RKP Hunt's Speculative Fiction

Full Version: (AU) Chapter 50: Be With Child
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The first tournament of the new year was coming upon them. Piera had convinced Ophelia to stay and assist her which she happily agreed to do. It was nice to be able to go somewhere other than classes and the dorm with the occasional trip to the hamlet. Also, people seemed to treat her differently now that the future Queen had hired her.

However, this would be her last year at this school. Ophelia was too excited to start the year knowing that this time next year, she would retake her fortress and the world would be right again. She had asked Piera to pass a letter to the King to ensure he would keep his promise when she received correspondence he assured her that he would keep his word.

“My last year.” Ophelia sighed to herself as Piera dressed quietly behind her.

Piera had heard her mumble such things under her breath for months now, but it always made her smile as she always knew what her friend was thinking. “How will you and Routine deal with the Souchan Guild Headquarters and the fortress being so far apart?”

She shrugged her shoulders, “We haven't really gotten into too many details as of yet, but I am certain he has a plan. He always does and doesn't bother to explain them to me unless I ask.” She chuckled.

“That seems cruel.” Piera walked over to the bed to allow Ophelia to tie the back of her dress up for her.

Ophelia began to work the string. “I actually find it pleasing. He doesn't share anything with you unless you show interest, and no matter what you ask he will give an answer.”

“It almost sounds like you are closer to him than Remus.” Piera turned around when Ophelia had finished.

Swallowing, she thought for a moment. “I have begun to wonder. In time, what if the distance is too much and my heart goes to Rout... Byron. I do not know if he is capable of falling in love as he has told me that he holds no interest in the physical act.”

“He is a strange man.” She giggled to lighten the mood. “Oh, I have news, but it must remain between you and me.” She watched her nod. “I may be with child now.”

Ophelia's mouth opened slightly. “That is wonderful news. I was not aware that you were planning this.”

“Aletta insisted that Lesatan and I bring forth an heir as soon as possible. I know that it will be difficult since we have not finished university, but there have been heirs in the Royal Dorms for generations. The King and his brother are the oddities as they married late in life.” Piera cleared her throat. “The Queen assured me that it was for the best.”

Ophelia nodded her head unsure if her friend believed the words that she was speaking. “Well, your secret will be safe with me, Piera.”

Piera smiled gently. “I know I should hope for a son, but my heart wants a daughter.” She sighed and looked down at her own hands, “However, I will say son to all else except you. So, prepare yourself for my two faced act.”

“I am certain Lesatan will love whatever child you bare him, after all there is no rule that it must be only one child. The heir and the spare as it were.” Ophelia didn't really know what she was saying as she just wanted to remove her friend's guilt.

“Yes, I suppose there can be more than one child, but then I fear a rivalry like Lesatan and Lenore.”

“They are special circumstance, Piera. You were never jealous of your brother taking over the guild were you? You always knew your life would be elsewhere.”

Piera swallowed hard. “Sometimes, I resented that he would get everything from our family and I would be shipped away. Which is why it is hard to think of siblings.”


Remus walked slowly toward the hamlet as he had to speak to his connections and check on Ophelia's stall. The buzz in the air was the students preparing for the tournament. Many going to watch practices and some girls talking about which is the participants was the most attractive. However, Remus was not excited anymore for the tournaments as they had returned to their old ways. The Souchans and Mondues allowed the Royals to win or perhaps they actually won either way there was no betting money to be had.

“Anton!” Remus shouted when he noticed his dorm mate up ahead.

This was Anton and Jolon's third year at the school. Remus remembered telling Anton to just appear for his third year and see if they say anything, they hadn't which had surprised him. When he had gone to ask about Anton's status, he had been told that someone had paid for two more years. When he told Anton, the Thatcher was surprised and they asked everyone in the dorm but no one was willing to admit that it had been them.

Anton's father had not been pleased and had outright disowned him as a son. Though Anton seemed to think that in time his father would calm and he would be willing to accept him back into the family. It was strange that he didn't care about his father's wishes, but there seemed to be a female classmate that danced around him and made him fearless.

When Remus finally made it to his friend, he placed his hand on his shoulder. “Harona awaiting you?”

The two acted as if they were not romantically link and it may have been because they had not admitted it to themselves, but to the rest of the dorm they were inseparable.

Anton nodded. “I am. She wants those meat on sticks food.” He informed him with a sigh in his voice.

“Something the matter?”

He shook his head before he shrugged his shoulders. “I feel as if a storm is brewing. There is a darkness about the university now, but I cannot place which direction it flows.”

Clicking his tongue, Remus thought for a moment. “That sounds ominous. So, let us change the subject. I don't suppose there is any chatter from the rest of the dorm that they might change their minds and join the tournament.”

He slowly shook his head. Anton seemed to have become the unofficial head of the dorm as everyone came to him with their issues on the structure and therefore he was invited into a great deal of gossip. Remus found himself surprisingly coming to him for this information. “The dorm is mostly females who do not want to participate and no one would dare join unless there was Santh heading the group. I am certain Jolon and I would, but Santh would never agree.”

“What do you suppose would get Santh active again?” Remus was more than willing to pull some strings in order to make this tournament a money maker again.

Anton shrugged, “Lenore, probably.”

“Well that is out of the question. What else?” Remus stopped walking with his friend which forced Anton to stop and look directly at him. The students on the same pathway had to walk around them.

“Remus, the only reason he joined the last time was because Lenore asked him to join. He only did it for her even before he was willing to admit his feelings, and now that he has you won't be able to get him to fight against her.” Anton watched as hope left Remus' eyes.

“Perhaps, I could convince the Prince that having Lenore handling melee is making the students think he is weak. Then he would remove Lenore from...”

“I do not think that will work, Remus.”

“And why not?”

Anton frowned, “Do you not see how Santh hides from Lenore's eyes? Being in the tournament would mean having her see him, and he is too broken for that.” With that said, Anton began to walk away.


Entering her brother's dorm room, Lenore wondered why he would summon her there and not to his study. It was a strange situation now that Lesatan and Piera were married as they kept separate dorm rooms, but everyone knew that Piera slept in his room every night. Therefore, Lenore feared that Piera would be in the room when she spoke with her brother.

That was not the case however as when she knocked on the door she was summoned inside, and found her brother shirtless standing at the end of his bed. Several shirts were laying on the bench and he stood with his hands on his hips trying to decide which one to wear.

“I hope you didn't summon me just to pick out a shirt for you.” Lenore said with a bit of laughter and a great deal of bitterness in her voice.

The Prince was unamused and nearly growled his reply, “I am more than capable of choosing my own clothing.” Grabbing a shirt, he began to put his arms through before button up the shirt as he spoke to his sister. “Our father will be here tonight.”

Lenore's attitude brightened immediately, as she had been wanting to speak to her father. She believed she had finished the task that she had started so many years ago, and it would be ready to become full scale soon. “That is wonderful news.”

“You will not be in his presence tonight. I want you to leave his time to me, as you always shove yourself into where you are not invited and then take all of his attentions.” Lesatan finished his shirt and then frowned when he realized he skipped a button. He began to unbutton the shirt so he could button it up properly.

“I do no such thing.” Lenore snapped. “I have barely spoken two words to our father since the wedding. I wish to speak to him before the tournaments begin and...”

“I have spoken.” He barked loudly. “Also, I allowed you to muck about last year, because I had sympathy for you, but not this year. My patience has worn thin, and you will begin your duties once the tournament ends.” As he spoke, he opened his wardrobe and began to chose a belt from his wide selection.

“What duties might that be?” She crossed her arm and held a deep scowl on her face that Lesatan didn't seem to notice.

“For starters, you will start work as my adviser. You will start standing with Krius, Armand, and Enoch at all meetings between us, where you will be helpful to my plans, as well as a confidant.” Lesatan cleared his throat.

“Is that all?” Lenore could not believe that he would ever take her advice let alone believe she could keep his secrets. It wasn't that she would tell anyone, but that Lesatan had proven to be more suspicious of her in the Royal Dorm than he was ever when she lived at South Dorm. She was constantly followed by one person or another, and had to use every tactic in the book in order to rid herself of her stalkers.

He slowly shook his head, “You will take a place on the student council. Armand has already spoken to one of the chair holders and he agreed to give you his place.”

“What did he earn by losing his beloved chair?” The venom in her voice was becoming to clear and Lenore realized she needed to taper it back some.

The Prince cocked his head to the side, “My gratitude, of course.” He proceeded to put his belt on with a grin on his lips. “I am done playing your games, and wondering where you are sneaking off to at all hours of the night. You play my game for the first time in your life. You live in the place that was made for you by our father so the world wouldn't know you as a Vinson. Do you understand your Crowned Prince?”

“I understand.” She hissed.

“Father will not always be here to protect you, and when that day comes I could remove the Cromwell name from your bastard hands and toss you back to the wolves.” Lesatan waved his hand for her to leave.

“You sound more like your mother every day.” Lenore told him and before he could response, she left the room.


Jolon was proud to be walking next to the woman beside him and he kept grinning over at her though she was walking about the hamlet with her own concerns. This would be their second year together though they hadn't officially given any name to their relationship, but everyone knew that Jolon and Saena were meant to be.

Saena felt the same about Jolon which is why she had given up her guild and her family. Even without Jolon in her future, she was getting an education that would raise her up. That was something that her family and prior guild mates did not approve of.

In fact she had been weathering the harsh looks and the head shaking from the disapproving every time she walked through the hamlet. She never mentioned it to Jolon as she did not wish to make him feel responsible after all this had been her decision. She made the choice for a better future for herself though there were times when she missed her father's stew and the loud chatter from her siblings as she tried to sleep.

Today, however, the Servant's Guild members were out in force. One woman walked passed her and slammed her shoulder into Saena's but immediately apologized as if she had done so by accident. When Jolon seemed satisfied with the apology, she remembered clearly what the woman whispered under her breath.

“Abandon us all so you can act better than us.” She had said before scurrying away from the couple.

When she looked up at Jolon, he had not seemed to hear her words as he was looking at fabric at a stall.

There was some truth to the woman's words, which Saena felt hurt most of all. She did leave the guild so she could better herself and they acted as if that was a betrayal. She had seen the life that they all live and she had lived it. The life was miserable and the only thing that awaited her was marrying a man that paid enough to her father and baring his children. If the other women were any indication, she would die during one of these births.

Servant's Guild women often had their children alone in the woods or with one other woman. It was considered tradition as a show of strength. However, that also meant no one present to help the woman if the child became stuck or if she passed out. No one would come searching for her for hours. If the woman did allow another woman with her, she was frowned upon and thought to be weak therefore any child she bared was also weak.

Saena did not want the life that was laid out before her by her parent's birthrights. She wanted to carve her own path and it would always be difficult, but when she looked to Jolon he made everything so much easier. She didn't care that once she finished university that she would go from being insulted by the Servant's Guild to having every other guild look down upon her, because she dared to better herself. She knew that Jolon would be there to keep her safe from harm as best he could, but she also knew that meant telling him.

She rather preferred the way he walked around the hamlet with her, blissfully unaware of the taunting she was receiving. It made it bearable. If he didn't seem to notice that she didn't have to acknowledge that it was truly happening to her.

Jolon smiled down at her and she returned his gesture. “Shall we eat something while we are out here?”

She gave a nod. “We should bring something back for Ophelia as well. She has been working long hours at the Royal Dorms and it would be nice to treat her. She has become so thin.”

“Very well. What do you think we should eat?”

Saena looked around the court and smiled. “I want everything.” She laughed.


Lenore tore down the hall with anger dripping from every pore in her body. She couldn't believe that her brother would demand that she not see her own father. He was such a spoiled child and she had to release her frustration so she went to the room of the only friend she had. Without knocking, Lenore entered the room as she was used to during in the middle of the day.

“Armand!” She yelled as she walked towards the bed where he was laying under the covers with his shirt off. “You will not believe what Lesatan has ordered of me. He wants to force me to sit on the council and he is telling me that I can not see my own father tonight!”

Armand sat calmly on his bed that were covered in furs. His room smelled of wood from the nearby burning fire though it was not cold enough to need a fire. “Perhaps he spoke harshly, he may have wanted to explain to you that he needed his father's time uninterrupted tonight. He may need to speak to him about something important and did not want you to disrupt the conversation. You do have a way of stealing your father's attentions.”

“As if I do not know the way...” Lenore stop speaking as her anger subsided she began to see the entire picture before her. “Why are you in bed at noon? Why do you have a fire?” She pointed to the fireplace with her brows pushing closer and closer together.

“I...” Armand could not think as his eyes accidentally darted to the lump beside him that was mostly hidden by extra furs.

Lenore noticed it and began to reach across him for the lump, but Armand grabbed her hands.

“Leave it alone.” He spoke sternly.

She sighed, “Fine.” When she stood up, Armand released her hand and was about to begin speaking when Lenore lunged at the lump and yanked all the furs away.

Standing up, she looked over the sight in front of her.

A naked Authin laid huddled up in the bed beside her fiancee. He had his eyes closed for several moments as if he believed that if he didn't look at her than he wouldn't be able to see him. Slowly he opened his eyes and looked into Lenore's own.

A smile began to span over her lips as she turned her attention to Armand when their eyes met she began to laugh. “It's all behind you, is it?”

“Lenore.” Armand spoke her name as his cheeks began to turn bright red.

“Well, perhaps he was behind you.” She began to laugh louder before grabbing her stomach and waving her hand at Armand as he spoke her name again. “Never mind, never mind.” She turned towards the door and left the room as she continued to laugh at the sight she had just witnessed.

Authin sat up on the bed and placed his feet on the ground. “Will she tell the others?” He asked as Armand stood from the bed and began to dress himself.

“No, she has known that my inclinations sway towards men since I was fourteen and she caught me with a servant boy. I promised to help her progress in her studies if she never told a soul.” Armand pulled his trousers on and tied them.

“She owes no loyalty to me.” Authin released that his partner was dressing behind him and hurried to find his own clothing.

“You used to be the man that people paid to seduce both men and women alike. I do not think it is a secret that you are capable of being with a man, Authin.” Armand snorted as he pulled on his shirt. “Besides in order to reveal you she would have to do the same to me, as I am part of this story. As I said, there is no need to worry.”

“What if she were to tell her brother then what?” Authin finished dressing as his clothes were more simplistic than Armand's.

“I do not know what Lesatan would do, and we will never have to find out. Lenore will tell no one.” He buttoned up his shirt. “I wonder why she came here to complain to me about her brother, she rarely searches others out for advice.”

“I am more worried about you. My position in society can handle scandal, yours can not.” Authin swallowed hard.

Armand sighed loudly, “Authin, she won't say anything, please stop worrying.”


Routine had entered the Royal Dorms and the guards allowed him to pass without so much as questioning why he had arrived. In the past, he would have had to inform them as to why he needed inside the dorm and someone would have asked permission from the person that he had come to visit if he could enter.

That was no longer an issue now that his sister was the future queen of the country, and his bride to be was her close servant. He didn't care for the idea of Ophelia working so closely with his sister as he felt it set a precedent that she was beneath his family and therefore capable of being hired as a lady in waiting.

However, Ophelia explain that she wanted to be able to see Lenore and ensure that she was alright. He could not argue against her acting in the good intentions of their common friend.

Making his way through the hallways and up to his sister's room, he knocked on the door with a mocking knock so that his sister knew it was him.

“Come in.” He could hear Piera say.

When he opened the door, he found Piera sitting on the bench at the end of her bed reading from a scroll. “Where is Ophelia?” He asked when he couldn't see her.

“She went to the library for me.” Piera pat the empty spot on the bench beside her and smiled when her brother came to sit next to her. “Mother has been asking me about your wedding plans. Apparently, you do not answer her questions when she sends you letters.”

Routine pressed his lips together. “If Mother inquires about my personal matters please inform her that they are none of your concern.”

Piera sighed and shook her head. “You are very soft with Ophelia. A gentleness comes over your face when you speak to her.”

“Mother informed me that I must use a velvet touch with my future bride and wife. She explained at length that I can not treat her like everyone else.” Routine explained before standing up and walking across the room to pretend to be interested in the powders and soups on his sister's white vanity.

Piera chuckled. “I should have known. Lesatan suggested that you have your wedding in the castle gardens. Wouldn't that be lovely?”

“I wonder who placed such an idea in his head.”

Piera smiled widely and pointed to herself when her brother turned to look at her over his shoulder.

He shook his head. “We shall be married on our own estate under the tree that mother and father were wed.”

“How romantic.” She giggled. “Have you discussed this with Ophelia?”

Routine knew that his sister had no idea that his relationship with Ophelia was one of convenience, so he tolerated her constant giggling and interest in the marriage. It was decided that it was better if only Routine, Remus, Ophelia, and the forth member to be named later understood the ruse existed.

“Ophelia will go along with whatever is best for the image of the Nicoletti house.” He leaned against the vanity.

“That I will.” Ophelia announced as she entered the room and handed a scroll to Piera and then looked to Routine. “Byron, it is only slightly pass noon, why are you here?”

He normally came to fetch her at the end of the day as it was good for appearances. “I came to steal you away, if her Majesty would allow.”

Piera stuck out her tongue. “Of course.”

Ophelia knew this was another one of Routine's appearance building exercises, but somehow her heart fluttered and she had to talk herself down. “Very well, shall we?”


Damek sat quietly behind his desk as he wrote a letter. He said nothing when a knock echoed from his door and instead looked over at the man entering the room. The figure moved to stand in front of his desk and folded his hands in front of himself as he waited Damek to finish his task.

Once done, Damek put his pen down and looked up at Marius who seemed to be slightly on edge. He could understand why, but he wished he didn't make it so obvious that he was paranoid about the events that were to unfold.

“The King has arrived.” Marius informed him; there was a tremor in his voice that verbalized his fear further and only served to annoy Damek. “Do you believe that it will begin tonight? Will Lenore's rise to the throne truly come?”

Damek slowly nodded his head as he continued to stare up at the man in front of him. He held eye contact with him in hopes that it would calm the other man's nerves and gain his confidence. Though, Damek suspected that Marius was too anxiety ridden to really understand the nuisances of the constant eye contact but he would try anyway. “I am almost certain. It did not occur while he was at the palace, therefore he has been waiting. I suspect that there is a reason for it, and tonight will begin the ascension.”

Marius took a deep breath as a small droplet of sweat left his brow and slowly ran down his cheek until it fell to his shirt. “Will she be pleased? Will she look highly upon us? I have heard she holds great love for her family.”

“How can one love a father that abandoned her to the Vinsons? Or a brother that humiliates her in front of the entire student body?” He shook his head. “No, she pretends to care for them because it is the only way she can keep her Cromwell name. I am certain that she would want us to act in her best interests.”

“You have never spoken to her on this matter? Attempted to invite her in?” Marius began to fidget with his fingers.

Damek lifted his hand and motioned for him to sit in the chair behind him. When Marius was seated, Damek leaned back in his chair and brought his fingers tips of both hands together. He tapped his index fingers together as he spoke. “Lenore will not be an ally until the war begins, Marius. She will always stand with the Cromwells until given another option that shows it is powerful enough to weather their storm.”

Marius swallowed hard and began to adjust himself nervously in the chair. “When she is Queen, you will ensure that I become an adviser? That I won't have to slave away at this school teaching my betters?”

“That was the deal we made, was it not?” Damek chuckled. “You are working yourself into a frenzy. For all we know, we may have months or years before he accomplishes the end for us. Calm yourself, and wait for the news patiently.”

He nodded his head and took another deep breath. “Yes, of course.” He slowly stood on his feet and gave a brief bow. “I shall return to my life as it is until the time comes.”

Damek gave a nod and watched him leave the room before taking a deep breath of his own. That man was going to send him into an early paranoid grave. Marius kept coming to his study and filling his head with more fears over what will occur. He knew he had to remain confident as he stood from his desk and walked over to the window.

There he could see the King's carriage as the luggage was brought in. Both his Aunt and Uncle had already entered the dorm and had gone to their room. He decided that he would try to find his Uncle and speak to him; as this would most likely be one of their last friendly conversation.


Tomorrow would mark the next first tournament of the school year, and since he was not competing Santh had decided to go into the hamlet to drink. When he had explained to Remus where he was wandering off to, his friend decided to come along and so the two walked through the university to head out into the hamlet.

“They spend a great deal of time with each other. Do you know he goes to the Royal Dorms everyday to walk her back home?” Remus sighed as he walked beside his friend in the empty pathways of the university. There was not another student in sight now that the sun was setting.

Santh grunted a response as he knew that Remus wouldn't truly want to hear his answer to his friend's predicament.

“They have become so very close that it is driving me insane. I do not have the right to be jealous as I am the one that concocted this whole plan to begin with. They are only playing their parts, but they are playing them too well.” Remus sighed audibly. “Sometimes, when I watch them from afar she looks up to him and it's like she has love for him in her eyes. I just want to run over there and tear them apart and tell him that she is mine.”

“Routine never seemed interested in romantic relationships. I'd imagine everything that is done is part of his master plan.” Santh finally spoke and hoped that would end this line of conversation, but it would not.

“I can not live like this. What if she truly falls in love with him? There I am married to a woman I do not love, and Ophelia is leaving me for the man she wasn't suppose to love.” He ran his fingers through his hair.

Santh continued walking. “Then give up your position in the Merchant's Guild and join her at the fortress.”

“I can not do that. I have a responsibility to uphold.” Remus hissed at his friends simplistic answer.

Santh shrugged, “Then convince her to give up her position at the fortress and join you in the Merchant's Guild.”

Remus scoffed and wondered if his friend truly understood their situations. “She wouldn't do that. She too has a responsibility to uphold.”

The Mondue stopped in the middle of the pathway, Remus took a moment before his realized his friend was no longer walking beside him and turned to face him.

“It doesn't feel as if you two actually want to be together. You two want your positions that much everyone is fully aware of, but neither one of you are willing to give up anything to be with the other.” Santh watched as Remus folded his arms over his chest and began to frown, but he would not be persuaded not to say this. No matter how much it might hurt his friend. “The two of you would rather have your positions and see each other occasionally, even allow each other to sleep with other people to procreate. This is the relationship that you both have created. Too in love with titles to actually love each other.”

The Merchant seemed to open his mouth, but closed it again when he realized that his friend wasn't done speaking.

Santh shook his head. “If you want the title then pick the damn title and get rid of the girl. Do at least one unselfish thing for her. However, if that doesn't suit you then go fight for her, do something instead of complaining to some nobody Mondue.”

Remus swallowed as he thought over his friends words. Santh continued to stare at him as if waiting to hear his anger. Finally, Remus spoke. “You may have a point, however I can not stop thinking of Lenore in this moment. You didn't try to find out any truth other than what she offered. You have never tried to win her back or prove to any of us she isn't a monster. You didn't fight for her at all. So, you are rather a hypocrite, aren't you?”

Santh frowned deeply, “I loved her enough to stop loving her when she asked.”

With that said, Remus watched Santh turn around and continue toward the hamlet. His heart ached not only for himself but for the words his friend had spoken to him. Santh was right. There would come a day when he would have to chose between Ophelia and his title. That day may come too late as she would already be wed to someone else. He could only make a true decision now before things went any further with Routine.


Lenore stewed as she thought that her father would be with her brother and she would have to wait until tomorrow to see him. She had a great deal to report on her activities and she wanted to explain to him that she was in the final moments before they could take her plans country wide. Of course, she was more upset that she had to listen to her brother's command as she would normally just stroll into the room and talk to her father. However, she knew she wouldn't be allowed to do such a thing for fear of the South Dorm being torn down.

Instead, she decided to go to the hamlet to drink. Over the last year she hadn't come to the Slums and had spent her time drinking in the Gilded Section in The Angel's Hall. She hadn't even realized she had walked through the East Gate and was now heading toward The Enchantress. She had decided long ago that the Slums now belonged to her friends and she was banished to the West.

Yawning, she stretched out her arms and looked around as she approached The Enchantress, but stopped dead in her tracks when she realized her mistake. Shaking her head, she turned around to walk away but found Santh standing behind her.

Santh bowed his head slightly to her and she responded in the same manner. They both stood quietly together as she wondered how long he had been walking behind her. That action used to make her feel safe, but now it was awkward.

“Not going in?” He finally asked as he pointed to the drinking den and trying his best not to allow her to hear any emotion in his voice.

He had not expected to see her that night, but as he turned the corner of the gate there she was walking in front of him. He didn't know what else to do as she took the same turns that he had meant to take, and eventually it felt like he was following her. Part of him wanted to say something, but he feared it would startle her. Eventually, he was just following her because even if she wasn't aware of his presence, it felt like spending some time with her.

Lenore clear her throat. “Uh, I did not mean to come here. I just realized that I was in the wrong section right before I went inside. My brother wouldn't approve of my coming to the Slums.”

“I see.” He didn't want to go inside and not see her face anymore, but he did not want to make this more awkward than it already was. “How are you?” He finally decided to ask in hope that she might actually have a conversation with him.


“For your information...” Remus appeared at his side and stopped talking when he saw Lenore standing before them. “Our Princess in the Slums, I see. How scandalous.”

Lenore lowered her eyes, “Well then, enjoy your evening.” She said as she walked passed Remus' shoulder and headed toward the East Gate.

Santh swallowed and looked down at Remus with scalding fire in his eyes. “Do you have to be so cruel to her?”

“She was cruel first.” Remus snapped.

The Mondue knew he couldn't tell his friend what Krius had said at the wedding, Lenore did not want anyone to know. He didn't want to know unless she had told him, so he would allow her to speak the truth.

“Are we drinking tonight or not?” Remus asked as he held open the door to the piss smelling drinking den.

Santh looked behind him as the dark figure in the distance slowly disappeared. He wanted to run to her and tell her that he knew what her brother had done, but he knew better than to destroy her carefully laid plans. With a sigh, he turned back to his friend and entered the drinking den.

Remus looked at his friend's back for a moment and then at the woman in the distance. His heart hurt for his friend even more and he blamed that damn Princess.


Lucius sat in the private dining area of the Royal Dorm as he waited for his son to arrive. When the double doors open, Lesatan moved quickly to sit near his father who had taken his place at the head of the table. Upon sitting down, he noticed the dark bottle of wine sitting on the table. It had been the wine he had given his father during his wedding.

“I thought perhaps we should drink this together.” Lucius sat as he reached for the bottle and quickly poured two glasses. “It's always best to share the gift with the giver.”

“I wish that I could partake but Mother is monitoring me as Piera and I are trying to conceive. She says that alcohol could prevent me from being at my very best. She says it poisons the body and could warp any child we conceive.” Lesatan pushed the glass to the center of the table that his father had placed before him.

With a shrug, Lucius took a sip. “I believe both you and your sister were conceived while I was deep in the cup.” He chuckled, “It had been a wonderful evening with Lenore's mother, and with yours well it was the only way...”

“I understand!” Lesatan shouted as his face slowly turned a bright red and his heart beat in fear. “Say no more.”

Still chuckling, Lucius drank more of the wine. “Sometimes your mother surprises me. I did not know that she thought of wine in such a manner considering the amounts I have seen her drink. Of course, she was in such a hurry to become pregnant that we didn't have much of a discussion.” He took a deep gulp and refilled his glass forgetting about the one he had poured for Lesatan.

A knock came to the double doors and for a moment Lesatan thought his sister might poke her head in, but instead his cousin entered the room.

“Your highness, I heard that you had arrived and I wanted to greet you.” Damek bowed his head slowly. Damek had arrived on his own at the school from his new estate under the guise of wanting to watch the tournament, but in truth he wanted to ensure that his plans were still in motion.

“Good! Good! Someone to drink with me.” He pushed the full wine glass to the chair across from Lesatan. “Come boy, sit.”

Damek waved his hand, “I couldn't possibly.”

“I insist. You are not trying to make an heir, so you can not possibly have a reason not to. Now do you?” He pointed toward the glass.

Damek looked at Lesatan before he made his way over to the chair and sat down. He took a sip of the wine, “It is very good.”

“Divine is the more proper term.” Lucius corrected. “Miss the tournaments, did you? Just had to return to see one more?”

“Yes, your Grace.” Damek looked down at the cup of wine. “You are planning an heir? I had not heard. The child will reside within the Royal Dorm after its birth, I assume?”

Lesatan nodded his head and become somewhat annoyed with his father as he didn't want anyone to know that they were trying just yet. “Yes.”

Lucius poured himself another glass of wine. “Where is Lenore? I shall finish this bottle before she arrives.”

“Lenore has other matters to attend to, Father. She said she would see you during breakfast.” Lesatan yawned after lying to his Father.

“That is a shame. It is so rare that I see all three of you at once.” Lucius looked to Damek. “How is your sister? Traveling with your parents?”

“No, your Highness, she is staying with me. She did not wish to abandon her studies.” Damek explained.

“So studious for such a young girl, but Lenore was interested only in knowledge as well at her age. She could never read enough.” Lucius pointed for his nephew to drink more of his wine.

Lesatan frowned even without Lenore present, his father still spoke of her and made it no secret that his daughter was his preferred child.