RKP Hunt's Speculative Fiction

Full Version: (AU) Chapter 3: Hiccups
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Santh seethed as the Princess' place at the table remained empty and continued to do so while in his room that evening. Long after his roommates had gone to bed, he couldn't sleep. Nothing he ever said to that woman seemed to make her care in the least that she was causing them troubles. He couldn't imagine a more selfish woman. Getting out of bed, he decided to go outside and pace in front of the dorms.

Technically, he wasn't suppose to leave his dorm room after roll call, but he couldn't stand to be in that stuffy room for another second. As he walked with his hand behind his back, he heard a light whimper coming from the path and then a crash as if something had been dropped. Walking to the path, he looked down it and found Ophelia, she was carrying bottles of mead that he had seen her drinking before.

"What are you doing here? You should be in your dorm room, you'll be reported if your roommate wakes up only to find you missing." He snapped as he walked down the path to assist her in picking up her dropped items.

"Thank you." She breathed heavily. "I'm sorry that I disturbed you." She walked with her arms full and his rather full as well toward their dorm, where she entered the spare dorm room. The room was filling up with mead bottles and pastries that her mother had sent her. "My mother sends care packages every week and there is just so much of it. My roommates and other dorm members started to just take it whenever they felt like it. I would gladly let them have some, but they should at least ask first." She told him as she put the bottles down and then began to unload his arms. "I asked everyone and they said I could store it here. You can take as much as you want. I'd rather it go to people who actually treat me with dignity then those girls and whoever they are running around with at night."

Santh shook his head. "These rooms aren't meant to be used to store your personal affects."

Ophelia had been kneeling to put down a bottle, but immediately sprung up at his words. She raced to stand in front of him to plead against his words, and instead found herself stepping on a tipped bottle. She readied herself for impact, but found her landing to be soft as Santh had caught her before she fell.

"Thank you." She told him as he stood her up. Within her heart, she felt a sudden beating that was both painful and enjoyable.
"Are you alright? Did you twist your ankle?"

She shook her head and then suddenly remembered why she had stepped forward to begin with. "Please, let me keep this stuff here. I beg you." She grabbed the hem of his shirt sleeve. "I told you that you and the others can have as much as you want. Otherwise the girls will keep taking it before I can have any of it, just to treat me poorly."

Of all the things in this world, the one thing he absolutely couldn't tolerate was bullying and he would never stand idly by and allow it to occur. He exhaled in annoyance but picked up a bottle from the ground, opening it, he sniffed it before taking a large swig."Very well."

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" She bounced up and down before realizing that others were sleeping nearby. "Thank you." She whispered. "The others already know and they said they would talk to you about it, but I guess they didn't."

"Alright, don't..." He stopped when he heard footsteps out in the hall, they were coming from the opposite direction of where one normally entered the dorms. He turned around to find a drunk Lenore standing in the door way.

"Oh noes, I'm in da wrong dorm again." She leaned against the door frame, her hair was wet and Santh figured she went down to the stream to attempt to sober herself up.

Ophelia smiled at her reluctant friend's appearance. "My mom sends me care packages and I am going to store it here so my dorm mates won't steal it. I guess the other didn't tell you either."

"What do I ca-(hic)... care? Damnies, I (hic) haf the hiccups." She put her hand to her chest and attempted to hold her breath.
"Well, you can drink as much mead as you want from now on, just save some for me. That'll save you trips of going to the drinking den too." She clasped her hands together.

Santh was standing in the background not pleased with the Princess' appearance so late at night.

"Nah, I gotta go out anyways." She waved her hand in front of her face. "(hic) Damnit."

Stepping forward, Santh stood in front of her. "You have no more reason to go out than anyone else. We are all here at roll call, and you..." His mouth was silenced by Lenore's lips and her hands held onto his cheeks.

Jumping back, he tripped and fell to the ground crushing a few pastries. Lenore looked down at him and grinned. "That shut you up. (hic) Damnit." Turning toward her dorm room, she headed off to bed.

Ophelia stood silently with her eyes wide and her hand over her mouth, before she came back to her senses and helped Santh up. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand which put the woman next to him slightly at ease.

"Well, I better head back to the dorms. I have a few more loads but they can wait until tomorrow." She smiled and waved before racing out the door.

Santh licked his lips and then wiped his mouth with his hand again. "Selfish, evil Princess." He mumbled as he past by her dorm room.

"Behind the curtain!" Was the chant of two men from the dorm he had just cursed.


Arms-Professor Mego was tall and well built with long black hair that he kept pulled back. He looked like a warrior and most likely had been since his body carried so many scars. Today was a combat course which Lenore took with Santh, Anton and Jolon, as well as the Prince and Armand. It seemed to be the only class that the Princess had with her brother and besides the interruption during one meal they didn't seem to spend much time together.

Their combat gear consisted of leather leggings and a padded chest piece over their white clothing. Tabards were tossed aside as Arms-Professor Mego had explained that on the battle field there are no classes. There was only the dead and the victorious.
The class was held in a wooden arena. It smelled like dry dirt but there was a scent of rain coming from the skies that afternoon. Benches surrounded the dirt covered battlefield and archery stands could be seen in the distance. This was the place that tournaments were held as they had been told by Ophelia before. It was their second day of combat class, but the first day had simply been Arms-Professor Mego explaining what they would be learning and going over safety instructions.

"We will learn to fight using all weapons available, but eventually you will find a preference. If that is so why do we learn them all?" Arms-Professor Mego went on the answer his own question. "The king has always taught his children that it's important to know the intricacies of every weapon. If your favored weapon should be lost or break on the battle field, your enemies will not give you time to find a matching one. You must pick up the closest weapon and continue the battle."

Lenore leaned against a wall in the back of the class that housed the benches. She was chewing on something green, but Anton couldn't decide what it was. Her armor wasn't as revealing nor ripped as her school uniform was which he supposed showed a true respect for the class.

"For today, find a weapon you are unfamiliar with and talk to an older student on how it should be used."

"When will we start using them, professor?" A first year asked from the crowd.

"Next week. We never start practicing the first week. These weapons are dangerous and I want everyone to understand them before you start swinging them around." With that Arms-Professor Mego sat down on a stool and he crossed arms as he watched over the group like a hawk.

The students went about picking up weapons and looking them over as they talked to the old students about what they were. Arms-Professor Mego obviously believed that teaching was the best form of learning.

"Halberd." Santh pulled the two handed pole weapon out for the two commoners to look at since no one else would be willing to explain anything to them. There was an axe like weapon at the end with a long spike sticking out of the top, and on the back end of the axe was something that looked like a reversed axe. "Halberds are cheap to produce and versatile in battle. They are great against pushing back horse men and the hook on the back of the axe here can easily pull a man off his horse." He explained.
"Halberds were an essential weapon two hundred years ago when the peasants rebelled against the king of their time. During that time they were considered a peasant weapon like the staves of today, but are now found in the hands of many castle guards." A female voice spoke from behind them, Santh was already facing her but the commoners had to turn to see her. Lenore glared at the man who was holding the weapons. "I don't know why you would pick that weapon to show them first. We always start every year with one handed and two handed swords and maces types, then move onto archery, once that is over pole arms are discussed."

Santh tried to push down the memory of her kissing him the night before and simply cleared his throat. "Mego asked us to show them weapons they are unfamiliar with not tell them the class itinerary."

"Whether that is true or not, you are still hindering two men who already don't have any advantage." She began to clean the dirt out from under her nails. "Perhaps you grew up with a silver spoon in your mouth being taught battle form since you were two, but these two probably have only seen weapons in the hands of guards or soldiers that came through their town."
He set the halberd back on it's rack and began to offer her a deep scowl. "What do you know about what two commoners would know, Princess?"

Lenore smirked at him. "A great deal more than you, I assure you."

Santh was about to retort something about having to take her word for it, when Mego's voice called from across the arena. "Lenore!"

She turned to face her instructor.

"What are you chewing on?" He asked but didn't wait for her to answer as he seemed to already know. "Every one knows you are a drunkard. Swallow it. No food of any kind in class."

Anton and Jolon expected her to argue with their professor, but she smirked and quickly swallowed it down. "I apologize, professor."

"Chewing on mint leaves again, sister." Obviously the professors scolding had gotten Lesatan's attention. Armand was following closely behind him as they approached the group.

"You could stand to chew a couple yourself." Lenore waved her hand in front of her nose, but soon stopped in order to sniff her brother again. "Heaven's breath, man, that's not your breath, it's your cologne. Why would you wear such a putrid smell? It smells as if you rolled in manure."

He didn't seem amused by his sister's attack on his scent, though the three men in her group and the one in his secretly enjoyed it. Santh remained stone faced not wanting to get their Prince's attention on him, but there were times when their sibling rivalry made him somewhat respect the Princess.

"Mother sent this to me." Lesatan told her obviously unable to think of anything else to say.

"You should send word back and ask her why she hates you so." Lenore turned back to the commoners and Santh. "As I was stating before, you should start them on swords and then go from there. It will give them an advantage for next week."

"I don't see why you would care." Santh snapped. "You don't seem to have any interest in them any other time."

She shrugged. "It's simply to harass you. I know how much it bothers you to be corrected." Lesatan was becoming annoyed by his sister's outright ignorance of him and grabbed her upper arm to yank her around and face him.

"Your lack of respect for me and the position that you hold is making me weary. I have tolerated it up until this point, but now you are flirting with this lowly Mondue and attempting to support this filth in their schooling?"

Lenore raised an eyebrow briefly. "You believe that to be flirting? If that is so many of my questions as to why so many noble men's daughters run from your side have been cleared away."

Armand noticed that his Prince's teeth were beginning to clench which meant that he was about to cause a scene and thus rumors. It was time for him to interject. "Princess Lenore, your brother simply wished to invite you to tea and perchance dinner this afternoon. There are subjects that need to be discussed and..."

Lenore snorted. "All subjects have been exhausted. My answer is and always will be no. I have no interest in being your pawn or standing at your side." She told her brother. "I have failed myself in attempting to find a more clear way to explain my response to you. Therefore, I will say this one last time and then be done with it." Her voice was loud and it had attracted the attention of not only the other students but the professor as well. "You are an arrogant, slimy troll who does not deserve to sit on the throne. Someone like you will never gain my advisement nor my loyalty. You are everything that our father never wanted in a son. That is why when he visits he only sees me and you are left alone to wallow in your bed..."

Lesatan silenced her quickly with a painful looking slap. "How dare you speak to me in that manner and in front of so many of my subjects. Do you think you are beyond retribution? Do you think there is nothing that I can do to you?" His eyes turned to the commoners and Santh behind her. "What of your little friends? They are well within my reach."

She held onto her cheek and glared up at him. "You scared the commoners away last year, I fail to see what is stopping you now."

Seeing that his threat had failed, he shoved passed her thrusting his shoulder into her own. She stumbled back but Santh put his hand on the small of her back to keep her steady. Armand didn't run off with his Prince and instead checked on the Princess' cheek.

"That will probably bruise. Come along." He grabbed her hand. "Let's go..."

Lenore yanked her hand away. "Go along, follow your master like the good little lap dog that you are. I am quiet capable of taking care of myself or have you forgotten?"

He stared at her for a couple seconds as if he was thinking what she had just said over. "If that is the Princess' wish."

Mego approached when the Prince and Armand had left the arena and checked her cheek for himself. The corner of her lip wasn't bleeding but there was an obvious blood blister that had formed. "He's right. You'll need some attention." He looked up at Santh, "Take her to the medical facility."

"I can go on my own." Lenore announced and exited the arena.

"Go with her anyway." Mego ordered and as Santh did as he was told, their professor began to teach the commoners about the weapons to Santh's dismay he started with one handed swords.


Lesatan found himself in his dorm room. It was nothing like the one that his sister slept in. Each room was private and well decorated. A canopy bed sat centered in the far end of the room with a large desk near one of the two fireplaces by the door. Rugs covered the cold ground and some chairs with a small table between them sat near the second fireplace. The room was made up in golds mostly including the screen that he changed behind.

However it's beauty compared to his sister's dwellings was lost on him nor did it go noticed as he was used to such surroundings. Upon entering the room, he grabbed several items off his desk and threw them to the ground with a satisfying crash. The small bottle that held the ink for his quill slipped all over a bear skin rug.

Armand was close behind his liege and watch him for several moments while he threw a temper tantrum. When some other students passed by and attempted to look in the doorway, the trusted advisor was quick to shut the door.

"Without fail!" Lesatan barked. "Does she know how difficult it is to squelch those rumors that she starts?"

Armand wasn't about to remind him in those moments that this particular situation had started because he approached the Princess in public. He should have been more aware of his surroundings and known that Lenore would react in that manner.

Sitting down on a bench at the end of his bed, Lesatan looked up at the one adviser he didn't truly wish to confide in. "Where are the others?"

"In class. Shall I have them summoned?"

He shook his head. At least the Prince put their schooling before his own selfish needs, but of course he had been reminded by his father that they were there for that first and foremost.

Folding his hands in front of his legs, Lesatan took a deep breath. "Send someone to assure that she is alright when classes end. Krius, preferably."

"I examined her face. There will be a bruise, but you didn't appear to break her skin." Armand attempted to put any of his worries to rest. "Arms Professor Mego sent her to the medical facility. Should I send Krius to ensure she went?"

Lesatan, who was still attempting to calm down, nodded.

"What she said, milord, deserved a harsh punishment. That was not something to say to one's future king not in private and certainly not in front of his own subjects."

"It would be less offensive if it had been a lie, but she doesn't use dirty tactics but instead the truth." Placing his hand on his chest, he felt pains in his heart. "Why does my father visit a dirty bastard child like her and leave without so much as a short greeting to me?" He jumped from his position which caused Armand who was leaning against the desk to stand up straight as well. "Is she after the throne? Has she won him to her side? What is she planning?"

"I can not know, milord. Shall we resume spying on her?"

He shook his head. "No, my father was upset when he learned of those activities. Besides drinking herself into a stupor and getting into fights, she never really did anything worthy of my notice. Which is all the more infuriating!" He kicked the ink bottle that was on the ground which caused ink to fly across the room in the path of it's bottle. "What is that woman up to?"
Armand smirked. "Milord, perhaps we should invite the merchant guild member that lives amongst her. Remus has ties to the Fox, certainly a man such as that would keep information on the Princess just as he does on either of us."

Lesatan slowly nodded his head. "Yes, of course. The answer is so obvious. Why do I treat him with such respect if I do not use his abilities to my advantage? Summon him after dinner then send Krius to deal with my sister, she and I must talk privately. For now, send a letter to my mother, I need her counsel immediately."


Santh followed behind the Princess at a safe distance. She obviously didn't want anyone around her at the moment. He had never overheard a conversation between Lenore and her brother before and he wondered a great deal what much of what they said had meant. There was an obvious painful past between them, but he couldn't quite understand it. Not that he cared anything about the woman but he was curious about the circumstances.

When he realized that Lenore was heading to the dorms and not to the medical facility, he thought about heading back to class. Instead, he found himself going to collect some herbs for her.

Before he even had time to think over what he had done, he had returned to the dorms with some medication for the Princess. "When did I become her loyal servant?" He mumbled to himself as he made his way to her room.

When he slid the door open, he found the room to be empty. Moving to Ophelia's storage room, the door was opened and he found the Princess laying flat on her back still in the leather battle uniforms. An open bottle of mead sat next to her.

"Here." Santh tossed the cloth with herbs at her and it landed on her stomach.

Lenore sat up and looked at his offering before tossing it back. "If I wanted them, I would have fetched them for myself."
Picking them up from the ground, Santh was about to walk away but thought better of it. Today, he had witnessed the Princess being a bully and being bullied all within the same instant. He couldn't decide which way his feelings fell. Did she deserve her punishment or did the Prince go too far? Either way, he decided Lenore had been bullied and that was always a weakness in his heart. Of course, he never thought that could be a place that someone of the royal party could even employ.

Turning around, he sat down on the floor next to her and began to unwrap the herbs. "It'll deaden the pain. He hit you rather hard."

"I have mead for that and later I'll have even harder liquor." She picked up the bottle and was about to take a swig when Santh yanked it away. When he pulled it from her lips, he immediately noticed how her mouth began to bleed and he thought he must have re-opened a fresh wound.

"Did you cut the inside of your mouth?"

"No, the inside of my mouth cut itself on my teeth."

Santh didn't recall her bleeding when her brother had slapped her. Either this was an older wound or she had been swallowing the blood. He was then reminded that she had been chewing on mint leaves, and unless she actually enjoyed pain there was no possible way she would have done that with an open wound. Pulling a couple leaves out from the pouch he brought, he quickly shoved them into her mouth. "Chew on that. If I had known you were bleeding, I would have brought you something to stop it."

"It had stopped, you made it bleed again when you pulled the bottle away."

Of course, Santh recalled that when he entered the room she had been on her back so it was easy for her to swallow down the blood. "You shouldn't swallow your blood. Spit it out and get something to pack the wound."

"You shouldn't tell me what to do." She snapped obviously without a snapping comeback of her own. He could see blood had started to cover her teeth.

Looking around the room, he found an empty bowl and placed it in front of her. "Spit."

Lenore glared at him defiantly for a moment, before she leaned forward and released a large wad of blood and saliva. She chuckled afterward as she leaned back and stretched out her legs. "Ah, I'm so lady-like. Hey," She tapped his knee with her foot. "want to marry me?"

Rolling his eyes, he tried to hide his amusement. He wasn't going to befriend this girl. This act of kindness was out of obligation to his own morals and had absolutely nothing to do with her. She was nothing but a thorn in his side and one he wished would quickly make amends with her brother and move back to the royal dorms.

"Your loss." She retorted to his silence.

Packing away the rest of the herbs, he offered it to her. "Make sure you show up for dinner. We are tired of getting into trouble because of you."

"Oh, poor babies, don't get second helpings." She scoffed when he left the room and then laid back down on her back. Being alone and certain she wouldn't be bothered for a while, Lenore allowed a couple tears to stream down her face and inevitably fall into her hair and ears.


After dinner, Ophelia made her way to her new storage room. She looked around for Santh briefly, but didn't question Jolon about his whereabouts. Inside the dorm room, Anton and Jolon joined her on the floor. They all sat quietly together as they thought over the days events. Bottles of mead were opened as the silence continued.

Remus entered the dorm hallway and noticed that the empty dorm room door was opened. Making his way over, he looked around the corner at the three sad souls, but his eyes soon left them when he looked over the items in the room. A sly smile crossed over his lips and his sauntered into the room with his hands behind his back as he looked over the inventory.
He barely sipped the mead and merely pulled a piece from a strawberry pastry. Ophelia and the others eyed him as he acted in this strange manner. When he finished tasting the other foods in the room, he looked down at her.

"Who did you say sends these to you?"

She smiled and turned around on her bottom to face him. "My mother! She makes them for me and sends them here to help me make friends. So far it's only helped me to identify thieves."

"She makes all of this, you say?" Remus tapped his index finger to his chin. He watched her nod her head and then smirked. "How often does she send these care packages?"

"Every week."

"Ophelia, what do you say to perhaps making a nice profit on these items?"

"A profit?" She asked curiously.

"Instead of having to hide everything or have it stolen, why don't we turn those thieves into paying customers?" He kneeled down in front of her, his face inches away from her own.

"I guess it would be alright. I mean I throw away a lot of the baked goods she sends me because they go bad." Her face turned from curious to suspicious. "Wait? How would you do that?"

"I assume you are familiar with the Fox." These words caught Jolon and Anton's attention as this was the first time they had heard of any such character. "I happen to be his highest broker. He only speaks to me, and I think he would appreciate this sort of venture."

Looking around the room, Ophelia seemed to think for a moment and then shook her head. "Now that I think about it, I think it's a bad idea. My mother sends these to me with love and to help me here. I wouldn't want to sell her hard work."

"Isn't that what hard work is about? Making a profit?" Remus smiled but noticed that his normal charming smile and proximity didn't seem to cause her any pause. "If we send money back to your mother to make these goods, it would help you to become more likable. Now, people are no longer stealing from you, but instead in dire need of your product. Plus, the Fox will stand behind you, so you will not have to worry anymore about those thefts or people causing you trouble. As a broker to the Fox, people would worry of upsetting him as well as the flow of your goods."

"I will have to inquire with my mother first before I make any deals with you. Talk to your master about it while I busy myself with that." She took a drink of her mead and her sudden serious look that had appeared disappeared into a large grin. "Hey, if my mother says it's alright, if we send a good deal of money back, I'm sure she can make even more. It's pretty much all she does now."

Remus raised an eyebrow. "We shall see how this sells and if we will need more for the next shipment."

"Wait." She stood up and he followed her up. "I will only sell half, because I already promised Santh... and the others that I would allow them to have some."

"The amount in here now, I couldn't imagine the six of us consuming in a week. I am sure there will be plenty for our new customers and our dear friends."

With that Santh turned the corner and Opehlia immediately noticed him. She skipped over to his side with a smile. "Evening!"
"Roll call will start soon, you should leave now." Santh barely even looked at her, but Ophelia was happy that he was worried about her getting into trouble. She said her goodbyes briefly and did as she was told. Looking around the room, Santh frowned. "She wasn't at dinner. I told her to be at dinner." He mumbled to himself.

"The Princess?" Remus sucked briefly on his bottom lip. "I saw her sneaking out before dinner." He shrugged. "As I told you before, it's a losing battle to attempt to get someone from the royal house to do as you wish. She doesn't care about our plight, so just accept that our days off include scrubbing pots."

Santh sneered and quickly returned to his own dorm.


Once roll call was over, everyone prepared for bed as they knew that tomorrow they would be forced to do chores on their day off. Remus had barely laid down when the booming voice called out to him. Getting out of his bed, he made his way into the hall ignoring the questions from his roommates.

Standing at the end of the hall was the overtly large Krius. "Is the Princess here?" He watched him shake his head. "Was her injury great?" Again, Remus shook his head though he didn't know the true answer, but knew he wanted to keep this oaf away from his prize mule. Krius looked somewhat relieved. "The Prince wishes to see you now."

"Me? Now?" Remus watched as Krius turned around without answering him and began to walk down the path. He hurried along trying to keep up with the large man's steps. "Is this an urgent matter?" He asked but there was no answer given.

In the young merchant's mind, he thought over what this could be about. Had Lesatan found out what he had been using his sister for?

Remus knew he wouldn't get any answers from the man in front of him. Krius was the type of man that wasn't out right cruel with his words, but it didn't take much to upset him. Lenore had said that he was like a mouse trap. The whole thing is held together by a small piece of metal that even the tiniest of creatures could set off. Krius had been known to beat unconscious those that had offended him. Some rumors even told of certain victims' deaths. It seemed only the Prince and Princess were safe from him, though even Lenore seemed scared for reasons she had never shared.

As they entered into the Royal dorms, Remus began to feel like he didn't belong. He had been there before to have meals with the Prince but it always felt like the others in the dorms were curious what the commoner was doing there.

As the future merchant guild leader, Remus would be a great deal like the king of the commoners, even though his guild didn't really belong to any of the political parties. His guild was the only thing that really gave any power to the lower classes, while simultaneously making them above the lower classes. Even if Lesatan and Remus didn't care for each other, they would offer each other a cordial relationship as that was important for both of their futures.

The pauper Prince was the nickname given to him by many in the Royal Party though none would say it directly to his face. However, he was the Fox and he knew of much.

Entering the Prince's bedroom, Lesatan grinned at him and motioned for him to take a seat on one of the large stuffed chairs near the fireplace. A table between them held a rare bottle of brandy with two small glasses for them.

Sitting down, Remus began to worry further about the Prince's reason for having him here. He tried to think quickly for an excuse, perhaps he would tell him that he was simply keeping his sister out of deeper trouble.

Krius poured them some of the brandy as Lesatan took his seat next to the merchant. He took a sip of the brandy before waving Krius out, and then they were alone.

"My sister wasn't harmed over today's events?"

Remus had no idea what he was talking about, but he wasn't about to let the Prince know that. "She seemed well last I saw her."
Lesatan gave a solid nod. "Please, drink." He motioned toward the brandy. "I brought it out especially for your visit."

Part of him feared that it was poisoned, but as his father would have told him. 'Drink the damn poison for political harmony.' Taking a sip, he savored it's flavors. "A very nice blend indeed, milord."

The Prince seemed pleased. "I shall not keep you long, so let us speak of business. My sister..." Remus was preparing himself for the accusation. "has been playing games since we arrived to university. I would most appreciate the Fox's assistance in discovering what she is up to." With that said, Lesatan stood up and walked over to his desk. He picked up a coin purse and tossed it toward the other man in the room. Remus was quick to grab it and with the knowledge of what was truly happening now, he smirked to himself.

"Ah, I see. You mean her odd behavior towards you and the way she sneaks out at night?" He watched him nod. "I do not have information on her behavior yet, but I will contact the Fox and I'm sure someone knows the truth behind her ways, milord."
Lesatan continued to look pleased. "Good, then our time together is over for this evening. Come back soon, Remus."


It was two in the morning when Lenore made her way down the path toward the dorms. She had many errands to run that night for Remus, and had barely been able to drink anything. She thought it was strange actually walking herself home. Usually, she was tossed in a wheel barrel, dumped in front of the university gates, and then the Mondue guards would drag her to the front of the path and deposit her on the nearby bench. There she would sleep until she was sober enough to realize where she was and head into the dorm.

As she approached her dorm without a nap on the bench, she noticed a person sitting on the steps with their head in their hands. She knew immediately who is was and smirked to herself as she made her way over to sit next to him.

"Unable to sleep?" She asked removing the bag she carried over her shoulder and setting it down in the dirt beside the stairs.
Routine looked up and continued to frown. "My mind fills itself with Analects. It is as if the voices of dead scholars are haunting my very person."

Lenore smirked. This was a common occurrence thanks to Professor Thiach and Routine's never ending quest to get through the class with high marks. "I brought you something." She reached into her bag and pulled a book from it. "It's that linguistics book that you were talking about. I ordered it and it came in today."

He took the book from her and began to flip through the pages. "I am grateful. I shall assume this is a replica display of previous items that you have brought to me?"

"It's a gift, Byron, yes." She pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

"You do not seem as inebriated as per your routine, I take that you were over worked?"

Routine knew that she worked for the Fox, but not that Remus was him. He had mapped out the times that she was gone and that of the guards to find out a scheduling conflict that allowed her to exit one way and enter another without causing too much suspicion. Once he figured that out, he merely had to add the Fox into the mix to get his final result.

When he had confronted her, Lenore didn't deny it. He was her only friend and she wasn't about to lie, though she was withholding information which she found necessary.

"It was a busy night." She yawned and laid her head on his shoulder. Routine didn't like when people touched him, but Lenore seemed to be an exception to that rule. It wasn't that he allowed her, but that she did as she pleased and eventually he had been forced to accept that he could not fend her off.

From the other dorm room, Santh had heard people talking and was about to come out to tell them that they were too loud. When he slid open the dorm door slightly, he found the Princess with her head on Routine's shoulder. He wondered immediately what sort of relationship the two had. He hadn't overheard what they had discussed as their voices had been muffled.
"Well, I shall leave you to your new book. Try to get some sleep." She stood up and entered into her dorm not noticing the other dorm door shut.

Routine looked down at the book and once again flipped through the pages. "Perhaps I should partake in some of that mead." He suggested to himself out loud, but then quickly shook his head. He had never been the type who could drink.


Once again the room smelled like butter cream when Anton awoke. It was a scent that he was becoming used to but to his surprise, the Princess was behind the curtain dressing. He thought he must have awoken early, but the sounds of the bells in the distance told him that he was on time.

Lenore stepped out from behind the curtain and looked up at the man laying on the top bunk. She didn't say anything as she moved over to her closet and pulled out the final piece of her uniform; the tabard. Pulling it on, she sat down on the bed to put her shoes on while Routine came out from behind the curtain as well.

Anton's brows came to together as he wondered if they had both changed in there together. He had recalled that Routine had told him that the curtain was put up in anticipation of his arrival, so he wondered if the two were just used to seeing each other naked. Though that thought didn't seem right. What man becomes used to seeing a woman in the nude; strange or familiar.
"You should dress with haste." Routine warned before he made his way outside to stand in line.

Lenore soon followed him.

Santh watched as she exited the room and was surprised to see her that morning, though it was short lived as she jumped over the stairs and headed down the path. "Where do you think you are going?" He asked as he jumped off the ledge and positioned himself in front of her.

Both Remus and Routine rolled their eyes already exhausted that morning by Santh's continued attempts to control the woman.
Lenore said nothing and simply tried to step to the side to pass him, but he moved with her. "Are you deaf? I asked where you are heading before roll call."

Jolon was standing next to Remus as he watched the display. He wondered how long the two had been butting heads in a mumble, but Remus didn't seem to hear him. Anton exited the room with his clothes rather disheveled and looked toward the path where his two roommates appeared to be having a stand off.

Lenore stepped to the side again and was once more cut off by the man. With an exasperated look, she glared up at him with her head cocked to the side. "Are you really going to do this?"

"You need to follow the rules just like everyone else, Princess." Santh snapped.

Lowering her voice, she smirked. "If you don't stand down, I'll unleash my secret weapon."

With annoyed humor on his face, he returned the smirk which was a strange look for the normally stoic man. "And what might that be?"

Lenore puckered her lips and made kissing noises at him.

He was quick to cover her mouth with his hand and quickly looked over at the roommates to see if they had a view of what she had done. Her back was to them so they stood in confusion over what was occurring.

Lowering his hand, he frowned and whispered. "This is no time for games. The Mondues will be here shortly. Will it really harm you to stand at roll call?"

"No, but I don't wish to." Again she stepped to the side and when Santh moved with her, she was quick to plant a kiss on his lips.
He reacted as she had expected by jumping back and covering his own mouth with his hand. His first reaction was to look at his roommates and that gave Lenore plenty of time to run down the path. Santh turned to follow her but realized he wouldn't be there for roll call if he did. Begrudgingly he returned to his position in line.

Remus was smiling as he and the others had clearly seen the kiss. "I didn't know that you and she were that close." He teased.
Santh was unamused.

Jolon was quick to join in. "What man recoils when a beautiful woman kisses him?"

The four men chuckled together after which Routine added. "If there is any copulation, please consider the sleeping schedules of your fellow dorm mates."

"And don't use our beds." Remus laughed.

Anton wasn't comfortable enough with Santh to interject anything, so he simply stood quietly and watched.

"Yes, hilarious." Santh groaned wanting to walk away but knowing he needed to be at roll call.

"I do believe he is blushing." Remus pointed to the man's face. "It was but a simple peck, Santh."

"Indeed, why act like a virginal maiden?" Routine leaned forward to get a good look at him since Anton was standing in the way of his view. "In her drunk stupor, I have undergone far worse indignities than that."

At that point, the Mondues arrived and took roll call before disappearing. The servants placed the basins of water in front of them to wash. As they washed, it was Jolon that first started making kissing faces and the others soon joined in including Anton. Santh hurried his process and ran away from the scene as quickly as possible.

The men all laughed.

"Anyone care to explain why the Princess did that?" Jolon asked when he finished washing his feet and was drying them off.
"It must be her new tactic to silence him." Routine informed them.

Remus seemed to agree. "Last year, she would pinch him but he soon caught on and would just grab her hands when she tried. She tried kicking his shins, but Santh is a well honed warrior so that didn't last long." He continued to smirk. "This new development should be interesting to watch."

"The best counterattack to this is to either keep his hand over her or his mouth which would hinder their dialogue or to simply kiss her in return." Routine concluded.

"Maybe when we get bored of this, I shall suggest the latter to him. That will be amusing." Remus finished drying himself off as Ophelia came skipping down the path.

She smiled at everyone who already had smiles on their faces. "Good morning!" She clasped her hands together. "Everyone looks well this morning." Her eyes fell over their faces, but the one she wanted to see most wasn't there. "Where is Santh?"
"He's in quite the state this morning." Remus was going to keep the joke to himself and the others.

"Not feeling well?" She inquired.

"No, he is most likely waiting for his meal at the dining hall." He walked down the stairs and put his arm around her shoulders. "Now, Ophelia. Let's discuss our plans to sell your mother's wares on the way to breakfast."

"I haven't decided to do that yet." She told him with hesitation in her voice and eyes.

"Doesn't mean we can't make plans to get ourselves acquainted with what will be done when you inevitably say yes." He applied some pressure with his arm to her shoulders to encourage her to walk along side him.


Lenore entered the Royal Dorms and headed to the council room where her father was waiting for her. The large room contained an equally large table with her father sitting at the head of it. He was a man in his early fifties with a kind face and a well kept beard. His hair was a mixture of light brown and gray, and he wore his traveling attire that wasn't nearly as luxurious as his normal clothing.

With a bow, Lenore sat in the polished wooden chair next to her father when he motioned for her to do so. She smirked to herself as she remembered that just yesterday she had insulted her brother because her father only visits her. Of course, her father would have this kind of timing and arrive unexpectedly.

"I heard from the headmaster about Lesatan and your scuffle." He frowned, "When I arrived today I didn't expect that I would hear such news. Tell me what caused this?"

She lowered her head ashamed, "Father, you and I may understand my behavior, but you must understand that Lesatan does not. When I act, he doesn't understand the meaning behind it and these things are bound to occur from time to time."

The king continued to frown before reaching out and grabbing his daughter's chin to check over her face. "I assume that it was only Lesatan that reacted violently?"

"Yes, of course." She was glad at this point that her wounds were in her mouth and not visible, though she knew her cheek was swollen.

Releasing her chin, he dropped his hand onto the table. "His mother will hear of this, and you must keep your hands clean or else she may pull you from this school to marry you off." With a quick cough to clear his throat, he continued. "You know that she is looking for any excuse to move you as far from the throne as possible."

"I know, father. Please, trust me and know that what I am doing is for the good of Ronea. Even if my methods are underhanded." Lenore grabbed her father's hand and squeezed his fingers. "Place your trust in me, I beg of you."

"I do trust you, Lenore, but this can not go on for much longer. You know they already view you as the enemy. The queen..." He cut himself off. "I will silence my concerns and place myself firmly behind you. Please, steer clear from public humiliation like that in the future. His mother will not tolerate him loI didn't not know that the great prince has issued an edict oking the fool especially by his own sister."

"I'm sorry, but I am afraid that is part of the plan." She spoke as she slowly shook her head. "Keep the queen at bay and I promise you that Ronea will have a truly great..."

The double door entrance flung open and Lesatan stormed into the room with Enoch and Armand close behind him.
"What is the meaning of this, father?" He snapped with a fierce look at his face directed at his sister. "Secret meetings with this... your bastard child, yet you ignore your own son?"

Standing up from his chair, the king walked over to stand in front of his son. He glared down the two advisers and then returned his eyes to Lesatan. "Who are you to question my actions?"

"I am your son, and future king of Ronea." He barked. "Apparently, you have forgotten in your old age which child should be favored and which should not!"

Lenore slammed her hands on the table as she stood up. "How dare you speak to our father in that manner!"

"Be silent!" Lesatan turned his attention to her. "Need I remind you that I am the son of a queen, and you a mere chamber maid."

Lenore opened her mouth the retort, but the king put up his hand to silence her. He then looked toward his son.

"Lesatan, if you wish to be the future king, perhaps you should start acting like someone worthy of the position and not some tyrant who wants nothing more than his own desires fulfilled." Firmly, his grasped Lesatan's shoulder with his right hand. "This behavior was that of a spoiled child, you are a man now and should act as one."

The young Prince didn't seem to take kindly to his father's advice but kept his comments to himself.

Turning around her father smiled at her. "I will take my leave now, Lenore. Do well in your classes and we will meet again." With that he walked out from the room without so much as a wave goodbye to his son.

Armand stepped forward and looked at Lenore. "Shouldn't you explain to your future king why you are sneaking around not only at night, but with the king himself?"

Lenore lifted an eyebrow. "I wasn't aware that I was sneaking. My father summoned me and I came to meet with him. I did not know that the great Prince has issued an edict stating that his sister must inform him of any and all of her activities." She looked toward her brother. "Shall I keep a journal then? How far need I go into detail? Toilet use? Shall I tell you what I do each time or just write 'used toilet'?"

With that she moved to walk past him as she didn't care to hear his response, but Lesatan grabbed her upper arm and pulled her toward him. "If I discover that you are working against me, Lenore," he spoke her name with disgust, "I will ensure that your mother and siblings lose their lot in life and you will simply lose your life."

She chuckled. "You sound just like your mother when you threaten people. No wonder our father has no respect for you." Yanking her arm away, she quickly exited the room.


The breakfast meal of fresh fruits and nuts was on the table and the words of wisdom spoken as Lenore entered the dining hall and sat next to Anton. The group looked at her curious as to where she had been and why she had bothered to show up at all. Normally, if she wasn't there before them then she wasn't coming.

"Something the matter, Annie?" She looked at the man sitting next to her as everyone else looked on.

Anton had no idea why she had singled him out other then to use the moniker she had originally given him. He had hoped that the drunk Princess had not remembered that conversation or worse the look she may have gotten of his genitals. "We... we didn't expect you to join us."

Biting into a slice of strawberry, Lenore seemed to ignore his comment all together and began to eat the meal in front of her.
Santh glared at her out of the corner of his eye, but had decided that after what she had done this morning that he wasn't willing to risk another one of her demonstrations of power.

"So, our fair Princess," Remus began and Santh already knew this wasn't going to be something he would appreciate by the smirk his friend had offered him. "this morning's display of affection, do the two of you wish to tell us something?"
Jolon grinned as did Anton, however Routine remained only interested in his meal despite that he had joined in on teasing Santh that morning.

"Display of affection? Of what are you referring?" Lenore bite into a slice of apple as she leaned with one arm on the table and looked at Remus.

"The shared kiss between you and our resident scoundrel." He elaborated.

"What kiss?" She looked genuinely confused.

"This morning before meal time, Santh and yourself engaged in a rather intimate embrace in the dorm court." Routine informed her when even Remus looked confounded.

"Oh, that." She took another bite from her apple slice. "Didn't you know?" She checked everyone's faces to see their reactions so far and then stopped at Santh, who looked both angry and worried. Reaching her hand across the table, she grabbed Santh's. "We are in love. Couldn't you tell?"

That was all Santh could bear, grabbing his plates he stormed out of the dining hall.

"My love! Where are you going?" Lenore shouted, but he didn't even bother to look back. She looked at the group after he had disappeared. "He likes to play hard to get."

Remus, Jolon, and Anton all chuckled at the reaction, while Routine looked unamused.

"You realize that you have cultivated another rumor about yourself, Lenore." Routine sounded like he was scolding her. "That was a joke best suited for the private dorm not in front of hundreds of fellow students." He motioned around the dining hall.
Lenore looked pleased with herself and simply shrugged. "It'll die in time, but for now it shall cause him some annoyance which he deserves plenty of."

"You have only caused yourself suffering."

"I'll suffer if that pompous ass suffers beside me." She giggled and returned to her meal.

"You are in a good mood this morning, Lenore." Remus told her with a smirk on his lips. "Did something happen after you escaped our presence?"

She shook her head, "I just woke up feeling well today."