RKP Hunt's Speculative Fiction

Full Version: (AU) Chapter 59: Longest Night
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“What will happen? Where will you go?” Saena asked with a lump in her throat as everyone stood in the courtyard prepared to leave.

Jolon smiled down at her, “It is better if you know nothing. Just understand that we might never come back if things do not go as planned. We will have to get the Prince out of the country, and since we assisted him we will never be able to return.”

“Will you summon me once you find a place to stay?” She asked staring up into his face and holding back tears.

He slowly shook his head, “No, finish up schooling and have a great life if that happens. I don't want you running around with us.” He kissed her forehead and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders and hugged him tightly.

In his hug, she could no longer fight away the tears of both fear and loss that wanted to roll down her cheeks. She hoped in her heart that this was all a bad dream, but she knew it was true and she knew this was dangerous.

Remus, Lenore, and Santh stood in the distance as they watched Anton approach Harona. He patted her shoulder briefly.

“Do not look so worried. All will be well.” Anton told her as he could see she was becoming upset by what Jolon was saying.

“You needn't worry. I'll take care of them.” Routine promised before walking over to Lenore and staring directly at her. “It would not be beneficial if you died or left the country.”

“Beneficial to whom?” Lenore asked with a confused look in her eyes.

“To the country and its people. Even if Damek took power, you would do well to be at his side and keep him from causing atrocities. If he would not listen, then you could undermine him.” Routine sighed, “I suppose, I am asking you to not do this and leave it to the others.”

“I can not ask them to do what I am unwilling to do, besides everything will be fine. You will see for yourself come morning.” Lenore stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his neck to hug him as tightly as possible. “Thank you for being my friend all these years.”

Routine wrapped his arms around her back, and hugged her as tightly as she hugged him. “You make it very easy.”

She stepped away from him and dropped her arms to her side. “I will see you again, Byron. I promise.”

“I will believe you in the morning.” He tried to hide his worried tone.

Neither he nor the girls knew exactly what their plans were as they needed to be able to deny everything. What made this entire ordeal more terrifying however is that they would know nothing to be able to assist them if the need arose.

Saena and Harona gave hugs to everyone and stood on the platform waving as the group dressed in leather armor with swords and daggers at their sides made their way down the dirt path. Routine stood at the bottom of the stairs.

All three wondered if they would see their friends again though they did not speak to each other. Instead they each stood in their fear and loss individually but together all the same.

“This will be the longest night of my life.” Saena finally spoke to break the silence.

“There is mead and pastries that Remus left for us. I suggest we drink the night away in hopes that it will make time pass.” Routine began to walk up the stairs, and when he entered the dorm the girls were quick to follow behind him.


Arriving at the Professors' Dorms were the cells were held, everyone stared at the building and inhaled deeply. This would be the last moment for any of them to walk away. Once inside they would all have played a part in this someway or another.

Santh noticed immediately that there was no guards standing in front of the dorm, but said nothing to the others.

“Well, this is it.” Remus finally spoke after several moments of the group just staring at the building.

“Yes, it is.” Lenore responded and turned to face the group. “Jolon and Remus, you two go meet my contact at the Royal Dorm in the back. Do not be seen by the guards.”

They both nodded their heads, and Jolon turned to Anton his best friend. “You take care of yourself in there, alright? Don't do anything that will get you killed.”

Anton chuckled, “Don't worry.”

“The same goes to the rest of you.” He looked at Santh and Lenore. They both bowed their heads at him.

Remus swallowed as he looked at the three of them, but there were no words that he could speak. He feared for the lives of his friends, but he did not know how to express that to them. Everything sounded so contrived that he decided to leave it all to his eyes.

As the two walked away side by side, they both took turns looking over their shoulders as they watched the three enter into the building. Eventually there was no person left outside the dorm and the two walked together in silence.

Their job was to meet the contact and learn the information about entering into the Royal Dorm without having to go through the front door. They needed to know in case the contact felt it was too heated after the escape and felt the need to run.

After that, they would serve as decoys for the guards so Lenore and the others could make their way inside. She never explained to them why they needed to hide in the Royal Dorms but she asked them to trust her.

“What will happen if we are caught and Lesatan is executed?” Jolon asked as he took a deep breath in anticipation of a horrific answer.

“Nothing we should be thinking about now.” Remus replied as calmly as he could muster in order to keep the boy's spirits high. “Do not worry. Lenore is not one to fail or leave her friends behind.” He chuckled, “Part of me feels bitter saying that and another part relieved.”

Jolon did not want to speak of the past, but he could understand that perhaps Remus was trying to take his mind off the task at hand for a moment. “Well, she wasn't the monster we thought in the end. She was just trying to protect us.”

“Like she is trying to protect her brother now. At least, she allowed us into this plot, eh?” Remus spoke bitterly.

There was a long silence before Jolon spoke as the two walked down the empty pathways. “Why didn't you go to Ophelia's...”

“Be quiet.” Remus snapped and briefly bite his bottom lip. “I... I don't wish to discuss anything having to do with Ophelia.”

“I'm sorry.” The two walked in silence once more before Jolon had another question. “If we are caught during the escape, they will still be able to make it to the dorm, won't they?”

“That will be up to them. We do our part until we are no longer able, after that they are on their own.”

Jolon lowered his eyes briefly to his feet as they walked. “Hopefully, the guards won't kill us instead of taking us to a cell.”

“That is why this is dangerous. Prepare yourself.”


The guards leading up to the door that would lead them down to the cells were all gone. Anton thought they were very lucky at the lack of security. The halls were dark and everyone was locked away in their rooms.

Lenore grabbed the keys that were at the top of the stairs, and opened the door to the stairway. As they descended, Santh shut the door behind him and followed the other two down.

When they arrived, four torches burned brightly and Krius stood from his stool in front of the cell. Lenore handed him the keys and looked into the cell where her brother stood from his bed.

“Where are all the guards?” Anton asked.

Krius shook his head, “They were called away a few minutes ago. They have not returned, but we should move before then.”

The cell door opened and Lesatan looked hesitant to leave. His eyes turned to Lenore and he stared at her briefly. “If I step out of this cell, I will look guilty. People will believe I escaped to save myself from execution. All of you will follow me down a path that only leads to death.”

“Yes, and if you don't death will meet you in that cell tonight.” She reached her hand forward and grabbed his upper arm before yanking him out of the cell. “Here.”

Lesatan looked at the sword she was offering him, “I am better with a bow.”

Everyone glared at the Prince for a moment before his sister spoke. “Take the sword, Princess. You'll have to make do.” She spoke with snark.

Santh looked around the cells at the quiet that surrounded them. “I do not like this.” He finally spoke.

Krius gave him a nod. “Agreed.”

“With what?” Lesatan asked.

“Indeed, what are you two going on about?” Lenore snapped and grabbed her brother's upper arm. “We need to leave now.”

“It's too peaceful.” Krius told her in a low almost whispered voice. He seemed to be waiting for something to happen in that moment.

Santh nodded in response as Anton looked around the room with the two Mondues. He didn't know what they meant but was trying desperately to understand.

“So? We need to leave.” Lenore started moving toward the stairway. She hid it but her heart was racing and anxiety filled her soul.

“Lenore, stop.” Santh ordered as he turned towards her. “What if this was all a lie?” His eyes went to Krius. “Do you have that suspicion?”

Krius agreed with a nod of his head. “They aren't attacking and the guards have been missing for some time now. What if your information was a lie and Damek wants us to escape with Lesatan in order to make him appear guilty. We would all be accomplices and at the court's mercy.”

“Or worse yet, Damek's.” Santh added.

Annoyance was starting to fill Lenore's heart more than the fear. “I do not care. I am not going to risk my brother's life in because you two have a bad feeling. Let's get moving.”

Lesatan pulled his arm away from his sister, “If Krius is in doubt, then I shall listen to him. He is a loyal adviser who would never place me in harm's way. He may be right.”

“We do not have time to argue about this. The guards could return at any moment.” Lenore barked. “We need to move!”

“Lenore, we can't act rashly, we need to consider the information we have right now.” Santh told her and watched her glare at him. “We aren't being attacked.”

“Yes, because we are ahead of the assassins. You two are giving them time to kill one or all of us. We need to get out of here!” Lenore stomped one foot.

“I agree with Lenore, we need to leave now.” Anton finally spoke up. “We have come this far, we can't just toss him back in his cell and walk away. We need to keep moving forward with the plan.”

Santh and Krius looked at each other and both seemed to sigh in agreement.


The girls sat on the floor of Routine's dorm room as they chewed on the last of Odelia's pastries that they would probably ever eat, and drank the last of her mead. Everyone had written her a letter after Ophelia's death, but she had not replied. No doubt she did not have the words needed to explain her loss or perhaps there was blame she didn't wish to fling about at this point in time.

Of course, all minds were on their friends and what activities were about to occur that evening. No one had really spoken in several moments and they all seemed to be intensely eating their food.

Routine sat on his bed with his feet on the ground. He had tried to lay back but it seemed his mind wouldn't allow him any rest.

“Why did you not go with them?” Saena finally asked him. When he stared up at her as if he did not understand her question, she clarified. “You are restless. Moving from one side of the room to the other, then laying down only to sit up. Perhaps you should have gone with them?”

He inhaled deeply before replying, “I can not endanger my position among the Souchans. My parents expect much of me. I have made a choice to choose my family over my friends, and it was not something that came easily to me.”

“Why have you changed the way you speak?” Harona had been wondering for some time and she figured this was as good as any time to ask.

Routine stared down at her, “Ophelia.” He replied softly, “She made me understand that speaking the way I did made others feel inferior or even as if I was trying to prove my intelligence. She informed me that once I was in my father's position, it would only create enemies not friends.” Suddenly he chuckled, “My argument that I managed to make friends here while speaking in my natural way did not make her concede.”

“Doesn't seem right to make you change yourself though.” Harona took a bite from her pastry.

“She was right to inform me. I do not do well in social situations, though she helped me greatly.” He sipped his mead, “In truth, I was looking forward to a marriage with Ophelia. A social being such as herself would have been a godsend in all future social gatherings. I will miss her whenever I attend one.”

Harona lowered her head as her heart began to hurt over his words. She knew immediately that she was jealous of the way he spoke of Ophelia, but could not decide if it was because she wanted him to speak of her in that way or if she wanted Anton to do so.

Saena watched them speak and when she felt their was enough silence to change the subject she spoke. “Do you suppose they have the Prince? Will we see our friends again?”

Harona reached over and pat her hand that was laying on her knee. “Do not worry. Lenore will handle this and we will have them all back here soon enough.”

She smiled gently at her friend. “Are you replacing Ophelia as Lenore's greatest advocate now?” She teased.

“That was rather like Ophelia, wasn't it?” Harona chuckled.

The lightness did not last and both girls' smiles turned to frowns as they thought of their friend.

Routine watched them both fall into sadness. “Ophelia would not be pleased to know her memory turns you to tears. She preferred others laughed with her then cried for her.”

“I know, but it feels guilty to laugh or even to enjoy life in general.” Saena said.

“Indeed, it's like we are forgetting about her.” Harona added.

“Forgetting? No. Moving on from the loss? Yes. Ophelia would be quite pleased to see such a change. In truth, if she were here and someone else had passed, she would be trying to lighten the mood herself. I doubt she would begrudge you a happy memory of her and the laughter that goes with it.” Routine partly grinned but it disappeared quickly.

“Ophelia changed you more than I realized.” Saena slowly shook her head.

“Yes, it's... strange.” Harona began to giggle, and soon was followed by Saena.

Another small grin appeared on Routine's lips, “If I am to be the source of your amusement, so be it.”


“We need to get Lesatan to my contact.” Lenore told them as they began to move toward the stairway, but when Lenore looked up there was a man standing at the top in the doorway.

A sound of stone scrapping against the ground was heard behind them as the wall at the end of the hall was pushed open. A bolt flew across the room as someone behind the wall tried to fire off their crossbow.

Both Krius and Anton acted to rush the wall and try to fight it closed, while Santh shoved Lenore and Lesatan aside and raced up the stairs. He knocked the knife from the assailant's hand and tackled him to the floor before slamming his head against the stone floor. When the man fell unconcious, he looked around to find that the man appeared to be alone.

Satisfied, he waved to Lenore. “Let's get out of here.”

Lenore shoved her brother up the stairs, but turned to look at Anton and Krius. “We are leaving, let's go!”

Krius shook his head, “Go on without me. I can buy you time.” He turned his attention to Anton. “Go!”

“I'm not leaving you here, Krius!” Lenore yelled as she watched the two men slowly losing the battle against the hidden door.

Anton shook his head and moaned out his response. “I can help keep them at bay! I am with you, Krius!”

Krius gave a nod to the man beside him and then spoke over his shoulder. “Get out of here, Lenore! Save your brother!”


“Get out of here!” They both shouted in unison as they used their shoulders to hold the door shut as best they could. Hands were coming out the opening on the left, they grabbed at Krius' shoulder. However, they couldn't get any angle yet to stab him or really claw at him. There were no voices from the other side of the wall. No shouting, no talking amongst themselves. Just cold killers that wanted in and would never stop trying.

“Lenore, we have to go!” Santh called from the stairway. “They know what they are doing! Let's go!”

Lenore stared at her two friends for a brief moment before rushing up the stairs to follow behind Lesatan and Santh.

Krius pressed against the door and ignored the hands that were getting more accurate in their attempts to grab him. “I do not think we have ever been properly introduced.”

“What?” Anton grunted as his now sore shoulder continued to press against the wall.

“We are about to die together, you realize that? I want to know the man I die beside so I can sing his praises to the Gods when I arrive.” Krius watched the man give a knowing nod but there was no fear in his eyes. “Krius La Croix of the Royals, son of Xyles La Croix.”

“Anton Pugh of the Thatcher's Guild.” They had both grunted their names as death tried to fight it's way through the walls.

“Do you have any brothers?” Krius groaned as he was able to shut the wall slightly and a small grin appeared on his face.

Anton shook his head.

“A shame for your family. My family too will be without an heir after this day. This is what I think of as I die.” Krius fought the door more.

“I think of my family too.”

Krius grinned, “Good, then you are man I am honored to die beside. However, we must set these thoughts aside, we must let this door go and fight to our dying breath. Whoever these people are, they want to kill our future king. We must hold them off for as long as we can.”

A small amount of fear came over Anton's face, before he was able to remove it completely. “For King and country, then.”

“For King and country.” He replied and both stepped away. They grabbed their swords from the floor and gave each other a knowing nod as the door opened.


The three that were left of the group emerged through the only entrance of the Professor's Dorms. Surprisingly, there was no one to greet them which meant all of the assassin's were assaulting the cells for now.

Lenore began to move with Lesatan and Santh following behind her. They quickly removed themselves from the path and started making their way using both the servant's passages and moving through the foliage.

“Where are we heading?” Lesatan asked in a whisper.

Lenore kept moving forward and ignored her brother completely. She was too focused on getting her brother to safety.

“Lenore, stop for a moment. I need to know the plan.” Lesatan told her, and once more he was ignored. He turned to Santh, who guarded him but the large man seemed uninterested in answering his questions as well.

He wondered if they were purposely ignoring him or if their minds were elsewhere so his voice could not be heard.

“Where are we going?” Lesatan finally grabbed his sister's arm and forced her to stop and look at him.

“To the Royal Dorms.” Lenore whispered as she pulled her arm from her brother's grasp and tried to move forward again.

“That is suicide.” Lesatan snapped as he followed behind her once more. “That's the lion's den. Do you realize how many guards are stationed there? Do you...”

Lenore turned to her brother, “Father tasked me with rebuilding the spy network for you. That is what I have been doing all these years, and I have done so faithfully even when you were being an utter fool. Trust me, I have a plan and it will be explained to you once we arrive at the dorms.”

She turned to continue her journey when footsteps could be heard from a nearby pathway. Everyone hunched over in the bushes they were using the hide themselves.

“What is happening?” A guard that sounded like he had been sleeping asked someone in the dark.

“The Prince has escaped. He even killed Krius La Croix.” A guard told another guard as they both rushed toward the Professor's dorms.

A lump formed in Lenore's throat as she heard the man's words. Santh placed his hand on her shoulder as if to tell her that he was suffering from this news as well.

“There are other bodies in the cells. Perhaps the people that were paid to help in the escape.” The guard continued.

“Very well, I need you to report to the Royal Dorms immediately, and rally any guards you see along the way.” Lenore recognized the voice of the guard captain, Macin. “Ensure that the guards are protecting the Royals. Who ever did this might be willing to kill more. Go quickly!”

“Yes, sir.”

Footsteps began to echo away in either direction and slowly faded away until nothing could be heard at all.

“They think I could kill Krius?” Lesatan wounded voice spoke softly. He couldn't believe anyone would think he could harm his closest friend, and the thought that he might be seen as a villain for all eternity began to sink into his heart.

Lenore took a deep breath, “They died for you. Now, let's hurry. I have a plan that will solve all of this... I hope.”


Macin walked down the stairs to the cells with two other guards. There were several bodies throughout the small passage way, but the wall in the back had been closed. Therefore, he would not know how these people managed to enter the cells.

His eyes fell upon Krius La Croix who had multiple stab wounds and was propped up against the wall where he had died. Nearby was one of the two commoners that the Headmaster had asked he helped in maintaining their safety while at the university, Anton Pugh. The commoner also had stab wounds but ultimately it was the cut across his throat that ended his life. Anton laid on the ground where his killer had tossed him aside.

The other bodies were of older men, certainly no one that attended the school. Their armor was unremarkable as if they had worn it on purpose to give no information about who they were if bodies were left behind.

“Sir?” One of the guards spoke to him as he stood firmly behind him. “That commoner is a known associate of Princess Lenore.” He lifted his hand and motioned toward the commoner that Macin had already noticed.

“Yes, and she warned me that someone would make an attempt on her brother's life tonight.” Macin inhaled. “Curious.”

“Do you believe she had a hand in all of this?” Another asked as he kicked over one of the bodies to expose the face.

“Let us hope not.” He placed his hand on his hips and looked the Prince's cell. “How did anyone get down here? Who was posted at the cells?”

“I was, sir, but the Headmaster called both me and the guards at the front door to his study. He was worried about security, and wanted to ensure we had done all we could to protect the Prince.” The guard standing behind him spoke.

“The Headmaster was worried about the Prince's safety, and yet he pulled all the guards away from him?” Macin asked, but no one answered his rhetorical question. “Where is the Headmaster now?”

“He said he was going to pay a visit to the Royal Dorms.”

Macin's hand balled up, “Visit who?” He watched the guard's face slowly fade into emptiness and his mouth open to utter words of ignorance. “Go ring the bells! I want every able bodied guard out of bed looking for the Headmaster, the Prince, and the Princess. All students are to report to their dorms permanently, anyone seen out is to be arrested!”

The two guards rushed away to ring the bells that would alert the entire university that they were now under guard control.

Macin walked over to Krius and knelt in front of him as he ran his hands over his eyes to close them. “My Mondue brother, you would never do harm to your Prince. I was aware that you had that much honor and loyalty. Did you leave me any understanding in your death?”

He stared at his kinsman for several moments, before noticing his sword. It was not something that a Royal would bring with him. It was a sword from the arena which meant this was brought down to him by someone.

“Were you protecting the Prince or yourself from him?” Macin asked.

He looked around the area and noticed that Anton's body also had an arena sword, but the swords of the other men were of quality. They were certainly something a Royal might bring with them.

“Did she speak the truth?” He mumbled to himself.

If Lenore had, he might have just sent dishonored Mondue guards after her. Could it have been that Lesatan's life had truly been in danger? This seemed like students versus trained assassins more than anything else. Lesatan hiring people to help him escape and in the process killing his loyal adviser made little sense.

Dropping the sword, Macin decided to head to the Royal Dorms himself to find the Headmaster. It seemed he knew something of what had occurred in those cells.


Arriving at the back of the Royal Dorms, a man in a dark hood stood with Remus and Jolon. He hadn't said much to them except that they should wait for Lenore's arrival before speaking.

As the arriving group made their way over to them, Jolon immediately looked worried as he looked beyond them for more people to approach.

“Anton and Krius remained behind to fight the assassins.” Lenore told him before he could even ask about the whereabouts of his friend. She knew she should have told him of his death, but she needed Jolon strong in those moments so she omitted the information.

Jolon remained worried, but seemed to accept her answer for the time being.

Santh and Lesatan stood quietly behind her as she walked over to her agent. “Were you successful?”

The hooded man nodded, “Yes, he motioned towards the wall. There was a secret entrance as promised. I sent the other ahead. He will show them the way until they arrive at the next contact. As you decreed no one except the last agent will know where they ultimately end.” The hooded man looked to Lesatan, “I hope that tonight ends well, and that I am there to see your coronation, my lord.” Without so much as a nod, he walked over to the wall to open the secret entrance before he slipped into the darkness of the woods nearby.

“What contacts? What end? What was he saying?” Lesatan asked as Lenore as they made their way down the old passage that was filled with old spiderwebs.

“Wait a moment, and I will explain everything.” Lenore told him and the others remained quiet, though Remus was curious about the way that Lenore handled her spy network. It did seem heavily based on what he did with the Fox's own network.

Once they arrived in the dark basement of the Royal Dorms, another hooded agent appeared but this time it was a woman. She carried a lantern with her that was the only source of light they had, and when she approached them she bowed to both Lenore and Lesatan, “The passage has been found.” She informed Lenore.

Lenore turned to the group, as the other woman light a few more lanterns. “Lesatan, Remus, and Jolon, I need you to go with this woman. She is one of mine, and she will take you to the next point where you will meet many of my contacts. They will each take you further into hiding until the final one finds you a place to stay. That contact will help guard all of you until this is over. Understand?”

“How will we know it is over?” Lesatan asked.

“You'll just have to wait until you hear that Damek has been overthrown. The only person that knows where you will ultimately be is that last agent. Not even I know, it's for your own protection.” She patted her brother's back and looked to Remus and Jolon. “I am sorry to uproot your lives in this manner, but you two are not safe here.”

“Saena...” Jolon began, “Tell her I will try to return to her, if you can.”

Remus seemed to simply accept this without argument as he knew he would not be any assistance against Damek. His vengeance had been calmed as he waited for Lenore's return, and realized how very dangerous this was and how he could not allow his father and brother to suffer his loss.

“No, I am staying with you.” Lesatan snapped. “I am not letting you take care of all this by yourself.”

“I am not alone. I have the network, Santh, and several allies. Trust me, Lesatan, and go with her.” She saw the panic in her brother's eyes, “Do not worry, if tonight fails I will be along shortly.”

“You just said you have no idea where we are going.” He growled and then calmed himself, “Fine, but don't die, Lenore. Please, do whatever it takes to stay alive.”

She nodded her head, “I will do my best, now go.”

The agent opened the secret passage and gave Remus, Jolon, and Lesatan their own lanterns which left one behind for Lenore. Lesatan seemed like he wanted to hug his sister, but then seemed unsure about it and in the end simply walked through the passage without another word as did Jolon and Remus. The three knew they may not ever see her and Santh again.


Routine sat on his bed with a bottle of mead in his hand as the girls chatted with one another on the floor. Occasionally, the subject of Lenore and the others would return and they would reassure each other that everything would be alright. It was just another quiet evening for them even if they were trying their best not to worry.

“South Dorm occupants, this is the University Guard! Come out and stand in an orderly line!” A voice yelled.

The three looked between each other and slowly move to stand. They all knew that this meant something had happened, but Lenore had gone over this with them. They had to do only one thing no matter what was said or done, and that was “know nothing.”

Walking out to the platform outside the front door, they stood as if they were receiving their bathing buckets for the morning.

Six Mondue guards stood in their courtyard. The one at the front spoke to them while they others stood quietly. “Where is the rest of your dorm?”

“They became afraid and left the school after Ophelia Romanus' murder. They thought the murderer was targeting girls and commoners.” Routine explained to him.

The man nodded his head and his dark locks bounced along with the movement. “Are you aware that several of your dorm mates have helped Prince Lesatan escape captivity?”

They all three shook their heads.

“If you know anything, you need to tell us. People have already died tonight, and we need to put an end to it before more follow.” The guard snapped.

Saena's heart pounded in her chest, “People have died?”

“Yes, Krius La Croix and Anton Pugh were found in the cells along with other unidentified bodies.” The guard was purposefully telling them the names and details in hopes that they would fear for their friends and tell him anything.

Harona put her hand over her mouth as Saena put her arm around her shoulders. Routine stood calmly though internally he felt loss.

“Did you oversee them talking as a group? Do you know who else could be with them? Was it just the Princess and Anton from your dorm or are others helping them?” The guard was obviously becoming agitated. “Anything they said or you saw them do could benefit us. We have to find them, not only are they in trouble for the escape but they are in danger. We believe the unidentified bodies may be assassins.”

Harona's eyes began to tear up and she slowly lost the ability to stand. Saena slowly fell to her knees with her friend, as Routine watched but did not move from his position.

“We were unaware of any activity.” Routine told him flatly, “More important, I am insulted that you would dare to assume someone of my position would be involved in such unlawful acts. Do you understand who you are speaking with? Byron Nicoletti!” Normally, he would never act this way, but he wanted the guards to leave before Harona was completely lost to her emotions.

“I am aware of who you are, but this is not about titles. It is about you and these girls living in dorms with criminals. If you know anywhere that we might be able to find them, it would be of great assistance.”

Routine had a thought as he had been informed that they would be exited the university near the Royal Dorms. “Ophelia Romanus had a pastry and mead stall with a storage area near The Enchantress and a key which Remus Grey had, perhaps they went there to hide for a time.”

The guard nodded his head, “Very well, thank you for your time. My guards will be searching their rooms and then we will leave you three alone.”


Lenore and Santh had walked carefully down the hallways to avoid being seen. Every student was in their own rooms and therefore it was only the guards they had to be on alert for. Once they reached the study, they stood in the middle of the room. The fireplace had a slowly dying fire thet suggested this room had not been in use for a couple of hours.

Santh had been quiet for most of the evening, but had at times touched her back or hand. It was endearing, but also seemed like a nervous tick as if he was touching her to comfort himself.

Looking at him, Lenore's nervousness was clear and she exhaled before giggling slightly in her own nervous way. This was the moment. Lesatan would be safe even if every thing went wrong, which meant that he could repair her failure.

They could both die in the next coming moments, and they were both aware of that, but there would be no kissing, no hugs, and no saying goodbye. They would both take these next moments as guardians of the future king, not as lovers.

Both hearts pounded in their chests as the seconds seemed like minutes, and the minutes like hours. Every thing was about to unfold, and they would finally see the consequences of their planning.

The door slowly opened, and Lenore could barely contain herself as her hands began to shake. Santh placed his hand on her shoulder to calm her.

Stepping in through the door was not what they expected. Macin, the guard captain, entered the room and closed the door behind him.

“Do you want to explain to me what is going on?” He asked as he crossed his arms.

They were both shocked to see him there, but also curious as to how he had found them and why he had shut the door behind him.

“How did you...”

Macin rolled his eyes, “You two aren't exactly stealth agents. Which made me more curious as to why none of my guards were alerted to you. Of course, the only solution is that they are allowing you to make your way to this study. Which means they are traitors or have been ordered by someone very powerful to do so. Perhaps, the Headmaster?”

Santh and Lenore looked at each other briefly, and both remained quiet.

“Where is Lesatan?” He received nothing in response. “I saw the scene. Your friends had arena swords, and the others had very expensive weapons. Obviously, you were protecting your brother, but he needs to be taken back into custody and tried for any crimes he has committed.” Still, they said nothing. “I would like to turn a blind eye to your involvement in this, Princess. I understand that you were simply protecting your brother, when I failed, but...”

“There will be none of that.” Lenore snapped. “You and your guards have either failed miserably or have become traitors. The King died under your watch, and the Prince almost did as well, Captain Macin.”

Macin swallowed, “That may be true, but the only guards I see acting inappropriately are obviously being commanded to ignore you completely. I want to know why.”

The door behind him opened, and Macin turned to see who was entering the room. Damek entered first along with Marius followed by four Mondue guards.

“I told you that I saw them enter into here.” Marius said with excitement in his voice.

Macin nodded, “Arrest them.”

“I am afraid that will not be happening.” Damek told him with a grin on his face, before looking over at Lenore.

Macin chuckled at the man's attempt to tell him how his job would be done. “Arrest them immediately!”

The guards behind Damek did not move at his orders, and Macin suddenly understood. He moved to stand next to Lenore and Santh as the guards pulled their swords.