits alone are worth the price of admission."

"I just don't know if she sees him in the same way. I am not very good at reading her." He leaned back in his chair and folded his arms.

"No? You usually are." Chad had a small cup of coffee in front of him that he sipped out of every couple of seconds.

Bryce slowly shook his head, "It's driving me insane. I keep trying to get close and figure her out. At first it was to know the woman that might be my sister-in-law someday, and now it is just a challenge to understand. I tried to let it go for a couple months. I thought that if I lived around her that it would eventually happen, but she is a hard read."


He shook his head, "Nah. Plenty of emotion. It is just that I can never figure out what emotions will manifest, or how she will react to anything. Part of me wonders if she is a sociopath or something, but I know it is not right to act like a psychiatrist."

Chad thought for a moment, "You should be careful."

"What? Why?"

"Focusing on someone like this might cause feelings whether you want them or not, and we both know it would be disastrous for you to get feelings for your future sister-in-law. Not to mention the damage it would cost to your relationship with your brother, even if you never tell him." Chad took another dip from his coffee.

Bryce sighed audibly. "Yeah, maybe you are right. Still, I got to help Julian out and it seems hanging around her makes him feel it more. It's also funny to watch."

"He could do it all on his own. You know sometimes in order to help someone you do nothing at all. Let him fly or fall. He'll learn."

He rolled his eyes, "Aren't you full of wisdom today?"

Chad shrugged, before he chuckled. "I read a bunch of inspiring quotes last night instead of doing my homework."

Brian and Luke returned to the table with several goodies from the vending machine. They were for everyone but Bryce rarely ate anything as he was always provided more than enough for breakfast at home.

"That girl, Callie, has been asking about you. I think she is interested." Brian told Bryce as he peeled the wrapper off a candy bar.

"Not interested." Bryce said without hesitation.

"Oh come on." Luke spat, "She is good looking, nice, and smart. The only bad quality I can think of is that she likes you."

The table laughed briefly, except for Bryce as he had heard that joke a thousand times from each one of these guys.

"I am just not interested in anything serious right now. I've told you guys that before, so just stop, please. I'll act when I am ready not because you want me to be ready." Bryce scolded them as he watched them chow down on their candy bars.

Chad picked up a bag of potato chips and ate a couple before tossing the bag back on the table. "He's right. Leave him alone."

"If we don't push, he'll never do anything." Luke argued.

"It's true. He doesn't want anything serious, but I don't see you going after anything else either. Tell me the truth. The last time you had sex was with Catherine right? At her going away party?" Brian was purposefully trying to provoke him.

"Mind your own business, Brian." Bryce growled.

"Seriously, Brian. Who raised you?" Chad snapped.

He waved his hand at them. "Whatever you two. You'll never get anything in life if you don't go look for it. That's all I am saying."

"Well, say something else, because this topic of discussion is over." Bryce barked.


Riane had explained her anxiety to Emma, who was more than happy to walk her to her classroom. Once the class was over, Emma appeared at her side to walk her to the next one. It happened with almost all of the classes, except when Emma's classroom was across campus and she wouldn't make it in time.

The two talked on their short walks. Emma telling her about how she had moved from across the country. Her parents were middle class and they could afford a one bedroom apartment for her here at great cost to themselves, but she had to work at a cafe in order to get money to pay for bills and additional costs.

She told her how she worked hard throughout high school because she knew her parents wouldn't be able to afford college. She had to get a full scholarship and had many offers came her way when she started applying. In truth, she had much more lucrative offers from other colleges, but CHU was always her first choice.

She loved how the college established it's classes to be more like a high school than other college campuses. She loved it's history and she loved it's location. It had been a long talk with her parents knowing they would have to sacrifice for her to come here. They hadn't hesitated. "It is only for four years" had been her parent's motto that discussion.

Riane had listened to her new friend talk about herself, but didn't really say much about her own life. She liked to hear the story of the happy family that sacrifices for each other.

Lunch time came around and Riane stepped out of her class and looked around for Emma. The girl came running through the crowd, happy to see her.

"Let's grab some lunch?" Emma asked. She always asked if she wanted to be walked to the next classroom as if she wasn't certain if she was over stepping her boundaries.

Riane nodded, "Sure, but I eat with friends. Do you want to meet them?"

"Sounds scandalous! Sure." Emma and her walked together to the cafeteria, where she stopped uncertain.

"Something the matter?"

Emma looked embarrassed. "Meals here are too expensive. I bring my lunch." She pointed at her backpack. "I usually find a spot to hide away from everyone in there."

Riane considered what she was saying for a moment, "Ok, I'll grab something that we will both like and we can share?"

She grinned, "Of course. It's just a turkey sandwich and some chips though."

"Sounds great. I'll grab my food and then introduce you to my friends, alright?"

Riane quickly went through the line and appeared in front of Emma again. She almost looked relieved to see her walk out of the cafeteria as if she had been afraid of being abandoned. She had been too afraid to enter inside herself, even as the other students passed by her with looks that told her she was not welcomed.

Walking over to the table where the boys were, Seth was the first to notice them. He waved Riane over and was surprised to see a girl following behind her.

"Hey, guys. This is Emma." Riane sat her tray down on the table and Emma sat down beside her.

Julian stared down at his bowl of chowder and didn't respond.

"This is Seth, Dalen, and Julian." Riane introduced them and Emma gave them a slight wave. "I met her when I couldn't find you guys this morning."

"Yeah, sorry about that. I ran late." Seth explained.

Dalen didn't answer and instead looked to Emma. "You are the charity case, aren't you?"

Riane sighed, before correcting him. "Scholarship student."

"I thought the school stopped doing that when they found out that rich girl took the scholarship and pretended to be poor." Seth seemed confused.

"They did for a couple years, but there was a big ruckus about it from the community. They said it was wrong to punish all future students for the misdeeds of one." Dalen explained.

Julian looked up from his bowl, and over to Riane. "You have some poor kid escorting you around the school? At least, pay her."

"Julian, don't be rude." Riane scolded and looked over at Emma. "He's just a jerk, pay him no mind."

"He's your fiancee." Seth teased.

Emma looked shocked, "You didn't tell me you were engaged. Congratulations?"

"It's arranged, don't be too excited." Riane laughed as did Seth and Dalen, though Emma did not see the humor.

"Arranged, I didn't know that was even legal." Emma said with shock in her voice and put her hand to her chest. "You two don't even like each other then?"

"We were friends before it happened."

"It's not really any of your business, how we feel towards each other, now is it?" Julian snapped. "Mind your own business."

"Really, Julian. This is why we only have one female friend." Seth barked back but playfully, before looking back to Emma. "So, what is your major?"

"Computer Science. I wanted to do graphic design and make video games, but it looks like I'll just be programming the game instead. My art is terrible." Emma pulled out her brown paper bag from her backpack and placed it on the table.

Riane had gotten a large slice of pepperoni pizza with a knife to cut it, and had been doing so while Emma talked with Seth.

"That sounds terribly boring." Seth joked.

"It really is." Emma replied as she took her chips and sandwich out of the bag. "Are you sure, you want to share?"

"Yes." Riane pointed to her pizza slice that was now cut in half.

"You'll share with a stranger you just met today, but I eat off your spoon and you lose your mind." Julian growled.

"She is eating food not licking my silverware. What is your problem today?" Riane asked as Emma put half of her sandwich on Riane's tray.

When Emma realized that Julian wouldn't reply, she began to speak. "I make my own garlic aoili. I hope you like it."

Picking up the sandwich, Riane took a bite and gave a thumbs up as she chewed. When she finally swallowed, she put her fingers up to her mouth and made a kissing noise. "That is so good. You make that yourself?"

"Yes. It's not difficult."

"Can I try?" Seth asked.

Riane cut a piece off with her knife and offered it to him, and he down the whole piece in one bite. Emma looked anxious over his answers.

"Oh, man, that is really good. Dalen likes to cook too." He turned to his quiet friend, "You should try this."

Dalen turned annoyed towards Riane as she offered him a piece of the sandwich. He ate it quickly at first, but then slowed his annoyed movement. "How do you make it that creamy? Mine is always a little bit thinner."

"Grapeseed oil with the olive oil." She explained.

"You want to try Julian?" Riane asked.

He looked up from his bowl of chowder that he hadn't yet touched, and frowned. "I don't want a piece of a sandwich you all have passed around the table."

Riane sighed, "You are really grumpy today, you know that?"

He responded with silence and returned to his uneaten soup. Riane looked across the table to Seth, who merely shrugged his shoulders.


Adonia had watched Riane get her lunch, leave the cafeteria, and return with another woman in tow. She had stared as she introduced her new friend to the guys and acted as if they had not learned something truly frustrating about Blake.

Was she not even thinking about it? Was it so easy to ignore the pain of another? Was she not even worth greeting?

Riane seemed perfectly fine and perhaps even happy with her situation. It was a difficult choice for Adonia not to blame Riane as others had. She was an easy target after all she was the reason that Blake messed up his past relationships. However, that was Blake putting Riane before the girlfriends not Riane demanding the attention.

"Where is Blake?" Kalei asked as she ate her chicken salad that she had meticulously measured out the dressing with a small tablespoon she carried on her keyring.

Adonia didn't answer and continued to stare at the woman in the distance. Jealousy seethed deep in her heart even when her brain continued to tell her that the jealousy was really frustration with Blake.

"Adonia?" Parker followed her line of sight, and thought it curious that she would be staring at Riane.

"Adonia?" Kalei said slightly louder and looked toward Parker who mouthed the name of the woman she was looking at.

Still she stared off into the distance, lost in her own world. Her eyes glazed over as she sat deep in thought.

"Adonia!" Parker barked and snapped her fingers in front of her friend's face until she blinked and turned her attention to them.

"Sorry, what?" Her eyes seemed to adjust to a more present look.

"Where is Blake?" Kalei asked again.

Adonia shrugged her shoulders and looked back down at her own salad. She hated salads but both her friends got one and she felt inclined.

Parker continued the inquest. "He isn't eating with us, and he isn't eating with Riane. I haven't seen him come in here."

She sighed, "We had a big argument over the weekend."

"You two fought, really?" Parker said in shock.

"Yeah, I can't imagine you two fighting. He is always so even tempered and calm." Kalei added as she ate a piece of chicken and some feta from her salad.

Adonia sighed, "I guess it would be more accurate to say that I fought and he calmly discussed, or at least he tried to."

"What happened?" Parker leaned back in her chair and folded her arms. She was always a fast eater and was pretty much done with her meal.

"I... He is an asshole." She growled.

Neither of her friends could understand why she would say such a thing, and both were shocked that Adonia would refer to him as such.

"Why?" Kalei leaned in closer. "What did he do?"

"Did he cheat?" Parker got herself angry.

Adonia shook her head and ran her hand through her hair. "No, we went on that double date with Julian and Riane. They seemed to like each other, I guess. Something still feels off about them. Anyway, I get invited over to Blake's house on Sunday, and he asks me if it would be alright if he pretended that he was engaged to Riane."

"What?" Both girls squeaked. "Why?"

"He seems to think that Riane isn't happy with him, and that she can move into his apartment in order for her to finish college, then he and I could officially be together again. That is my understanding at least." Adonia had been stabbing her food with her fork, but not actually eating any of it.

"That asshole." Parker hissed.

"Yeah, are you two not suppose to date at all or are you suppose to run around behind the curtains just pretending to be Riane's friend?" Kalei was eating her food like this was a movie and her salad was her popcorn.

"The latter, I suppose. I refused. If we got caught everyone would think that I am a cheater, and if they broke up and he and I got back together people would think that I broke them up." She pressed her lips together and tried to maintain a proper volume for her voice. "It is incredibly inconsiderate of him, and he just only sees it as protecting Riane."

"That explains the stink eye." Parker laughed.

"Yeah, you should end it with him. Obviously, he cares more about her than you." Kalei looked to Parker for validation of her opinion and got a nod of approval.

"I... I can't do that."

"What? Why?" They both chimed in together.

She took a deep breath, "It's not Riane's fault. All those years of him losing girlfriends; I always thought she was the reason that they were run away, but it isn't that at all is it? He just picks Riane over and over again, until there is no room for the girlfriend anymore."

"Are you saying like he is in love with her?" Parker drank from her water bottle after asking the question.

"I have not even considered it." She said flatly.

Kalei was quick to add to Parker's theory. "But... it would make sense. After all, he was stuck on her being a 'he' for so long maybe he got confused about his feelings towards her."

Adonia gave another huge sigh and licked her lips as she sat back in her chair. She thought for several moments before answering. "I don't know. It seems so heartbreaking to think that they both were in love with each other and couldn't admit it."

"You are seriously feeling bad for them, when you are the victim?" Kalei rolled her eyes. "I swear Adonia sometimes you are too sweet."

"What are you going to do, Adonia?" Parker decided now was not the time to tease her friend for having a caring heart.

"I am not going to let him chase me away. If he wants things to end than he has to end them." She saw the look of shock on their faces. "I know that sounds vengeful, and to some degree it is, but also I refuse to be just another girl he can blame Riane because they left him."

"So, you are protecting Riane?" Parker asked in confusion.

Adonia tossed her hands in the air, "I have no idea. I just know that I want to be different. If that means I stay and earn his real affection than I win, but if I am finally the woman that he is forced to end things with then I win too. Either way, things will be different. I won't be that same damn story that he constantly hides behind."

"Wow." Kalei barely spoke the word.

"I don't know if that makes you selfish or selfless." Parker added.

She pressed her lips together once more, "I guess there is only one way to find out."

"Well, I have a question." Kalei looked between both of the women. "Are you doing it because you are angry or because you love him?"

Adonia was surprised by the inquiry. "Love." She whispered the word.

Kalei smiled, "Well, then it's selfless. Anyone want to share a dessert? I have been having a craving for the chocolate mousse I saw in there."


Ivy worked the day shift at the old, dirty bar. It was a small two bartender bar with a green top, and green stools. There were about ten tables that sat four each and the whole place smelled of cooking oil.

It was mostly old men with nothing better to do with their days. During lunch time it would get a bit busy because their kitchen turned out rather decent bar appetizers that some liked for a meal.

At night she worked at a night club as a bartender as well. It had been where she had met Julian. She knew they weren't more than friends with benefits and at first she had fun with it. However, he started lingering by saying he didn't want to go home yet. He made breakfast a couple of times, and she in turn did it for him. It had begun to feel like a real relationship, even though he took other girls out of the club at times. They never talked about exclusivity so it was fine.

Making her last drink of the day, she poured the bourbon into the glass along with the bar's old fashion mix. Sitting in front of an elder man in his sixties, she smiled.

"Have a good one, Henry." She said as she took off her apron and tossed it into the bin.

He mumbled a goodbye.

She grabbed her cash register drawer as the bartender relieving her was waiting to put her own in. "Have fun." She told Beth as she headed to the manager's office up the stairs.

"You working at the club tonight?" Beth asked before she got to far.

She nodded, "Yeah, club on a Monday night, I'll be rolling in the cash."

Beth laughed as she put her drawer into the cash register. "See ya, hon."

Up the stairs she ascended until she reached the door. She knocked before opening it, and smiled at the chubby, short man that was her manager. "I'm heading out now."

"Ok, put it on my desk." Marty was looking at something on his computer monitor.

She did as she was asked and left him to his work. Her faux fur jacket was in the office with him and she grabbed it before heading back down the stairs.

"Bye, everyone!" She said loudly.

"Bye, Ivy." Was mostly mumbled through the quiet bar.

Stepping outside, she looked across the street to the apartments she lived in. They were all small studio apartments, but it was home to her.

Pulling her phone from her pocket, she opened up her text screen and found Julian. "I am very sorry about the other night. I had drank way too much, and went insane. I am cutting back so it will never happen again, I promise."

She put the phone away and shoved her hands into her pockets, as she quickly crossed the street. She was embarrassed by her actions, and had been trying to apologize since it happened, but there was no reply. She knew that her relationship with Julian was over and it was once again because she hit that line from being a fun drunk to being angry and willing to do crazy things.

Pulling out her keys, she found her apartment on the first floor and opened the door.

The studio had a small kitchen consisting of a small stove, a tiny fridge, one counter top with cabinet attached, and a cupboard above it. The only other piece of furniture she had was a red love seat that she used as her bed or sometimes she slept on the floor in a sleeping bag. Julian had loved sleeping on the floor with her, he said it was like indoor camping. She had a tiny television that had been a gift from a friend that she had put on a box filled with books. It wasn't attached to any service so she only got local channels and they were rather unwatchable because of the static.

Walking over to the cupboard, she pulled out a package of ramen. She had to go into the bathroom to get water from the sink to fill the cooking pot. She used to buy water and store near the kitchen, but it took up a great deal of room and was expensive. There had been complaints about there being no sinks in the kitchen, but nothing ever came of it. Most people that lived here didn't want to cause a fuss because losing your home could easily occur.

She put the pot on the electric coil of the stove and stood there watching it boil for a moment, before walking into the bathroom and quickly brushing her white hair with pink tips. She looked at herself in the mirror for a couple seconds to check her skin for any imperfections.

Heading back out into the main room, she pulled her cellphone from her jacket pocket and opened the text screen again. "I would really like to apologize to your fiancee. I mean it. I am not trying to set you up or anything. At least, let me know that you apologized on my behalf."

She tossed the phone onto the couch and sat down with a big thud. This was what her life had boiled down to now.

She didn't have to live this way. Her mother was a pediatrician and her father was a police officer. They had raised three children together. One went to school to become a doctor, the other joined the military to follow in his father's footsteps, and Ivy, well, she was done with school. She had always hated it. She was always the problem child. The wild child. The child that wanted attention even if it was negative.

"Go to college or get out of my house!" Were the last words her father had said to her, and her mother had merely nodded her head in agreement.

She didn't know if they really thought she would leave, but she packed her bags and walked out before any more words could be said. She was eighteen and now six years later she was no better for her decision. Alcohol and drug abuse were just the common theme of her life since then, and she knew it fully well.

She had gone to meetings but she hated when they told her to give herself over to a higher power. They said that higher power could be anything she wanted; a tree, a cat, anything. The idea of giving up power over herself even if it were made up thing like a tree just caused her resentment. She was the power in her life, even if it was a shit hole apartment with two low paying jobs.

Her brother and sister had stopped talking to her after a while. All the abandonment was her fault and that much she could admit.

She had stopped her activities for around six months, but started up again one night when she was feeling lonely. That was probably why she clung to Julian so tightly when she knew he would run away in the end. Loneliness had been a driving force in her life.

She wondered what would have happened had she done what her parents said? Would she be a successful business woman? A nurse, maybe? Some weird job that she had never heard of but made a good amount of money. Would she have a stable relationship?

Or maybe she would be worse than this? Maybe she would be miserable about the job she was stuck in. Maybe she would hate the man she was with, but be too afraid to end things with him. Maybe she would be resentful of her parents for taking away her opportunity to explore herself before making any big decisions like a college degree.

"I just want to spend one year abroad, and then I'll go." She had told them and part of her knew it was a lie. She never wanted to step foot on a school campus again.

"You can spend time abroad on your own money!" Her father had yelled.

He wasn't exactly wrong, and she was lying about going to college. Her father knew her well enough. He said it to give her a reason to go and get a degree, even if only the community college would take her, unlike her sister.

Last she heard, her brother was out of the military and was working on his own degree, but she often heard things through eighth hand information sources. They didn't talk to her.

Her parents had showed up here one time and were disgusted by her living conditions. They wanted to send her to rehab, but she sent them away. She didn't want them to do anything for her ever again, because they used it to control her.

She sighed, as she thought about her situation now. She needed to apologize for what she had done, and if Julian wouldn't respond to her then she knew where to find his fiancee. It would mean a school campus, but she wanted to clear the air. She needed someone to forgive her even if it was only halfheartedly and then they never wanted to see her again.

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Riane entered into the small one bedroom apartment and was immediately met with a closet. She turned left to find the living room. There wasn't much in way of furniture. A love couch, a small television on a plywood tv stand, and a coffee table that was as long as the love seat.

Across the room on the far left was an large opening in the wall where a tall table with two stools sat. Riane assumed that the kitchen was behind that wall, as there was a hallway to the right that lead to two doors. A bathroom and a bedroom, she assumed.

“This is cozy.” Riane said for lack of any other response.

“It's small, but bigger than the studio apartments that we looked at. My parents wanted me to get that instead because they were in a better neighborhood, but I really wanted my own bedroom. I hate the idea of sleeping with my living room furniture for some reason.” Emma chuckled.

Riane began to take her jacket off as she had seen Emma do and tossed it over the back of the chair. She placed her backpack on the ground next to her friends.

Emma had discovered that they shared a couple of the same classes and had found her at the gate before leaving. She invited her over to study together, and Riane agreed having never been on a study date. She also didn't want to go home with the boys or with Joe who had pulled up her car out by the gate when Emma arrived.

She had thought when she accepted that Emma had a car, but she had a bus pass. Riane had to buy herself a ticket from the machine at the bus stop, and sat nervously in the crowded bus as it drove her further away from everything she knew. It was an experience she did not want to repeat, and thought of who she could call to go home.

“So, you don't have a car?” Riane asked as she sat down on the couch.

Emma disappeared into the kitchen, “No, I have been saving up for one. There is this clunker that is like four hundred bucks and the guy said he would hold it for me for a few months.” She returned from the kitchen with a soda in hand, and offered one out to Riane who took it. “It's store brand.” She warned.

Riane didn't really know what that meant and drank it anyway. “Probably be better to lease one for four years then to buy one if you don't plan on staying here after you graduate.”

“Sounds like a lot of money down the toilet that I don't have though.” Emma looked uncomfortable.


“So... um, I liked your friends today. They were really nice.” She said with cheer as she set her glass down on the table. There were several ring spots from unattended drinks.

Riane was thankful for the change in conversation. “Yes, actually, they were on their best behavior today. Well, besides Julian. He is in a mood.”

“You two are really engaged?”

She nodded, “Yes, but it's arranged. We can end it at any time, but he doesn't want his parents upset with him and I don't want to return home.”

“Return home? Like... you live with him?” She spoke the words as if they were some sort of scandal.

“With his family, yes. He has his parents and two brothers. They are very nice to me.” Riane told her with a little sense of pride.

Emma smiled, “That's great. What about your parents?”

“My mom all but disappeared when I was younger, and my dad was never really the same after their divorce. He married his mistress and they had my little brother, Russell. I haven't talked to him since I moved out, or my step-mother. I think my dad is trying to keep us parted.”

“That's awful. I am sorry.”

Riane shrugged her shoulders, “We can only react to the actions of others not control them. So, hopefully one day my brother will reach out to me when he can.”

Emma looked unhappy with how this conversation turned. “I am an only child. My mom said she had initially wanted four, but after having me she was good with just one.” She laughed.

“Were you difficult?”

She shook her head, “No, I just think it was more work than she realized and didn't want to pile it on. My dad only wanted one anyway, so it worked out for him.”

“What do your parents do?”

Emma seemed to think of how to explain it for a second, “Well, my mom works at a grocery store. She'll get a pension when she has been there for twenty years, which is in four years. My dad was a car salesman, but that didn't work out too well. He got a job as an assistant manger in a book store, but that closed, so did the electronics store. Now, he works as a delivery man for construction stuff. I can never remember what he delivers.”

“Wow, that's very diverse resume.”

She grinned, “When your only job is putting a roof over your family's head and food on the table then you do whatever is necessary to make sure that happens. What about your father?”

“He is a venture capitalist.”

“A what?”

She giggled, “He is basically an investor for small companies or helps provide money for companies that want to expand. Sometimes, he buys small seed companies, helps them grow, and then sells them off.”

“Can't you lose a lot of money that way?” Emma asked with curiosity.

“Yes, but my father is wealthy enough and smart enough not to invest what he can't afford to lose. His parents disowned his brother and when they died left everything to him, which was a very large estate and a real estate company. He sold the company to gain more liquid assets and started doing what he always wanted to do.” She explained but could see Emma's eyes glaze over for a moment.

“What did he do before that?”

“Worked at the company. He hated it, but his parents made him in order for him to get the inheritance.” The irony that her father wanted her to get a degree in something she hated was not lost on her.

“Oh.” Emma sighed, “Hey, um, Seth was really nice.”

“He is somewhat of an ass, but, yeah, he can be nice.” Riane could tell where this was going and she giggled slightly.

“Is he single? Dalen talked about his girlfriend, but Seth never said anything.” She picked up her glass and took a short drink.

“He is single... or somewhat single. He is in an arranged marriage, but they only see each other a couple times a year. I don't think it is going to go anywhere.” She mimicked Emma and drank from her own glass.

“Eh, it wouldn't work out anyway. He's a rich boy, and I've seen what they really think about people like me.”

“You could include me in that statement, you know?”

Emma frowned, “I didn't mean it that way.”

“Look. Joe and Dalen are making it work, and she isn't from a rich family. You never know until you give it a try.”

“You know, Riane. I am really glad I met you today. Thanks... thanks for letting me tag along all day. I know it must have been annoying.” Emma's voice broke as if she was trying to hold back tears.

“It wasn't annoying at all. I liked having a girlfriend to walk around with at school. I never had that before.” Riane reached over and took her hand.

“Thanks. It's been really trying since I got here. I have work friends, but that is all they are. I hope you and I can become good friends.”

Riane smiled at her, “I think we are well on the way. Do you want to order Chinese? I'll pay!”


Adonia knocked loudly on the door when her first knock had been ignored. When the door finally opened, Blake stood confused by her arrival.

“You should call before coming over to someone's home.” He scolded her calmly.

She would be having none of it, and pushed passed him into the apartment. She had gone home after classes and got a text from him asking how her day had been. Her heart had been enraged from that action alone.

“Excuse me, but I don't think...”

“Are you kidding me, Blake?”

The question seemed to confuse him and he opened and shut his mouth a couple of times, before shutting the door. Turning to face the woman with her hands on her hips, he crossed his arms and waited.

“You ignore me all day at school and then you send me a text?” She had her cellphone in hand. “As if that is going to smooth things over?”

“School is for learning not solving personal matters. I was also not ignoring you. At any time, you could have come spoken to me, and I would have responded. I am not a child. I don't give the silent treatment. Instead, I was giving you space.” He explained.

Adonia stared at him for what seemed to be an eternity. He had seen this look before and he knew a break up was coming. It always ended this way.

At least, she had lasted longer than most girls had. It must have been the months since Riane had been taken away that allowed her to feel so comfortable for so long.

“Would you like something to drink? I can make coffee or hot cocoa.” He pointed towards his kitchen as he remained calm despite the look of death that was being shot his way.

Adonia dropped her hands to her side, “Do you even like me?”

The question took his by surprise. “What? Yes, of course, I do.”

“Then what is going on here, Blake? Since Riane left to find herself, you have been distant and cold. Something, I was used to when Riane was around, but now it's when she isn't even here. I feel like I am not welcomed and not liked.”

He dropped his own hands to his side and once again opened and closed his mouth with no words being formed. He had no answer. “I didn't think anything was different.”

“When you are with me, you are elsewhere mentally. All you want to talk about is Riane, and when I try to make her your friend again, you don't even try to contact her and make amends. Instead, you want to steal her away from her fiancee and pretend that she is yours, while I sneak around and hope the public eye doesn't see me.” Her voice was becoming calmer the more she talked. “You don't do that to someone you like.”

“Riane is my friend. Her father has been a cruel dictator over her life for as long as I have known her.” He bite his bottom lip. “I do not believe that they are actually a couple now. Riane's plan all along was to get through the next few years of college, and then they would break up.”

Adonia had not been made aware of that, and a part of the puzzle clicked into place. She wondered if Julian was aware of it as well. “So, let her.”

“Riane is terrified of her father. In that time, she might feel pressured to actually marry him. Then my good friend, my best friend will be in a loveless marriage with a man I know will cheat on her and treat her horribly. I can't let that happen to her, Adonia.” Blake wished she would just break up with him so he didn't have to continue this conversation.

The blonde slowly shook her head, “You don't know that it will. You are making up scenarios in your head and then reacting to them.”

“It's better to be proactive then reactive.” He leaned against the door behind him.

“Do you know what I think, Blake?” She crossed her arms again and spread her legs to have a firm base to stand on.


“I think that Riane is not at fault at all for the break ups. I think you used her as an excuse to keep girls away from you. Maybe you did it because you didn't like them at first, or maybe it was just a convenient lie you told yourself. Your constant concern for her in the presence of those you should be giving all your attention to is the reason girls leave you. It's not because your best friend is a female.” Adonia felt relieved to get that off her chest.

“You are welcomed to that opinion.” He replied, but there was a slight bit of annoyance in his words.

Adonia smirked slightly, “That hit a bit of a nerve, didn't it? Have you been told this before or have you been hiding it and dislike being found out?”

Blake sighed audibly with a look of frustration on his face. “Adonia, why don't you go home and we can discuss this when we are both a little less heated?”

She shook her head, “No. I want to discuss this now.”

He ran his hands over his eyes and stood up straight, “Alright, fine. What do you want from me, Adonia? I am not certain that I understand your concerns. I should worry about my friend. I worry about you when you drive home, should I not do that?”

“It's a different type of worry.”

Again he rubbed his eyes, “Tell me what you want out of this discussion.”

Adonia was growing increasingly exasperated. “I talked about this with my friends, earlier. Do you know what they think? Do you know what I am starting to think?”

Blake pressed his lips together, “No, but I bet you are about to tell me.”

“I wonder if you are just really in love with her.” Adonia blurted the words out without any sensor. She was going to be deathly honest about this topic. “I think you might have fallen for her years ago, but you clung so tightly to the boy illusion that you couldn't really let yourself go all the way. So, you used her for that of a companion and the girls for what? Sex? Making out? Making yourself look normal?”

All emotion was removed from his face and he sat staring at the woman in front of him. He couldn't even comprehend what she was suggestion to him, but a part in his heart felt naked, exposed. It was a thought that had never occurred to him.

“Are you not even going to try to deny it, Blake?”

He took another deep breath, “I am not going to justify that with a response. You are just grasping at straws.”

“How does it feel to know that in an effort to keep Riane as your love and your best friend, you made her feel like a monster who ran off your girlfriends?”

He licked his lips, but did not answer.

Adonia continued unsure of where she wanted this to go. Just deny it was something she repeated in her mind, but she knew she would never believe it. “You made other women think there was a chance with you, and only to find out that you already had a girlfriend. The truth is, Blake, that I have been the mistress all along, haven't I?”

He suddenly walked into the kitchen and poured himself a glass of orange juice. When he was finished, he replied to her accusations. “Adonia, are you trying to break up with me? If you are, do it, already. I don't want this to turn into an all night event.”

She smirked, “Break up with you? No, I am not breaking up with you. I am making you see yourself for what you truly are. The problem.”

“Well, I think that is enough clarity for one night.” He walked over to the door and opened it. “Please, drive safely home. If you could, I would like a text that you made it.”

She didn't know how she felt about this argument. She didn't know if it had done anything but allow Blake to fall deeper into his delusions. However, he was right. There was no where else to go with this conversation, and she needed to go home.


Joe was waiting in front of Dalen's house when he pulled up. He climbed out of the warm car and looked at the freezing woman standing in front of his door. She had her arms around her and was bouncing slightly to try to stay warm.

“Why didn't you just go inside?” He asked as that was what Seth would have done, but then again Seth was pretty much a resident at this point.

“Your maids are here and it would be weird to answer questions or get stared at.” She explained as he opened the door.

“Well, hurry inside before you freeze.” He chuckled and followed her in.

As they walked down the hall, Dalen noticed that Joe looked rather down as they made it to the pink living room.

“Hey, the guys are thinking of going on a holiday trip. Do you want to come?” He asked as they both took off their jackets to reveal they had both worn red sweaters that day. “Oh, matching.”

Joe grinned, “I don't have that kind of money, nor do I think we are far enough into our relationship that you paying would be a good idea.”

He snorted, “I won't make us share a room, I promise.”

She shook her head, “No, thank you. Is Riane going to be going?”

Exhaling loudly, he frowned, “I should have known that this would turn into the tale of Riane's day without Joe.”

“Fine, I'm sorry.” Joe returned his frown and walked around the back of the couch before tossing herself onto it. Her feet still had snowy shoes on and she realized as she was falling, so when she landed she kept her feet in the air. “Help!”

He laughed as he reached over and untied her boot laces before pulling them off her feet. He gave a gentle tickle to the last one and she yanked her foot towards her.

“I hate that!” She barked with involuntary laughter in her voice.

“I know.”

She waited a second while he went into the kitchen to make them something warm to drink no doubt. When he returned he was not carrying any cups and sat down on the couch so that her feet could rest in his lap.

“Using the coffee maker to heat up some water.” He told her when she gave him a quizzical look.

They returned to silence briefly.

“Ugh!” She used her feet to shake his thighs, “I can't stand it. Tell me the tale of Riane's day without Joe!”

“I knew you wouldn't be able to hold out long, but this is just sad.”

“I won't be able to think of anything else.” She continued to push him with her feet and made a grunting noise each time.

“Alright, alright.” He laughed and shoved her feet off him when Joe sat up.

She clapped her hands and smiled at him as she leaned forward. “Yeah!”

“So, I am taking it that you didn't drive her home?”

Joe didn't want to answer that question, but knew she had to. “I waited for her, and then she followed some random girl to the bus stop.”

“And you didn't stop her?”

“I figured the harder I tried the more she would want to go, so I came here.” Joe could still see in her mind's eyes Riane walking passed her without so much as looking at her.

“Well, that random girl is Emma McClure. She is the scholarship student for CHU. Apparently, no one met Riane at the gate today so she had to walk through the main court alone. I guess Emma was being bothered and Riane stopped them, and then Emma went class to class with Riane all day. Just appearing in front of the classroom.” He leaned back against the large arm rest as he spoke and put one leg behind Joe. “I guess they became fast friends, since she went home with her.”

“Do you think she is safe? Should I call?”

“She wouldn't answer, and Emma seemed harmless enough. I tried to be mad at Riane for you, but she didn't seem to care. Emma let us try her sandwich and she makes her own garlic aoili that was on point!” He became excited speaking up the food and raised his voice.

Joe sighed and shook her head, “Are you going to talk about the aoili now?”

“It was super creamy, and so I had to ask how she made it that way. Guess how? You'll never guess.”

She shrugged.

“Grapeseed oil not instead of olive oil; with the olive oil. It was so good! I should try to make some tonight. Oh, I should contact Riane right now since she is with Emma and I can get the recipe. Do you want to eat dinner here tonight?”

It was hard not to be caught up in his joy over food, and Joe's straight face cracked from time to time. “Yeah, I guess.”

He clasped his hands together, and tossed his leg over her head before heading to his jacket to grab his phone. He quickly wrote a text to Riane, and then heard the coffee maker beep. “Hot cocoa or tea?”


“Earl Gray or green tea?”

Joe sighed, “Do you have any of that night time stuff?”

He nodded, “I'll be right back.”

Joe laid back down on the couch and put her feet in the air. She didn't know how long Riane would be angry with her, and honestly she knew she had no right to be angry with her for hosting such feelings. She just wished that Riane would talk to her. Let her know that she was truly sorry for what happened, and that she had been a terrible friend for doing it.

She should have done the grown up thing and warned Blake and Adonia of their plans, so that the two could be confronted. At least then Riane being mad at her would have made her justified in her actions, instead of the wrong doer.

“I think I am going to make a tri-tip and slice it up thin, then make au jus sauce. French dip sandwiches with aoili, what do you think?” Dalen said as he exited the kitchen with a mug in each hand.

“I have never had those with a sauce on it before.” She watched him set the mugs down on the round coffee table.

“I usually make my own garlic mayonnaise, but this will be different. I'll make the mayonnaise just in case it doesn't work.”

She looked at the marshmallows floating around his hot cocoa. “I don't know how you can eat sugar this late in the day.”

“It's three. Technically, it's still noon.”

She rolled her eyes, “Technically, it's three in the afternoon.”

Dalen chuckled as he took a sip, “It's yummy. Did you hear my phone go off?” He stood up and grabbed the phone that he had tossed on his jacket. “Oh, she sent a picture of the cookbook. That will work.”

Joe smiled at his success and his enthusiasm. “Do you have everything to make it, or should we go to the store?”

“I'll have to check. One second, I'll be back then field trip! Hopefully.”

She continued to lay on the couch and smiled at the man she called her boyfriend more in her head then out loud. Maybe it was better than she was getting some space from Riane. She had more time to herself and for Dalen. She just hoped it wouldn't be too much time. She missed her friend even if it had only been a couple days.


Julian entered the house with his two brothers behind him. He kept looking at the text message from Riane that she would be returning later tonight. He had asked where she was going as he never expected her to go off on her own; she replied that she and Emma have several of the same classes and they wanted to do homework together.

He was supposed to be her homework buddy. A tinge of jealousy entered his heart even if it was Riane spending time with another woman. He sent a text to her that he would pick her up whenever she wanted to come home.

Sitting down on the couch, Bryce and Zack started doing their homework with the younger brother helping the older from time to time. Julian had pretty much finished his in the car ride home and lazily laid on the couch to stare at his phone.

“What time do you think you'll want to come home?” He text her and shifted uncomfortably around on the couch which distracted his two brothers.

“I don't know. I'll let you know when I am ready.” She replied and something in the text told him that he was annoying her.

“Maybe, I should come over to help. What's the address?” He knew Emma was a poor student and didn't like the idea of Riane being in an unsafe neighborhood.

“No, thank you.”

He sat up completely with a loud annoyed grunt that once again distracted his brothers. “Is it a good area? Are you sure you should be there alone?”

“I am fine. I won't reply to you from now on.” She told him and the text was obviously showing she was perturbed by him even though it might have just been the way he was reading it.

Julian tossed his cellphone on the couch beside him. “She just goes to a friend's house of a person she just met today. We don't know anything about her.”

“Who?” Bryce asked with his math homework in his lap.

“Emma McClure. The poor kid.”

“The scholarship student? I am sure she'll be fine. They try to vet them now since that Kincade girl got through.” Bryce reassured him. “Besides no need to be jealous. She'll be home and sleeping down the hall from you in no time.”

“Despite you wanting her sleeping in your arms.” Zack added then wrapped his arms around himself and made a kissy face towards his brother.

Julian frowned at his youngest brother for several seconds before he glared over at Bryce. “Did you put him up to this shit?”

His elder brother smiled widely before slowly nodded his head. “I did, and that was totally worth it.”

“Oh, Riane see me as a real man not the man child that I am.” Zack teased again and then chuckled to himself.

“You aren't normal.” Julian growled at his brother and then snatched his cellphone back up to send her another text.

Both Bryce and Zack looked at each other with a look of uncertainty in their eyes. That was not the reaction that either of them had expected.

Zack leaned in to whisper knowing that Julian couldn't hear him across the large room. “That was weird, right?”

“No cussing. No hitting. No insult. That's weird.” Bryce replied and they both stared at the man on the couch in front of them.

His message was met with silence as Riane had promised and he tossed the phone back onto the couch. “She couldn't even walk through the main court without someone holding her hand, and now she is going to a stranger's house.”

“Maybe she likes women and will leave you longing for her the rest of your life, knowing you can never have her.” Bryce smirked as he spoke.

“She likes Blake, so that's not true.” Julian responded calmly as he leaned forward to put his elbows on his knees and his head in his hands.

“I think he thinks we are acting as his council and not trying to rile him up.” Bryce told Zack in a whisper, and the latter nodded.

“Also, did he just sort of admit to liking her?” Zack looked a little more than confused as Julian was often less mature than he was.

Bryce's eyes widen briefly, “I almost missed that.” He raised his voice. “You know we are accusing you of being in love with Riane, right?”

“Maybe we aren't doing it right. Let me look up some shit talk online.” Zack had his laptop on his lap and began to type.

“Don't cuss.” Bryce corrected his brother but looked at the laptop screen.

Julian sat shaking his head. “Yeah, yeah. I get it. Bryce got me with it before, it's old news now so whatever.”

“Whatever?” Zack looked up from the screen.

“Love has made him a gentle flower, apparently.” Bryce tried again.

Julian stared at them for several moments as he chewed on his bottom lip, before finally replying. “Are you two done?”

“This is him not us, right? Or are we really bad at this now? Did we go into another dimension where Julian is calm and patient and we are the jerks?” Zack asked with faux worry in his voice and put his hand to his chest.

“I am starting to think that is the only answer.”

Julian sighed, “Even if I did like Riane that way, do you honestly think that I would admit it to you two first?”

“Uh, yes, we are literately the only people that would help you actually get her.” Bryce looked towards Zack who made a disgusted face.

“I would never help him. I hate that ugly bitch.”

Julian stood up and moved towards his younger brother who let out a yelp before Julian had even touched him. “What did you call her?”

Bryce hurried to move in between them. “Alright, you two.” He snapped as he stood in front of his slightly shorter brother. “He's just a kid. Zack apologize. She has done nothing to you to deserve being called that.”

“Fine, I'm sorry.” He mumbled from behind his large eldest brother.

Julian wasn't about to give up when his phone began to rang and he thought it was Riane asking him to come get her. When he looked at the caller id screen he frowned and looked disappointed. “Why is Adonia calling me?”

Bryce shrugged and sat back down as Julian moved away from the youngest of them.

“Hello?” Julian answered as he stepped out into the hallway.

“Hey, Julian. It's Adonia.” She replied.

“Yeah, caller id, remember.” He said with a sigh.

She chuckled nervously, “Yeah, right, sorry. So, um, look, I need to talk to you. You were such a good listener before, and I don't know. I probably shouldn't be discussing this with you, but I need an opinion that isn't from my girlfriends and isn't from Blake. Can we meet somewhere?”

“Right now?”


Julian thought for a moment, “Um, I guess, but it can't be for long. Riane needs me to pick her up from a friends house and I don't know when she will call.”

“Great, coffee house in the mall?” She didn't like that he brought up Riane immediately, but knew better than to say anything.

“Ok, see you soon.”


Seth sat nervously in the large restaurant. The tables with white table cloths and candlelight around him spoke in murmured conversation. It wasn't often he went to high end restaurants in fact he rather loathed the atmosphere, but it was where Angela said she had wanted to meet.

It wasn't the first dinner they had gone on together, but it was the first time he had asked her outside of the obligated two dates a year. In some ways, he had been surprised that she had said yes at all. She never seemed that interested in being with him before, even though he tried his best to be as gentlemanly as possible.

Angela's mother was a city councilwoman and her father owned several factories around the country that produced baked goods. He didn't have his own baking company, but simply leased them to companies that did. They had met his father when her mother had work done a few years back. They weren't the usual type to enter into an arranged marriage. Old money was usually the reason for it and it had always seem to be a way to control their daughter.

Seth's father may have been a successful surgeon, but that because of money from his parents' investment company that his uncle now ran. His uncle had been in an arranged marriage, but ended as soon as his grandparents had both died. He feigned being sterile, but everyone knew that both he and his wife loathed each other and couldn't wait to end the marriage. Now, he spent all of his time playing around with women and saying he didn't want children.

Every one in the family had already decided that Seth would run the company once his uncle died. Others thought it would be best to vote him out as soon as possible in order to get Seth in when he graduated. They wanted fresh blood as the head of the company and for the investment world to stop looking at their lecherous CEO. It was for that reason that Seth was placed in an arrangement. Why they had picked Angela, he did not know.

What he did know is she was fifteen minutes late. She had shown in the past how unimportant it was to her to be on time, a trait that Seth could do without.

He had taken the time to order their wine and a couple appetizers. She always ordered the Caesar salad even though she said she was a vegetarian. He didn't know if he would be helping her or insulting her if he mentioned the sardines that went into the sauce. Of course, he had seen her eat a hor d'oeuvre that contained bacon after being told it had bacon in it, so maybe it wasn't as serious of a diet as she liked to play it up to be.

“Seth.” A voice spoke from the crowd as a pale woman with black hair appeared around the wall that separated the waiting area from the dining room.

He stood and she kissed his cheek before sitting down. She was wearing a tight light pink dress with white heels and matching make-up. Her dark hair contrasted the look but she always dressed well and acted nicely enough.

“Did you order my salad?” She asked with a smile as she looked down at the salad herself and therefore knew the answer.

Seth nodded, “I did, and stuffed mushrooms for myself. They had sausage in them otherwise I would have shared.”

She chuckled, “That's quite alright. I am a bit surprised that you asked me to come out tonight. We have had a pretty strict dating regime for the last four years.”

He knew this inquiry would be made, and had already decided on how he would answer her. “I have been thinking about relationships, and the fact that we might be married some day. Since we are no longer high school students, I felt it was the right time to start to really get to know each other. Find out if we do match on more than just two dates a year. Would that be alright by you?”

“My parents forbid me to date anyone, but you. So, if you want my honest opinion. I would love to figure out if we should continue this or not. My parents are always shoving me in your directions and if things didn't work out between us, then they no longer could. I would very much like to actually have a boyfriend.” Angela put her white cloth napkin on her lap and picked up her fork, she mixed her salad together.

Seth didn't know how he felt about all that she had said, but it seemed she was willing to give them a shot. “Wonderful. My friends and I are planning a holiday trip together. I believe many girlfriends will be coming along. I would appreciate if you would attend.”

Angela swallowed down her meal and thought for a moment, “Will it be warm?”

“I believe so. We are still arguing over the location, but it shouldn't be much longer.” He wondered if he was just afraid to go alone, but knew better than to seriously look at the issue.

“Then of course. I will see if my parents allow it, but since it is with you I think they will be throwing me onto the plane themselves.” She smiled at the joke and continued to eat her meal. “Did you order our entrees?”

“I did. I hope you don't mind.”

She slowly shook her head, “No, I love surprises. What am I having for dinner then?”

“Eggplant Parmesan, is that alright?” He didn't have an awful lot of choices, and he hated the idea of asking for something to have tofu instead.

She clasped her hands together. “I was hoping for lasagna, but that will do nicely. Italian anything really.”

“How are your parents?” It always felt like pulling teeth trying to come up with a topic of discussion for the two of them.

“They are as they have always been. Cold and aloof to one another and loving and doting towards me. My brother joined the military and they are furious. My mom tried to find a way to get him out, some sort of loophole, but he refused to take it when found. I suppose that makes him brave, though he is still in training camp. I think my mom wants to try to get him kicked out.” She continued to eat her salad while she ate.

“Oh, that's... interesting.” Seth watched her nod and then racked his mind for another topic now that she appeared done with that one. She had a way of making a simple question awkward and then he didn't know how to respond. “How is school? I was sorry to hear that you didn't decide to attend CHU with me.”

“I wanted a real experience with college. Not some college set up like a high school. It makes you feel like a child still, doesn't it? I want to be a real adult.”

He didn't know if she knew she was insulting him or if it was accidentally, so he gave her the benefit of the doubt. “I can understand that.”

“All those cliques. Running around with the same kids you did in high school. You never really grow up like that. It keeps you stagnant. That's why you have infantile adults running companies now. They never learned to be real adults.” She took a big swig of her water.

“It's nice not having to make a huge change. Keeps the stress down a bit, I think.” Seth more mumbled than said outright.

She chuckled, “I suppose if stress is a factor for you right out of high school than you'll fail as an adult in real life situations, anyway.”

Time to change the subject, he thought. “So, um, do you... um, how...”

“Hey.” She ignored his mumblings. “Since we are boyfriend and girlfriend now, when we leave here do you want to get a hotel room?”

He nearly choked on his own saliva. “What?” He coughed out the word.

She shrugged her shoulders, “My parents have been on me like a fly on shit my whole life. The only time they give me breathing room is when I am out with you. What do you say? Want to be a little wild tonight?”

Seth couldn't believe his ears, “Um, well, you see...”

She groaned, “Ugh, fine. I can't believe I get as a fiancee the one guy who is a virgin too. You know we'll have to do it eventually, right. Might as well get it out of the way.”

“Maybe, maybe next time.”

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